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Death Stranding Review Thread

As do you, whatever the "point" is that you've been trying to make lost traction many pages ago and is completely pointless. Just leave it alone already, lmao.
The only thing that seems to be losing traction is Sam's feet under his body when he's walking around on level ground.

*Trip on a small rock*

*R2, R2, L2, L2, L2, R2, R2, L2*

*Packages drop*

*Walk 20 minutes back to start over because I can't retrieve what was dropped*

*Trip on a small rock*.................
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Not sure if it was mentioned but I was curious to see the review from PSU.


Final Word: Death Standing proves itself as a unique, palpable new IP, filled with rich storytelling both in narrative and gameplay. The beginning of the game suffers from long gaps of time intended for learning the ropes, but the ship rights itself once it finally turns the corner. Despite that with a handful of missteps, a deep, potent message of coming together rings through every aspect of Death Stranding that dazzles the game as a whole. If you give it the time, Death Stranding will offer you something most games never do.
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Great take on everything going on with the game

That guy seems and talks like a tool, but the info shared is interesting to say the least. Something needs to be done about reviewers. How can you say so many bad things about a game and give it the equivalent of 8/10 or better?


That guy seems and talks like a tool, but the info shared is interesting to say the least. Something needs to be done about reviewers. How can you say so many bad things about a game and give it the equivalent of 8/10 or better?
Provided you're actually looking for an answer to that question, here goes. I can tell you a whole list of things that are factually flawed or imperfect with The Last Guardian. The controls are stiff, the camera makes your life really unpleasant in certain situations, the hit detection is shoddy, just to mention a few. That game is a 10 in my and many others opinion, because not one of those flaws can even remotely compete or lessen the experience I had that I looked back on when the credits rolled, me personally and many others. Journey is short as hell, has almost no actual gameplay and is widely recognised as game of the year 2012. Game reviewers do not review smartphones, they don't look at soulless objects that they can give a number to by formula. They are looking at products of human expression, art. And every reviewer will express in his score the quality of overall experience he had with that game. Everyone has a different metric, everyone sets himself different standards. Scores are absolutely useless. Read the opinions, ignore the scores, for every game ever.
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Provided you're actually looking for an answer to that question, here goes. I can tell you a whole list of things that are factually flawed or imperfect with The Last Guardian. The controls are stiff, the camera makes your life really unpleasant in certain situations, the hit detection is shoddy, just to mention a few. That game is a 10 in my and many others opinion, because not one of those flaws can even remotely compete or lessen the experience I had that I looked back on when the credits rolled, me personally and many others. Journey is short as hell, has almost no actual gameplay and is widely recognised as game of the year 2012. Game reviewers do not review smartphones, they don't look at soulless objects that they can give a number to by formula. They are looking at products of human expression, art. And every reviewer will express in his score the quality of overall experience he had with that game. Everyone has a different metric, everyone sets himself different standards. Scores are absolutely useless. Read the opinions, ignore the scores, for every game ever.
That's why I like skillups and acg reviews. You have to listen to them and just skipping to the end won't help you much.


This is also what I find way worse than the Monster cans.

The Ad for Reedus' show breaks immersion completely, because it shows a picture of him instead of just a logo. You are playing the dude who is featured in the ad... and you see it when he takes a shit.

He also seems like a narcissist, he loves looking at himself when sitting on the shitter. WTF man.

I hope they'll change it with a patch... if not I'm totally gonna mod it on PC so Sam can look at tiddies instead.

Wow it's like you've never played a Metal Gear Solid game before.

Kojima constantly had ads in his games. Some other games and immersion breaking fun scenes.

Product placement is not a big deal guys cmon. You have movies like Akira where his bike is a vehicle advertisment. Did that break immersion?.. no
Wow it's like you've never played a Metal Gear Solid game before.

Kojima constantly had ads in his games. Some other games and immersion breaking fun scenes.

Product placement is not a big deal guys cmon. You have movies like Akira where his bike is a vehicle advertisment. Did that break immersion?.. no
Can't you read? I don't care about product placement in games (even though the way they shove Monster in our faces feels wrong, the doritos are missing), but I care about WHAT the product placement is, especially when it's breaking the 4th wall.

You are playing Reedus, he's a UPS guy delivering packages. He is NOT a TV/Movie star in this universe, yet you see him on an ad for a TV show, hence it breaks immersion. If the ad for the TV show would simply show a logo or just the bike or a different actor, I would have no issue with this (unless it is made clear in the game that people can't watch TV anymore)... but it breaks immersion the way this specific ad is being handled.


Can't you read? I don't care about product placement in games (even though the way they shove Monster in our faces feels wrong, the doritos are missing), but I care about WHAT the product placement is, especially when it's breaking the 4th wall.

You are playing Reedus, he's a UPS guy delivering packages. He is NOT a TV/Movie star in this universe, yet you see him on an ad for a TV show, hence it breaks immersion. If the ad for the TV show would simply show a logo or just the bike or a different actor, I would have no issue with this (unless it is made clear in the game that people can't watch TV anymore)... but it breaks immersion the way this specific ad is being handled.

Breaking the 4th wall?
Again.. have you played a Metal Gear solid game before?

Have you ever sat through more than 50% of the codec scenes where the characters are telling you to press Playstation buttons to climb a ladder, references to Deepthroat, Snake Pliskin being a character from Escape from New York and countless other "immersion breaking" scenes or even the posters for Kojima's other games in the locker rooms and the entire game of Metal Gear solid Twin Snakes almost especially where you can shoot a Yoshi for extra health.

My point is complaining about immersion breaking in a Kojima game is null and void, I love that stuff in his games and so do a lot of his fans.
If there is a reason to dslike Death Stranding, this isn't going to be it.
I agree, I love games that push the medium of gaming. Been gaming since the NES, I am 35. The more the game is realistic, the more i enjoy it and become immerse and invested in the character. good character animation is what i love the most. I never fast travel in any games because for me its part of the journey.
I have learned to be patience and try to understand what a game is all about. Not all games should be about gunning and running. diversity is always welcome and that's what gaming is missing these days.

Death Stranding will be successful. I have no doubt. People just need to have an open mind and try it first. We might not like it, but "people" ( I guess they are mostly 12 years old) should stop the nonsense bashing, we clearly see that they ( Kojima Team) put a lot of passion and hard work into that project.

I am tired of lazy cookie cutter games with glitches and so on. The best exemple this year is Ubisoft with Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

When I pay 60$ for a game, I pay to experience and play something that i havent seen before. that's how i value my hard earn money, I never support a company that lazy and only care about my money, like Ubisoft.

I don't personally care about Kojima, i respect him as a creator and a fellow human being. So please people respect the man and his team. they are part of our gaming community. They never put micro transactions everywhere into their games because so far they care about the gaming community, and respect what gaming is all about.

For those who havent played and are happy and want this particular game to fail, you are the Cancer of our gaming community.
I bookmarked your comment, heck i even saved your comment on my Ipad under favorits. You speak from the hart and spoke the true...respect👍👍
Breaking the 4th wall?
Again.. have you played a Metal Gear solid game before?
I've played every single Kojima game since Policenauts.

If Snake would have been portrayed by Kurt Russel and you would've seen a Breakdown poster at the bottom of each codec conversation, then it would be comparable to what you see in Death Stranding. Nothing you list is comparable, they're easter eggs.

An easter egg isn't right in your fucking face, it's an "aha"-moment you find in a game.
If there is a reason to dslike Death Stranding, this isn't going to be it.
I don't dislike Death Stranding... lol. I love how people feel attacked whenever someone says something negative or doesn't like a particular thing.


Can't you read? I don't care about product placement in games (even though the way they shove Monster in our faces feels wrong, the doritos are missing), but I care about WHAT the product placement is, especially when it's breaking the 4th wall.

You are playing Reedus, he's a UPS guy delivering packages. He is NOT a TV/Movie star in this universe, yet you see him on an ad for a TV show, hence it breaks immersion. If the ad for the TV show would simply show a logo or just the bike or a different actor, I would have no issue with this (unless it is made clear in the game that people can't watch TV anymore)... but it breaks immersion the way this specific ad is being handled.
Having to drink Monster to recover energy breaks imersion? Actually it fits the game.
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Some pretty interesting impressions from an Italian EG reviewer and Youtuber. They played the game for 90 hrs(!) and were rarely bored. Definitely true connaisseurs of fine arts gaming, not like those IGN snark babies.

Ok, that is reassuring.

The guy who loves Dark Souls and Ueda games says the game is fun without shying away from criticising some aspects of it? That tells me he is not a blind fanboy and actually has good taste in games. Nice
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The only thing that seems to be losing traction is Sam's feet under his body when he's walking around on level ground.

*Trip on a small rock*

*R2, R2, L2, L2, L2, R2, R2, L2*

*Packages drop*

*Walk 20 minutes back to start over because I can't retrieve what was dropped*

*Trip on a small rock*.................
I'm not sure i am going to like this game. Still going to buy it though.
From a first quick glance one of the changes the 1.03 patch brought is the ability to dismantle structures from the map instead going to them.

The reason this is helpfull is because when you add a lot of structures and you end up using all the available network bandwidth you can't add any more. So if you need a quick generator to fill up your battery you can dismantle a structure to free bandwitdth even from a different location. You can even dismantle other people's structures (you first need to find them though).
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Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
How much you wanna bet Death Stranding wins GOTY at Keighley's Game Awards show this year. No chance it loses. (not saying it should or shouldn't win) but he will make sure it definitely wins regardless.


You can even dismantle other people's structures (you first need to find them though).
This seems to be so divisive game that I guess most people who get this will want to use the "online" functionality for co-operative play - personally, I think conceptually the idea of players building the game world together (but still alone) seems great.

But if you can dismantle stuff other people have built, there's some really big trolling potential for sure. Again, I'm not sure if it will be an issue (probably not at least to a great extent), but that seems like a strange addition, especially if there are no limits to how much you can dismantle.
This seems to be so divisive game that I guess most people who get this will want to use the "online" functionality for co-operative play - personally, I think conceptually the idea of players building the game world together (but still alone) seems great.

But if you can dismantle stuff other people have built, there's some really big trolling potential for sure. Again, I'm not sure if it will be an issue (probably not at least to a great extent), but that seems like a strange addition, especially if there are no limits to how much you can dismantle.

I suppose it's built upon the concept of getting together to build something greater. You can either work with other or be a mule yourself and cause problems.


Not sure if it was mentioned but I was curious to see the review from PSU.

ahahah I LOVE how every liar who tries to pretend it isn't shit always talks about how you "need to give it time" or "give it a chance" or "bear with it." Such bullshit.


I'm not trying to hide anything if that's what you are insinuating. He clearly says like three times the same thing: videogames aren't art. Even the writer of the article noticed that (hence the title).
Yes, he also clearly added nuance, so the part you quoted is disingenuous. Especially since you chose to quote only 4 sentences of a 5 sentence paragraph.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. It's actually not worth a discussion. Lol
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I’m surprised at all the comments here because nobody here has played it

It sounds like this is “AN EXPERIENCE” more than a traditional GAME. Maybe those who THINK they’ll hate it will love it and vice versa ??


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I’m surprised at all the comments here because nobody here has played it
That's been this thread in a nutshell. People bashing it just hate Kojima and want to believe the game will fail. Don't know if people attempting revenge or what. Then if you deflect the negativity, you're labeled as a Kojima fanatic. Lmao.

It's been an interesting and entertaining ride to say the least, this thread. 🤷‍♂️


Tripwire Producer
That guy seems and talks like a tool, but the info shared is interesting to say the least. Something needs to be done about reviewers. How can you say so many bad things about a game and give it the equivalent of 8/10 or better?
fan boys of kojima


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Great take on everything going on with the game

Funny......I group of people can put 4 years of their heart into a game in hopes that it's different from your every day shooter, yet still enjoyable. And a person like this can just throw together a quick review of that content calling it overrated trash, even though they have no actual talent lol.

Some people on the internet can be so trash sometimes that it just makes me laugh.

Any guess on how bad the backlash will be once this game finds its way to masses?

Because it's a Playstation exclusive and also made by Kojima.........HUGE backlash!

ahahah I LOVE how every liar who tries to pretend it isn't shit always talks about how you "need to give it time" or "give it a chance" or "bear with it." Such bullshit.



CliffyB's Cock Holster
That's been this thread in a nutshell. People bashing it just hate Kojima and want to believe the game will fail. Don't know if people attempting revenge or what. Then if you deflect the negativity, you're labeled as a Kojima fanatic. Lmao.

It's been an interesting and entertaining ride to say the least, this thread. 🤷‍♂️

Indeed. But if you look at the sheer volume of discussion (no matter how trollish and low quality it is at times) about the merits of this game that practically nobody has actually played yet, I think you have to conclude that is an answer in itself.

I mean, when was the last time there was this amount of discussion about an unreleased game? Especially as a lot of the argument is about the idea of what Death Stranding is as game.

Does every game have to be a combat-based power fantasy? Should game developers "stay in their lane", stick to making simple entertainment, not lofty artistic statements? Where and what is the "fun"? Kojima, genius or fraud? etc.

These are big, important questions that anyone who honestly cares about videogames should welcome.


The Witcher 3 has shit gameplay? Damn boy!! Lay off the drugs.
I will say I enjoyed Witcher 3 and I know it's amazing, but I just stopped playing it at one point and had no desire to continue. :(

Indeed. But if you look at the sheer volume of discussion (no matter how trollish and low quality it is at times) about the merits of this game that practically nobody has actually played yet, I think you have to conclude that is an answer in itself.

I mean, when was the last time there was this amount of discussion about an unreleased game? Especially as a lot of the argument is about the idea of what Death Stranding is as game.

Does every game have to be a combat-based power fantasy? Should game developers "stay in their lane", stick to making simple entertainment, not lofty artistic statements? Where and what is the "fun"? Kojima, genius or fraud? etc.

These are big, important questions that anyone who honestly cares about videogames should welcome.
Agreed with all of this. Honestly, I really hope I enjoy it, and I have a big feeling that I will. I will say the most interesting thing about DS is the fact that it already feels like a AAA title that took a huge risk, tried to innovate and be different. I welcome the change, especially for a AAA title. Will it be good? Well, it's clear that it's not for everyone. But I can already say I appreciate that immensely.


The Witcher 3 has shit gameplay? Damn boy!! Lay off the drugs.
It is know issue... the combat system is serviceable at best.
It is one of the worst combat system you can find in videogames this gen. Animation, movements, hit box, input delay, etc is all bad.

Overall it is an amazing game.
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Indeed. But if you look at the sheer volume of discussion (no matter how trollish and low quality it is at times) about the merits of this game that practically nobody has actually played yet, I think you have to conclude that is an answer in itself.

I mean, when was the last time there was this amount of discussion about an unreleased game? Especially as a lot of the argument is about the idea of what Death Stranding is as game.

Does every game have to be a combat-based power fantasy? Should game developers "stay in their lane", stick to making simple entertainment, not lofty artistic statements? Where and what is the "fun"? Kojima, genius or fraud? etc.

These are big, important questions that anyone who honestly cares about videogames should welcome.

I'd say a big part of the problem is "hype".

Every big game is built up as though it's somehow going to change the world or blow open the possibilities of what a video game can do.

So people get their hands on the game and (I would say kind of obviously) this doesn't happen.

However, there will always be someone who loves the game or who loves something about it and I think there is always some kind of effort to tear that down.

Right now I am playing Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair on Switch. Probably it's the best game I've played in the past few months and I am really enjoying it. However I am sure there are plenty of folk who would love to scoff at me for "playing a crappy 2-D cartoon platform game on the under-powered Switch".

Everyone seems to have their thing that they like and everything else is just "garbage".
It's not just console wars. I feel like we also have strange "genre wars" going on also.

A good question for people who don't like "Game X", especially when that is extreme dislike, would be "well, what games do you like".

The IGN guy who gave Death Stranding the 6.8, for example, has apparently NEVER given a game a 9 out of 10.

You can see that his highest rated game in the past five years is "Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition" which he gave a 8.9.
He seems to like the Yakuza games quite a bit.
Metro Exodus, Quantum Break, Lego City: Undercover.
A very generous seeming 8 for New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe.

There doesn't seem to be anything he is particularly enthusiastic about.
Death Stranding also looks like probably the biggest release he has ever reviewed.

It's funny that his 6.8 in particular across the field of reviews is the one that "proves" the game is rubbish.
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Gold Member
Nothing is ever going to make this go away.


Trying to counter a review with another review, or a review of a review is high key pathetic lol. You guys need a break.

IGN, fanatics numero uno review site at the moment*.

:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_ok:

*We reserve the right to shit on them when it impacts our platform or game of choice, just as we did prior to this review, and we will do after it. But for now, they are the bee's knees.
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Provided you're actually looking for an answer to that question, here goes. I can tell you a whole list of things that are factually flawed or imperfect with The Last Guardian. The controls are stiff, the camera makes your life really unpleasant in certain situations, the hit detection is shoddy, just to mention a few. That game is a 10 in my and many others opinion, because not one of those flaws can even remotely compete or lessen the experience I had that I looked back on when the credits rolled, me personally and many others. Journey is short as hell, has almost no actual gameplay and is widely recognised as game of the year 2012. Game reviewers do not review smartphones, they don't look at soulless objects that they can give a number to by formula. They are looking at products of human expression, art. And every reviewer will express in his score the quality of overall experience he had with that game. Everyone has a different metric, everyone sets himself different standards. Scores are absolutely useless. Read the opinions, ignore the scores, for every game ever.
I really do get where you're coming but I just don't agree. Things like game of the year, or what a game made you feel are entirely subjective, and each person has their own unique choice and opinion. But an actual number score, while still entirely subjective, is supposed to be a way of stating a more definitive, thought out perspective. If you say The Last Guardian is one of your favorite games of all time, that's a completely reasonable thing to say. But to point out massive flaws like in your review, or the Death Stranding reviews, and still give a score that essentially means flawless defeats the entire point.


It is know issue... the combat system is serviceable at best.
It is one of the worst combat system you can find in videogames this gen. Animation, movements, hit box, input delay, etc is all bad.

Overall it is an amazing game.
Just commenting to agree. I played Witcher 3 shorty after beating Bloodborne and playing Dragons Dogma for a while. I legit don't see how people can claim that combat is anything above serviceable.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'd say a big part of the problem is "hype".

Every big game is built up as though it's somehow going to change the world or blow open the possibilities of what a video game can do.

So people get their hands on the game and (I would say kind of obviously) this doesn't happen.

However, there will always be someone who loves the game or who loves something about it and I think there is always some kind of effort to tear that down.

Right now I am playing Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair on Switch. Probably it's the best game I've played in the past few months and I am really enjoying it. However I am sure there are plenty of folk who would love to scoff at me for "playing a crappy 2-D cartoon platform game on the under-powered Switch".

Everyone seems to have their thing that they like and everything else is just "garbage".
It's not just console wars. I feel like we also have strange "genre wars" going on also.

A good question for people who don't like "Game X", especially when that is extreme dislike, would be "well, what games do you like".

I agree with you, but I think that expectations as opposed to hype maybe is a better way to look at it. Hype, comes from the outside in, and we're always free to be skeptical about it. Expectations on the other hand are internal, we do it to ourseleves by blowing stuff up in our mind to a point where a reality check becomes inevitable. Anticipation is a thrill in itself after all.

I'd also say (kinda leading on from this mental image aspect), the other crucial question to ask is whether they are willing to admit that all their favorite games are imperfect and flawed in some way, but that's not really the point. Greatness is what makes some games great, not the absence of things to nitpick about.

That greatness can come in many forms, because in the end its all about the sum-and-total of the experience in terms of delivering what we value personally.
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