quick question, are there Suit drops anywhere? Or are the suits entirely dictated by the story + dlc now?
Speaking of which: are the torque doors even worth it? I've been playing co-op with a dude, and thus far he's been crafting all the torque bars to open them up with, and even then I've found the drops to be pretty meh overall. For ever part I get there's 20 peices of shit I don't need piling up on top of all the other shit I don't need in my inventory.
Only through story and DLC. And they are only cosmetic now.
I found almost always tunsgten behind those doors so I'd say that they're very worth it. You can find mods and parts very frequently as well and strip them for materials.
Why in the hell do we even still /have/ an inventory, anyways? Ammo is universal now, and the game showers you with medpacks and ammo at such a rate the only resource management you'll ever do in the game is to drop medpacks and ammo so you can cart around parts to the nearest bench. It adds nothing to the game, and just makes it annoying when I have to start spraying the walls with rockets so I can pick up that Elite Handle that just dropped. Honestly if they continue down this same path in DS4 they should just drop it entirely and give you a general ammo pool and medpack pool pop-ups that stay consistently on the rig as you play.
well thats not entirely true, there is at least one suit that makes you immune against freezing, which is very important, and another one says it makes you immune to fire.
but sadly, this metroid aspect is too much ignored in the game, I would have wished the suits would have more impact.
Question: if I complete the game solo first, then do a co-op run with a buddy, will weapons/gear/upgrades carry over?
I have always found 16 tungsten behind the doors on top of everything else. Definitely make those bars.
I wonder if it's randomized at all.
I have always found 16 tungsten behind the doors on top of everything else. Definitely make those bars.
I wonder if it's randomized at all.
Does anyone else stomp on every dead body. It's like habit now.
Does anyone else stomp on every dead body. It's like habit now.
Does anyone else stomp on every dead body. It's like habit now.
Of course. Because the one time you don't, infectors show up.Does anyone else stomp on every dead body. It's like habit now.
well thats not entirely true, there is at least one suit that makes you immune against freezing, which is very important, and another one says it makes you immune to fire.
No I didnt have anything and I was actually on chpt. 1 but it was the last section before you have to assemble the train. I had no suit, just the plasma cutter and the initial carbine. I made ot to the end but I was like "yea going to drop down to hard". The necromorphs were powering through stasis. It was insane and I'm pretty good at games but I felt like it was me that just wasn't up to par. Glad to know otherwise
I don't know how Visceral does it but I have such a hard fucking time putting the Dead Space games down. Every time I sit down to play I go for at least 3 hours. The games have an insane sense of flow.
Of course. Because the one time you don't, infectors show up.
Does anyone else stomp on every dead body. It's like habit now.
Why in the hell do we even still /have/ an inventory, anyways? Ammo is universal now, and the game showers you with medpacks and ammo at such a rate the only resource management you'll ever do in the game is to drop medpacks and ammo so you can cart around parts to the nearest bench. It adds nothing to the game, and just makes it annoying when I have to start spraying the walls with rockets so I can pick up that Elite Handle that just dropped. Honestly if they continue down this same path in DS4 they should just drop it entirely and give you a general ammo pool and medpack pool pop-ups that stay consistently on the rig as you play.
Hmmmm... there weren't any of the flying infectors in Dead Space 3 are there? Kind of missed those guys. I always loved their design. Man, I remember in Dead Space 1, going into the morgue for the first time and seeing that infector reanimate the captain. Awesome.
This game is on another level of immersion when playing with my Sony XB500 headphones .. (via amplified X-Fi sound card output).
The initial Enemy screams scare the crap out of me now lol. Also the overall sound quality is quite good, but I guess this isn't a big surprise being part 1 & 2 had excellent sound as well.
I haven't encountered any, they've kinda been replaced by... I'm not sure what they are, Divider heads?
Yeah, and the thin man isn't in anymore :/
Also, this game sort of punishes you for reloading preemptively, right?
Kinda? You lose the rounds remaining in the clip, but if you've got two stacks you still have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more ammo than you could even carry in the first two games.
wait, what?
I've been reloading with even 1 shot missing after battles, and I still never even seem to use my ammo. I also run around spamming survey charges all day.
Does this game ever go into Horror mode? I'm at Chapter 4 and am actually bored with the game :/ I loved DS1, was lukewarm on 2. I'll trudge on a bit more, but man am I disappointed so far.
Does this game ever go into Horror mode? I'm at Chapter 4 and am actually bored with the game :/ I loved DS1, was lukewarm on 2. I'll trudge on a bit more, but man am I disappointed so far.
Kinda? You lose the rounds remaining in the clip, but if you've got two stacks you still have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more ammo than you could even carry in the first two games.
And the ammo is ridiculous. I remember I was fucking terrified in DS1 when I ran out of ammo for one chapter and back tracked into an area only to encounter a pregnant lumbering towards me. I never have that problem in DS3, I drop everything with my shotgun, double tap them to make sure they don't get back up, then drop 20 clips to make room for an item because I have that much ammo to spare : /
But you are playing on normal right?
Cause that is how it is on normal. It makes sense if they are giving consideration to having more people enjoy and actually finish their game.
The ammo situations are different on more difficult settings.
The last two games have totally been developed so that players will play through multiple times.
Game rewards you with new game+ once you finish and lets you keep your gear from one difficulty to another (from my understanding).
Same goes for Halo. Heroic is the setting the game is "meant" to be played on. But normal is there still.
But you are playing on normal right?
Cause that is how it is on normal. It makes sense if they are giving consideration to having more people enjoy and actually finish their game.
The ammo situations are different on more difficult settings.
The last two games have totally been developed so that players will play through multiple times.
Game rewards you with new game+ once you finish and lets you keep your gear from one difficulty to another (from my understanding).
Same goes for Halo. Heroic is the setting the game is "meant" to be played on. But normal is there still.
Does this game ever go into Horror mode? I'm at Chapter 4 and am actually bored with the game :/ I loved DS1, was lukewarm on 2. I'll trudge on a bit more, but man am I disappointed so far.
I am about 2 hours in and bored to tears
Dunno if it gets better, but I know I don't want to spend another 10 hours to find out.
My DS1 experience was on normal too. I realize they're trying to broaden the base and that ammo is scarcer/enemies are tougher on higher difficulties, but that doesn't make this any less ridiculous.
I am about 2 hours in and bored to tears
Dunno if it gets better, but I know I don't want to spend another 10 hours to find out.
On Chapter 7 there are 2 places were you can farm resources as long as you want with the Scavenger Bot.
When you're preparing the Crozier to go to Tau Volantis you'll have to get 3 flight recorders, you'll need to wander around on space searching for some satellites to gather the pieces you need.
Follow the sounds and you'll find two spots were you can gather resources, there's a bench inside the space station. When the scavenger bot is back go into space again and you'll be able to get resources on the same two spots again. Both spots are kinda close to each other near that big spire on the opposite side of the Crozier were some necros appear. There are two satellites nearby too so you can get their flight recorders there. One of the spots is right next to that big solar panel that reflects light on top of the space station, the other one on the other side of the spire, closer to the two satellites.
I've done this at least 10 times now. I have more than 1000 tungsten and a lot of the other resources. I've managed to upgrade my rig completely. Poor necros! Hahaha!
If you can get more scavengers bots you'll be able to farm both spots simultaneously (roughly 100 tungsten every scavenger trip). I have only one right now so I just farm one spot. Maybe in New Game + you'll be able to reach this chapter with more than 1 bot.
I think this may be another glitch.
Oh, it's far from ruinous, but it is unfortunate.For sure. I understand I just try not to let little things like that stand out to me and ruin an otherwise enjoyable experience.
Does this game ever go into Horror mode? I'm at Chapter 4 and am actually bored with the game :/ I loved DS1, was lukewarm on 2. I'll trudge on a bit more, but man am I disappointed so far.
Same thing was said about 2 being longer as 1 when in the end it wasn't. I don't believe this until I have beaten the game and see the playtime on the final save.
Looking forward to your post when you've beaten the game then.
And done. Fantastic game. I don't know why people say that the 2nd half is bad, it was really good. Especially chapter 17 and 18. I can't even find words to describe how good both these chapters were. I didn't want this game to end...
If you are remotely good at vidya, play on Impossible right away. It is a much better experience. You still get swamped with ammo and health, but you know that every enemy can take your life.
Regarding the length I think it is time for me to eat some crow. This is what I said in the demo thread.
Well then.
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