Pop On Arrival said:
Uh, the controls are pretty bad, dude. I tried using the sixaxis and I noticed that the aiming is a lot better. Only problem is: his instructions seems to be borked. I followed them to the dot, but I can't for the life of me find the 'use' button.
i noticed the flaw after posting. this is currently my best solution. using this makes the game fully playable but the face(shape) buttons are mapped to the dpad. for whatever reason the game seems to have the face buttons saved for the quick menu. i havent figured out a solution to fix the problem yet.
Pad.Back = Button.1
Pad.LeftStick.Click = Button.2
Pad.LeftStick.X = X-Axis
Pad.LeftStick.Y = Y-Axis.Inverted
Pad.RightDPad.Down = Button.7
Pad.RightDPad.Left = Button.8
Pad.RightDPad.Right = Button.6
Pad.RightDPad.Up = Button.5
Pad.RightStick.Click = Button.3
Pad.RightStick.X = Z-Axis
Pad.RightStick.Y = Z-Rotation
Pad.Start = Button.4
Pad.Trigger.LeftBottom = Button.9
Pad.Trigger.LeftTop = Button.11
Pad.Trigger.RightBottom = Button.10
Pad.Trigger.RightTop = Button.12