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Dealing with crazy drug addled neighbors | A Saga


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I've always read the GAF threads about crazy neighbors with morbid fascination, but it's finally happened to me. I think my neighbors might give DragoonKain DragoonKain Catphish Catphish and nkarafo nkarafo 's neighbors a run for their money.

Back story - I bought a house in 2020 during the COVID lockdowns. The neighbors on one side had a ton of shit in their yard (not actual shit, that comes later). The house that's there is obviously a hoarder house, they have a lot of outbuildings and RVs, which I glanced inside from across the fence, and they were mostly filled with trash / old newspapers / and old VHS tapes. There was a guy living there that was unemployed, but good with motors and fixed most of the neighbors mowers and stuff. Nice enough guy that was living there with his aunt who is the property owner and hoarder. The first two years in the house were fine, although the trash everywhere was an obvious eyesore. I didn't care too much, because it obviously brought the property value down and let me afford the house, and they mostly just kept to themselves.

The Firebug - Around mid-2022, there started to be a bunch of sketchy people going in and out of the property next door. These were new people, not the usual nephew guy. These people all looked extremely meth-ed out, and acted crazy - but again, their property - none of my business. One guy rolled up in a silver car one day, got out a bucket of paint and a roller (like you use to paint a wall in your house) and proceeds to spend about 4 hours painting his car black. He then changed the plates on his car - we called the police because that seemed shady as fuck. They did nothing.

When I started caring is when the fires started. One guy was told he could move into one of the RVs if he helped clean the place up. This genius's great idea was to just pile everything up - trash, furniture, loose treated lumber, etc. - in the yard and light it on fire. I should also mention that they had no electricity or running water. Dude was lighting fires that pushed out massive amounts of black smoke that would go up 10-12 feet in the air, so we called the fire department. Fire department revoked their burn permit (how did they get one in the first place?) so what does this idiot do? Starts burning all the trash INSIDE the house. Long story short, the decent nephew guy dies of a lung infection, I'm sure it was totally unrelated.

There were a total of four times that they burned outside (a few feet away from my house) where we called the fire department, and the fire department came and put the fires out. Doofus that was starting them gets agro towards me and the wife for cramping his style or whatever. This guy eventually got "gifted" one of the non-running RVs that was parked there. He spent about 6 weeks "fixing it up" and trying to jump start it, before finally having someone come haul it away tied with rope to a muscle car, and he rode his dream home on wheels off into the sunset, thankfully never to be seen again.

The Naive Hobos - Next up was a young married homeless couple that the old lady gave permission to live in one of the RVs. They seemed nice enough when talking to them, but they seemed incredibly naive and seemingly believed everything the old lady told them. They were told they could move onto the land and live in one of the RVs if they helped clean up the house, and that once everything was all cleaned up that the old lady would give them the deed to the property. Dude was a bit of a handyman, so in theory this all sounded okay. In practice, the old lady is batshit crazy and on drugs and probably had no intention of giving them shit. If the property actually got cleaned up, she'd probably sell it and take all the money. Anyway, they've been around for almost a year now, and they're still living there. Both of these hobos are now (very obviously) on drugs.

The Creep - About 8 months ago, a van backs up into their yard. There's a guy living in it, despite there still being about 4-5 derelict RVs in the yard, I guess none of them were livable. Dude is a massive creep. They don't have running water or sewer, so this dude will just go into the yard, drop his pants, and take a shit. He's the kind of weirdo that will look you right in the eye while doing it. Drugs are a hell of a thing, I guess. Old lady next door says she's gonna let him stay there for a couple of weeks.

So this guy is a real piece of work. Every time me or my wife are outside in the yard, he just stands next to the fence and stares at us. Threw a bunch of clothes and things in my yard, so I just tossed them in the trash, which made him all butthurt ("dude, that was my stuff!"). No job, always there. Always in or around the van. Set up a tent next to the van for extra living space.

One day a young girl, 11 maybe, shows up and starts living in the van with him. We call the cops and CPS, because that's really fucked up even if it's maybe his daughter. Cops do nothing, CPS does nothing. After cops come out for the wellness check on the little girl, that same night she's shoved in the back of a car with a big suitcase and we never see here again. Probably trafficked. Hope wherever she is that she's okay.

A few weeks ago Creep has a buddy drop off another RV - he's moving up in the world, he is no longer living in a van but now has an RV all his own. Shortly after, he moves in the ugliest looking middle aged woman and another young girl (this one maybe 8-9). Keep in mind that they still don't have any running water, so they just empty their RV sewage tanks on the ground. Creep guy still seen on occasion just shitting in the yard.

We put up a 6 foot privacy fence around the back yard, because this dude was creeping us out. Recently, he had a buddy come by with a truck and rolled the RV back so that it's overlooking the back yard / fence. What a creepy motherfucker.

So basically, for the past few years one of my neighbors has opened an RV park for the homeless. They are all on drugs (which are sadly legal here, so the cops can't do anything).

I've contacted the city on multiple occasions, because there are city ordinances that they're violating - but they come out to investigate, find "no infractions", and then lecture me about how I should be more sympathetic to the homeless and their plight.

I've hired a lawyer, and I'm trying to explore my legal options (including suing the city for not enforcing the city ordinances). If interest rates and the price of housing in my area wasn't so high, I would have moved across town years ago.

Anyway - all this shit is still ongoing, and there are other juicy bits I left out that'll probably expand upon later, but for now I hope you've enjoyed my saga.


That's crazy... you have to be down pretty bad or super unlucky where I live to have to live that close to the homeless. And I'm sure the cops/city would do something rather than lecture me about being more sympathetic to the homeless if I called them about it. Do you live on the west coast? That's the vibe I'm getting.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Good Morning Nyc GIF by Coming to America


Yep. Oregon. These places have gone to literal shit. Third world. I do not want to know half of what is going on there. If you do anything to defend yourself or property you will be going to jail. Inmates running the asylum. All you can really do is leave the state and move somewhere sane and hope it stays that way.


Neighbours from Hell
I don’t know if it’s every city but I’ve heard so much from people who live in Oregon, Washington, and California about how they basically just gave up and allowed lunatics, mentally ill, and criminals to roam the streets completely unfettered. They act like they do it out of empathy, but there’s nothing empathetic about it. It’s extremely unpopular with the public, and it’s not empathetic to allow people to rot on the streets in their own filth and junk them up. They do it because they’re either ideological captured and they’re Marxists in charge or they’re just cowards intimidated by the bands of activists out there who want their cities to devolve into chaos and squalor.

You probably have very few options in Oregon, bit again, depends on the town. Every town is different and handles crime and homelessness differently. But from your story anecdotally it sounds like it’s a town perfectly willing to let everyone suffer as long as you don’t offend the homeless…. oops I mean “unhoused.” Your best option is probably to get out of there if you can.
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I'm so sorry mate. That sounds like a living hell.

It's really sad where the west is headed, we'll eventually have to build walls to separate those who want to live within lunatics and those who want a peaceful existence where order, safety and urbanity are enforced.


I think all the shit in the backyard before buying the place would have been a massive red flag for me. But, as you say, it's what let you afford the place. Hope you can get it sorted out.
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Sorry to hear your struggles OP and hope you find a solution (which will probably be moving away asap).

In time drugs go on to ruin lives, families, communities and ultimately countries once the various authorities stop caring and lose control. This is what's happening to America sadly. Although it's a big enough country that in same parts you wouldn't know about these messed up things happening in the cities.

Having been to various countries that are completely zero tolerance on drugs, the level of cleanliness, order, civility and safety you feel compared to countries which let it run rampant is night and day.
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I'm sorry for you. This story about little girls is really fucked up.

I'm glad that in my commie block (it was renovated at least) most of my neighbors are pretty normal: old people, young couples (sex noises at night) and one older drunk lady that is competently harmless. No drug dealers/abusers, bums and trash hoarders in sight.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
We already had a serious bad neighbor thread. I guess it is time we get a new one.

One of my best friends just sold his house because the neighbors were awful.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Ever wanted to change the color of your car? Just get a paint roller.



Just be sure to change the plates afterwards, and you'll be able to make a clean getaway.


I bought a house in 2020 during the COVID lockdowns. The neighbors on one side had a ton of shit in their yard

It's a universal constant that if your neighbor has cars being "fixed up" on the drive or broken washing machines, mattresses or what ever the fuck on the front dirt patch lawn. You'll be living next to human trash. I'll still enjoy the stories though.
One day a young girl, 11 maybe, shows up and starts living in the van with him. We call the cops and CPS, because that's really fucked up even if it's maybe his daughter. Cops do nothing, CPS does nothing. After cops come out for the wellness check on the little girl, that same night she's shoved in the back of a car with a big suitcase and we never see here again. Probably trafficked. Hope wherever she is that she's okay.

what the fuck

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I've always read the GAF threads about crazy neighbors with morbid fascination, but it's finally happened to me. I think my neighbors might give DragoonKain DragoonKain Catphish Catphish and nkarafo nkarafo 's neighbors a run for their money.

Back story - I bought a house in 2020 during the COVID lockdowns. The neighbors on one side had a ton of shit in their yard (not actual shit, that comes later). The house that's there is obviously a hoarder house, they have a lot of outbuildings and RVs, which I glanced inside from across the fence, and they were mostly filled with trash / old newspapers / and old VHS tapes. There was a guy living there that was unemployed, but good with motors and fixed most of the neighbors mowers and stuff. Nice enough guy that was living there with his aunt who is the property owner and hoarder. The first two years in the house were fine, although the trash everywhere was an obvious eyesore. I didn't care too much, because it obviously brought the property value down and let me afford the house, and they mostly just kept to themselves.

The Firebug - Around mid-2022, there started to be a bunch of sketchy people going in and out of the property next door. These were new people, not the usual nephew guy. These people all looked extremely meth-ed out, and acted crazy - but again, their property - none of my business. One guy rolled up in a silver car one day, got out a bucket of paint and a roller (like you use to paint a wall in your house) and proceeds to spend about 4 hours painting his car black. He then changed the plates on his car - we called the police because that seemed shady as fuck. They did nothing.

When I started caring is when the fires started. One guy was told he could move into one of the RVs if he helped clean the place up. This genius's great idea was to just pile everything up - trash, furniture, loose treated lumber, etc. - in the yard and light it on fire. I should also mention that they had no electricity or running water. Dude was lighting fires that pushed out massive amounts of black smoke that would go up 10-12 feet in the air, so we called the fire department. Fire department revoked their burn permit (how did they get one in the first place?) so what does this idiot do? Starts burning all the trash INSIDE the house. Long story short, the decent nephew guy dies of a lung infection, I'm sure it was totally unrelated.

There were a total of four times that they burned outside (a few feet away from my house) where we called the fire department, and the fire department came and put the fires out. Doofus that was starting them gets agro towards me and the wife for cramping his style or whatever. This guy eventually got "gifted" one of the non-running RVs that was parked there. He spent about 6 weeks "fixing it up" and trying to jump start it, before finally having someone come haul it away tied with rope to a muscle car, and he rode his dream home on wheels off into the sunset, thankfully never to be seen again.

The Naive Hobos - Next up was a young married homeless couple that the old lady gave permission to live in one of the RVs. They seemed nice enough when talking to them, but they seemed incredibly naive and seemingly believed everything the old lady told them. They were told they could move onto the land and live in one of the RVs if they helped clean up the house, and that once everything was all cleaned up that the old lady would give them the deed to the property. Dude was a bit of a handyman, so in theory this all sounded okay. In practice, the old lady is batshit crazy and on drugs and probably had no intention of giving them shit. If the property actually got cleaned up, she'd probably sell it and take all the money. Anyway, they've been around for almost a year now, and they're still living there. Both of these hobos are now (very obviously) on drugs.

The Creep - About 8 months ago, a van backs up into their yard. There's a guy living in it, despite there still being about 4-5 derelict RVs in the yard, I guess none of them were livable. Dude is a massive creep. They don't have running water or sewer, so this dude will just go into the yard, drop his pants, and take a shit. He's the kind of weirdo that will look you right in the eye while doing it. Drugs are a hell of a thing, I guess. Old lady next door says she's gonna let him stay there for a couple of weeks.

So this guy is a real piece of work. Every time me or my wife are outside in the yard, he just stands next to the fence and stares at us. Threw a bunch of clothes and things in my yard, so I just tossed them in the trash, which made him all butthurt ("dude, that was my stuff!"). No job, always there. Always in or around the van. Set up a tent next to the van for extra living space.

One day a young girl, 11 maybe, shows up and starts living in the van with him. We call the cops and CPS, because that's really fucked up even if it's maybe his daughter. Cops do nothing, CPS does nothing. After cops come out for the wellness check on the little girl, that same night she's shoved in the back of a car with a big suitcase and we never see here again. Probably trafficked. Hope wherever she is that she's okay.

A few weeks ago Creep has a buddy drop off another RV - he's moving up in the world, he is no longer living in a van but now has an RV all his own. Shortly after, he moves in the ugliest looking middle aged woman and another young girl (this one maybe 8-9). Keep in mind that they still don't have any running water, so they just empty their RV sewage tanks on the ground. Creep guy still seen on occasion just shitting in the yard.

We put up a 6 foot privacy fence around the back yard, because this dude was creeping us out. Recently, he had a buddy come by with a truck and rolled the RV back so that it's overlooking the back yard / fence. What a creepy motherfucker.

So basically, for the past few years one of my neighbors has opened an RV park for the homeless. They are all on drugs (which are sadly legal here, so the cops can't do anything).

I've contacted the city on multiple occasions, because there are city ordinances that they're violating - but they come out to investigate, find "no infractions", and then lecture me about how I should be more sympathetic to the homeless and their plight.

I've hired a lawyer, and I'm trying to explore my legal options (including suing the city for not enforcing the city ordinances). If interest rates and the price of housing in my area wasn't so high, I would have moved across town years ago.

Anyway - all this shit is still ongoing, and there are other juicy bits I left out that'll probably expand upon later, but for now I hope you've enjoyed my saga.
Moveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee immediately


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
It's a universal constant that if your neighbor has cars being "fixed up" on the drive or broken washing machines, mattresses or what ever the fuck on the front dirt patch lawn. You'll be living next to human trash. I'll still enjoy the stories though.
I'm the kind of guy that just rolls with whatever. If my neighbors don't bother me or affect me in any way, I couldn't care less what they do. I (stupidly) thought something along the lines of "we have laws and city ordinances against this kind of stuff, so worst case scenario I could work that angle to get them to clean this stuff up if needed". Oops. But if you're trafficking children, setting fires, and being a massive creep by sitting and staring at me... Yeah, I'm going to start caring.

My house is otherwise basically perfect. The house I'm in has an awesome layout that works really well for my family. I'm 15 minutes drive from my job. My property butts up against a state park with amazing views. I'm less than a mile from my daughter's house. The neighbors on the other side of me and across the street are all great (and all hate the people next to me too). Since I bought the place before the housing boom happened here, and before interest rates went up, the mortgage payment is about 1/3rd of what I would pay in rent for a similar sized house in my area.


Gold Member
This is nuts. I don't even know what you do in a situation like this. Shit is crazy in these blue cities/states where they act like letting people fall deeper into addiction and illness is helping them. I live in New Jersey and basically people just pay out the asshole to live around other normal people. So weird.

This is probably what you don't want to hear but the situation is likely to get a LOT worse before it gets better, to the point where you and your property will be in harm's way.

I'm the kind of guy that just rolls with whatever. If my neighbors don't bother me or affect me in any way, I couldn't care less what they do. I (stupidly) thought something along the lines of "we have laws and city ordinances against this kind of stuff, so worst case scenario I could work that angle to get them to clean this stuff up if needed". Oops. But if you're trafficking children, setting fires, and being a massive creep by sitting and staring at me... Yeah, I'm going to start caring.
Yea, the problem is after 2020 it became politically incorrect to enforce the law.
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Jesus H.

I'd take loud neighbors over that bullshit any day of the week.

Good luck, brother. Personally, I'd be up, and the fuck out, at the earliest possible goddamn opportunity.


so worst case scenario I could work that angle to get them to clean this stuff up if needed". Oops. But if you're trafficking children, setting fires, and being a massive creep by sitting and staring at me... Yeah, I'm going to start caring.

Universal constant, somehow the rules don't apply to them. Exact same thing in the United Kingland. But if you somehow tried to do a fraction of what they were doing the feds would make you have a bad day right away.


That's quite something OP.
I sympathize in general but in specific with the lack of help from the police etc. They didn't do shit for me neither.

Waiting for the juicy bits but don't that the wrong way. Just morbid curiosity.

At first it's like ok whatever it'll go away or such but eventually it's gets to you.
At least in my case It did.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Oh also I should have mentioned that "the Creep" has no upper teeth. So when he stares at us, he smiles with this weirdly super-wide grin that's just all black up top. That adds to the creepiness factor.


Gold Member
Oh also I should have mentioned that "the Creep" has no upper teeth. So when he stares at us, he smiles with this weirdly super-wide grin that's just all black up top. That adds to the creepiness factor.
Yea dude he's a drug addict. He's not rational and you can't talk to him like a human being, because part of his humanity is gone due to the drugs, maybe permanently.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Crazy, but nothing compared to some of the shit growing up on a council estate in the UK during the glory days.

I found the US a lot more tame. For example, your pretty good with those weird neighbours. Council estate would usually result in them being beaten up pretty quick.

Especially if someone caught wind of him having kids in the RV with him, a nonce (even if just suspected) gets beaten to fuck, their house vandalized and all of their property smashed up.

Edit: a comedic example of council estate justice - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/901723.stm to lighten the mood
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Look, if you buy a property with chain link fences…

There’s like two rules:

1: No chain link fences

2: crime don’t climb

Get yourself a nice affordable place up on a hill with nice pot smoking neighbors on one side and Mormons with 9 kids and chickens that lay eggs in your yard sometimes and you’ll be fine


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Get yourself a nice affordable place up on a hill with nice pot smoking neighbors on one side and Mormons with 9 kids and chickens that lay eggs in your yard sometimes and you’ll be fine
These two adjectives are mutually exclusive where I live.

To buy what you're describing in my city would be $699k and up, way outside of my price range.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Have you thought about Nebraska
My wife and I have talked seriously about moving to Iowa. In fact, at one point I even had a job lined up there and was ready to leave town.

Unfortunately the whole thing fell apart because my kids both decided that if we moved back east, that they would stay behind and try to make a go of it solo. Understandable, since they're both adults - but my wife and I knew that this meant the kids would both likely be homeless themselves soon (no affordable housing here, as I mentioned). My son is 23 and still living at home, working full time, and going to university - but would have to drop out of school and get at least 3 roommates to be able to make it here. My daughter would be okay for the most part, since she already lives in house that she shares with 7 other people.

My son still has a year and a half until he graduates, and we already told him that once that happens we'll be leaving town and probably the state.


Well, shit, you do have to do what’s right for the kids. TBH we lucked out on our house purchases, twice. We’ve been thinking about relocating, considering Oregon, but hearing home insurance is impossible in places due to the wildfire danger. And we’re locked in at a low interest rate, almost halfway through a 15 year loan so…yeah

Now on the other hand, I got a mountain behind my house and let’s say I just started diggin…who’s gonna know about my bat cave…


Thought my neighbors barking dog and night time gun firing Mexican neighbors in Dallas was bad. You win.
Same, got a neighbour whose dog won't stop fuckin barking i want to kill the damn thing just to shut it up lol, but Jshackels has got it 10x worse.


Just be more optimistic and a glass half full sort of guy:

As someone always looking for work from home opportunities, I wish you Godspeed on your new business venture!!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I'm not trying to blackpill but even if you wanted to get out from under this how are you going to find a buyer? This is absurd. Although the deer just chilling is nice.
Home values in my area have gone up about 3x since 2020 when I bought the place. As bad as this is, people would absolutely jump at the chance to buy my house if I put it on the market for even double what I bought it for. And whoever buys it will know they're getting a steal just because it's next to a homeless RV camp.
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