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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?


I liked Santos and...whoever the old guy was. Granted you didn't get much out of the old guy if you didn't do one of the side missions but they both made far better characters than Ellie, Carver, or Norton in my opinion.
One thing I enjoyed are the text logs. I wish there were some video ones but better than nothing. They added quite a bit to what's going on. The Artifacts also give a lot of info about the Unitologists but its annoying that they're hidden collectibles.
I miss the audio logs and video files. Granted there were still audio log terminals but I felt they kind of overdid it on the text front. The 'show don't tell deal' was creeping up in the back of my mind.

def sim

Like a combo of both. First half for DS1 lovers and second half for DS2 lovers. And the new characters for assholes who like bad writing.

Some of them are all angry at me and I don't know why. I just want to ask them, "who are you, even?"

Adam Blue

Beat it today on hard. It's definitely better than 2, as 2 had very bland and similar scenery most of the time. This one changed it up quite a bit.

My weapon combo was a shotgun with a grenade launcher underneath. I upgraded the shotgun enough for better rate of fire and added acid damage. My secondary changed alot, but the best for me was submachine gun with a line gun, also with acid damage.

I gotta say I felt a survival horror vibe in this that I hadn't felt in a while. I loved sometimes seeing part of an arm sticking down from the top-right of the screen, meaning there's someone behind me. But in the end, even hard was easy.


The game dips hard every time shooting human enemies are involved.

It's clearly at its strongest when it channels elements from the first one, rare as that may be. It's all so similar to Mass Effect to me - I dislike the direction they've taken the series into, but there's still enough there that reminds me of that brilliant first game to make it worth playing.

Some of them are all angry at me and I don't know why. I just want to ask them, "who are you, even?"
"And why are your models so bad?"


The game dips hard every time shooting human enemies are involved.

It goes against everything I learned while playing Dead Space games. Shoot for the limbs, yeah but these are regular humans so the quickest way to kill them is a headshot. It just feels weird.


The final Optional Mission was my favorite. Both for exploration and story stuff. Worth doing even if you got bored with the previous ones.


Gold Member
Does this game have the trophy that was the bane of my existence from DS2 also? That one where you have to beat the whole game using only 3 saves?

That was the only one i needed to platinum DS2.....


Does this game have the trophy that was the bane of my existence from DS2 also? That one where you have to beat the whole game using only 3 saves?

That was the only one i needed to platinum DS2.....

Yup but it is easier this time because you can back up your save every time you want.


Can you explain this in detail? I don't quite understand the concept behind it. Something to do with USB saves?

Just save and quit if you know a hard section is coming up and copy your save on a USB stick or use the cloud save feature if you are on 360.

If you die just put your save back in its place and continue to play.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ok my bad, so the leader of some zealot sect of unitologists. But again, he is apparently super powerful and has an army that could, and does, defeat EarthGov(massive mega fuck government authority)? That seems like its really invented on the spot. I mean so far, in every piece of DS fiction we are told EarthGov is all powerful, so not knowing there is something out there, equally if not more powerful than EarthGov, until start of game when war is over (that we never knew started?) ... is a bit like a blindside.

We've known from the very start of the franchise that Unitology had wormed its way all throughout EarthGov, had massive amounts of wealth, and a powerful fleet. Half the lore was about inklings of their true level of power, their resources, and how they'd been subverting various EarthGov operations.


Awwwwwwwwwww fuck. Ran into a major bug. I have infinite ammo. I even moved all of my ammo out of my inventory...literally drained my inventory of ammo and its still there. Kind of sucks ass.


Awwwwwwwwwww fuck. Ran into a major bug. I have infinite ammo. I even moved all of my ammo out of my inventory...literally drained my inventory of ammo and its still there. Kind of sucks ass.

I believe it is a result of going simply using the weapon bench arena and then going back to your game.
Okay. Yeah. Chapter 15. What the fuck is this bullshit. I'm not even playing on hard.
Big open area, soldiers on the ground, soldiers on the catwalks with rocket launchers, and a seemingly endless round of necros

This isn't any fun. I like challenge but developers need to fucking stop thinking that endless enemies = challenge. It's what killed the infamous games for me. I'm probably going to lower the difficulty down even further just to finish the game.

Not because I'm bad, because it's cheap.
Okay. Yeah. Chapter 15. What the fuck is this bullshit. I'm not even playing on hard.
Big open area, soldiers on the ground, soldiers on the catwalks with rocket launchers, and a seemingly endless round of necros

This isn't any fun. I like challenge but developers need to fucking stop thinking that endless enemies = challenge. It's what killed the infamous games for me.

That wasn't too bad on Impossible, but it sure was annoying. There are so many parts in the game that were obviously tailored for co-op.


the crouch button was the most fucking useless thing in this game. rarely used it. i hate that i had to hold the RS longer for the objective pointer.


No it isn't -_-

You have pretty much unlimited ammo in the game anyways so yeah it is good. Now you have more space in your inventory for all the other stuff they throw at you.

the crouch button was the most fucking useless thing in this game. rarely used it. i hate that i had to hold the RS longer for the objective pointer.

I just used Kinect. "Find objective", "find bench"

That wasn't too bad on Impossible, but it sure was annoying. There are so many parts in the game that were obviously tailored for co-op.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe I don't have strong enough weapons or something. It doesn't make me hate the game or anything but I seriously dislike overwhelming odds sections like that which are only hard because of being forced to run around like an idiot while taking bullshit from every which way.


Finally finished the game.

I gotta say until the very end of the game everything was almost perfect for me. Unfortunately the very last chapter is utter crap.

I don't have any issues with the human enemies and the Alien city/machine could have been a good setting but the backtracking deduces a bit from the experience. Even then everything was fine for me until the very end were you activate the machine and goes flying to the moon.

That part of the game is so fucking shitty I contemplated about stoping playing the game. I was playing on impossible and when I reached that part I was very low on health from hiking that wall with the electricity tracks. I couldn't load an older save to fix this so I had to try this part dozens and dozens of times until I finally got it right. The troublesome part was when Isaac has to run and kill enemies and tentacles because the ground is crumbling behind him. I had almost no health and getting health items on the run was very difficult because they fucking flied everywhere. When I finally got past that shitty part I had to do another flying sequence and BAM something touches me and 1 hit kills me...WTF Visceral...please don't do anything like this again... =(

The story was good IMO. I loved the fact that
the Aliens on Tau Volantis didn't make the Markers. As curious as I am to learn their origins I doubt any explanation would live to expectations so better left some questions unanswered. I really hope they let Isaac truly die at the end of the incoming DLC. Let the guy rest, time for a new beginning. As much as I liked the story I hope Visceral develops the NPCs more next time. As they are now, they're just cannon fodder for the necromorphs. And for the third time in a row you guys don't give us the possibility to face the main antagonist of the game! On DS1 Kendra got killed by a huge tentacle right at the end, on DS2 Tiedemann is killed on a cut scene just like Danik on DS3...c'mon Visceral infect those guys with something, turn then into a huge monster and let us kill it!

Graphics and audio are again top notch, art design too. There are not many games on consoles at this level.

Weapon crafting was amazing and I hope it returns.

I think Visceral should work a bit more on enemy variety in the future. Slashers are the main enemies since DS1. We still have the babies now tuned into dogs, the crawlers, regenerators and others. I loved the
alien necro, I want to see completely different enemies

Side quests were a great idea, I don't mind the room repetition since it's all optional, I just wished side quests were a little more developed besides getting a chest at the end. Make a little cut scene, or throw in a side boss. Anyway, I hope side quests return next time and that there are no CO OP or SP exclusive missions!!!.

I played the game solo and I will try co op in a few days but for me DS will always be a single player experience.

Hope the game sells enough to warrant a sequel next gen. But as much as I would like a new DS quickly, I hope Visceral and EA take their time to develop it so we can have the best possible game.
We've known from the very start of the franchise that Unitology had wormed its way all throughout EarthGov, had massive amounts of wealth, and a powerful fleet. Half the lore was about inklings of their true level of power, their resources, and how they'd been subverting various EarthGov operations.

Which is what i talked about in the spoilers thread.

Why would they kill EarthGov if they had Unitologists in highest ranks since the beginning ... ? Theyve basically run the show since the start. Every piece of fiction for DS has said this, now suddenly it seems in DS3 that is not the case?

My point remains though. It still stands to wonder though how you can start and end a war within an instant. EarthGov is still big. In one minute it seems the entirety of EarthGov minus a handful are wiped out? Really?


maybe tomorrow it rains
that is so weird for people who don't want the infinite ammo glitch.
They haven't addressed the ammo glitch. I would imagine they'll patch that out, since it essentially locks out a section of the game to those of us that don't want infinite ammo.

Bizarre that such a huge glitch made it this far, though.


As far as I know Visceral never said anything about not patching the infinite ammo glitch. They said they are not patching the resources exploit because that is not a glitch it's intentional.

They haven't addressed the ammo glitch. I would imagine they'll patch that out, since it essentially locks out a section of the game to those of us that don't want infinite ammo.

Bizarre that such a huge glitch made it this far, though.

It's such a huge glitch and so easily replicable that you gotta wonder what the fuck QA was doing. I got hit with it 5 or 6 hours into my Impossible run and decided to delete the game since there is only one know way to turn the glitch off but it's only possible at the end of the game.

Anyway you can use the Weapon Arena, just don't save it after you do your thing.

The glitch is in saving and quitting.

Mess around with your weapons and parts, memorize your configuration, quit without saving then make your weapon on the game normally.


As far as I know Visceral never said anything about not patching the infinite ammo glitch. They said they are not patching the resources exploit because that is not a glitch it's intentional.

oh ok, that makes more sense

Mike M

Nick N
My point remains though. It still stands to wonder though how you can start and end a war within an instant. EarthGov is still big. In one minute it seems the entirety of EarthGov minus a handful are wiped out? Really?

Yeah, that was a stretch that seemed to hinge entirely upon there being a Marker in every colony (why would they do that?), and Unitologists blowing the containment on all of them. If every colony had a Marker event, yeah, that'd wipe out EarthGov. It's getting to that point that's tweaking me.

I'm still not put off by the story, though I am annoyed at how blasé everyone seems to be about everything. I'm actually really loving Chapter 14's revelations of Tau Volantis, as long as they keep reeling out info about the planet and Markers, I'll probably end up overlooking the non-characters who got me there.


I hated the demo and really wasn't in the mood for another round of dead space but I bought the game anyway, and I'm glad I did. I'm about a 1/3 of the way through and I'm loving it. I don't have many complaints, this is classic dead space.


maybe tomorrow it rains
My point remains though. It still stands to wonder though how you can start and end a war within an instant. EarthGov is still big. In one minute it seems the entirety of EarthGov minus a handful are wiped out? Really?

The conflict has been going on for some time. The Circle is bombing other marker test sites, which effectively destroys whatever colony is present.

It's also in Dead Space: Liberation, the comic about Carver.
Danik bombed a marker test site where his wife and child lived. His wife was one of the researchers. They blow up the structure containing the marker, then set off an EMP to bring down any ships that are in low orbit or whatever. Carver fights his way to his apartment and kills necro wife and son. I'm only halfway through the comic, but I left off with Danik having Carver and Ellie at gunpoint as they tried to escape the planet.

Anyway you can use the Weapon Arena, just don't save it after you do your thing.

The glitch is in saving and quitting.

Mess around with your weapons and parts, memorize your configuration quit without saving the make your weapon on the game normally.

Ah, thanks for clarifying. I still worry, though. Since I'm playing on hard at the moment, I usually just do any experimenting in-game. If a gun I craft ends up being junk, I just change it up at the next bench. So far it hasn't put me in any bad situations.


I hated the demo and really wasn't in the mood for another round of dead space but I bought the game anyway, and I'm glad I did. I'm about a 1/3 of the way through and I'm loving it. I don't have many complaints, this is classic dead space.

only 1/3 eh ;)


Seems like a solution may be to replay Chapter 2 and hit the first bench again? I'll try that tomorrow.

Also, I hate that you can't buy the bot upgrades with rations seals.....come on. Day 1 DLC is the worst. Visceral did cram the game with post game content though, but it still fucking sucks.

Edit: Would'a been great if the sidequests offer some permanent upgrades. Like the bot ones.


I've been playing this for the past week and I see that resource scarcity is, once again, not exactly an issue.

I decided that the reason I always ended up with lots of ammo and medpacks in the previous Dead Space games was because I relied on the Ripper almost exclusively.

But in this one, I'm now on Chapter 17 playing on Hard, and yet I have almost 1300 clips (not stacks) stored, not to mention 30+ medium medpack and around 10 or so small medpacks.

Is it just that the Evanglizer Shotgun is that good? Because I've been relying on a pretty sweet weapon that mains the Evangelizer with the Ripper as subweapon, then added on a electric mod.

In fact, ammo has become the opposite problem, as I have so many clip stacks on me that I can't pick things up.

Is this just me, or is the game a lot nicer in terms of handing stuff out?


I've been playing this for the past week and I see that resource scarcity is, once again, not exactly an issue.

I decided that the reason I always ended up with lots of ammo and medpacks in the previous Dead Space games was because I relied on the Ripper almost exclusively.

But in this one, I'm now on Chapter 17 playing on Hard, and yet I have almost 1300 clips (not stacks) stored, not to mention 30+ medium medpack and around 10 or so small medpacks.

Is it just that the Evanglizer Shotgun is that good? Because I've been relying on a pretty sweet weapon that mains the Evangelizer with the Ripper as subweapon, then added on a electric mod.

In fact, ammo has become the opposite problem, as I have so many clip stacks on me that I can't pick things up.

Is this just me, or is the game a lot nicer in terms of handing stuff out?

Its definitely nicer...but you could've also hit the infinite ammo glitch, which is apparently extremely common.

Edit: I'm not rolling with as many medpacks as you though.


I've been playing this for the past week and I see that resource scarcity is, once again, not exactly an issue.

I decided that the reason I always ended up with lots of ammo and medpacks in the previous Dead Space games was because I relied on the Ripper almost exclusively.

But in this one, I'm now on Chapter 17 playing on Hard, and yet I have almost 1300 clips (not stacks) stored, not to mention 30+ medium medpack and around 10 or so small medpacks.

Is it just that the Evanglizer Shotgun is that good? Because I've been relying on a pretty sweet weapon that mains the Evangelizer with the Ripper as subweapon, then added on a electric mod.

In fact, ammo has become the opposite problem, as I have so many clip stacks on me that I can't pick things up.

Is this just me, or is the game a lot nicer in terms of handing stuff out?

play with a flamethrower, it eats ammo like crazy.


I do want to applaud the crafting system though. I finally just "got" it today. Modified the Bolas gun to have The Ripper as a lower gun. Kicks ass. I have endless ideas for it.

nel e nel

It's such a huge glitch and so easily replicable that you gotta wonder what the fuck QA was doing. I got hit with it 5 or 6 hours into my Impossible run and decided to delete the game since there is only one know way to turn the glitch off but it's only possible at the end of the game.

Anyway you can use the Weapon Arena, just don't save it after you do your thing.

The glitch is in saving and quitting.

Mess around with your weapons and parts, memorize your configuration, quit without saving then make your weapon on the game normally.

A little poking around yielded that you can reset the glitch by playing any of the 'flying' sections. Replaying chapter 2 when you have to
dodge the minefield when you're chasing the ejected room from the Eudora
and getting to an autosave after that section should do the trick.


Its definitely nicer...but you could've also hit the infinite ammo glitch, which is apparently extremely common.

Edit: I'm not rolling with as many medpacks as you though.

Reading up on it, I can definitely see that as a possibility. Hmm... that's annoying.


A little poking around yielded that you can reset the glitch by playing any of the 'flying' sections. Replaying chapter 2 when you have to
dodge the minefield when you're chasing the ejected room from the Eudora
and getting to an autosave after that section should do the trick.

I know about the flying sections, but you can only replay chapters when you have already finished the game once right?

Since after that one on chapter 2 the next flying section was only near the end of the game
(on the alien city)
I decided to start again. It was my first run.

Anyway, thanks for the help man!


Nork unification denier
Just replaying on co-op. Chapter 16 is so much fun when you're
racing down the cliffs with a co-op partner. That entire sequence is one of my favorites in the game actually - you've just seen Ellie die and Issac is out for vengeance - combined with the great soundtrack in that part, I found myself rushing through it despite myself, going much, much faster than I usually tackle a Dead Space chapter.
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