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Death Stranding TGS 2019 Gameplay Session Volume 1 gameplay walkthrough | Breaking Down The Gameplay Video | Gameplay Session Volume 2



Nier Automata beautiful? It has the worst palette of colors I have ever seen in a videogame. The graphics are crap and despite the typical flashy emo anime protagonists, the enemies and the gameplay mechanics are boring and insipid.

Meaningful? It doesn't do anything new, it's not even that ambitious as a videogame.

Inspiring? It's female protagonist has inspired some hentai doujins, I'll give you that.


Anything that walks away from traditional gaming moment-to-moment action in this sense is going to be controversial. So I understand both the positive and negative takes.

I liked it, though. As game visuals evolve, and worlds become more and more immersive, maybe it’s okay to have quiet moments, even a big chunk of a game based around them and traversal.

Certainly, even Shadow of the Colossus was doing something similar two generations ago. Outside of boss fights, wondering the world was entirely a visual and emotive experience, as it is here, and without Kojima’s penchant for fun gameplay details.

Maybe I’ll change my mind. I just felt something beautiful about traversing a post-apocalyptic world, bringing unity to people, and even a sense of sadness (the bombed out city in the rain) to things. That sense of the experience, plus all the clever little gameplay mechanics here, plus the brilliant creator, makes me interested.

I do admit, as Kojima’s grand return, MGSV successor, and unshackling, this is VERY different from what we all imagined. Maybe that will be for the best, though? We’ll see.


Anything that walks away from traditional gaming moment-to-moment action in this sense is going to be controversial. So I understand both the positive and negative takes.

I liked it, though. As game visuals evolve, and worlds become more and more immersive, maybe it’s okay to have quiet moments, even a big chunk of a game based around them and traversal.

Certainly, even Shadow of the Colossus was doing something similar two generations ago. Outside of boss fights, wondering the world was entirely a visual and emotive experience, as it is here, and without Kojima’s penchant for fun gameplay details.

Maybe I’ll change my mind. I just felt something beautiful about traversing a post-apocalyptic world, bringing unity to people, and even a sense of sadness (the bombed out city in the rain) to things. That sense of the experience, plus all the clever little gameplay mechanics here, plus the brilliant creator, makes me interested.

I do admit, as Kojima’s grand return, MGSV successor, and unshackling, this is VERY different from what we all imagined. Maybe that will be for the best, though? We’ll see.
Beautifully said. People always doesn’t get comfortable with anything they aren’t used to


I always want a game or film to give me something I didn't know I wanted, that's when you know you've got something special. This certainly doesn't look like it to me. The actual "gameplay" looks pedestrian and boring. Regardless of the framework of the story, what you are actually doing moment to moment has been done many times before. Just quicker.

I'm not touching this.


feel like people don't realize how much of most gaming is just walking, or traversing a distance. playing GTA, you spend as much time driving to/from missions as you do in shootouts, probably more. Far Cry has a whole lot of driving and walking in between the base infiltration. Assassin's Creed games are all about traversal, different ways of walking and climbing. you have many missions where you just tail somebody, essentially following an object as it traverses the game world. at the end of these traversals, you end up collecting an item or killing an enemy or simply reaching a marker. you traverse the game world, skillfully avoiding obstacles, then reach a goal. this is the gameplay loop for most video games.

i think the look of things is going to be a big deal. after all this is a visual medium, and Kojima has long worked to push cinematic videogame technology. the designs shown here are really cool. the world seems lush and brimming with things to do. if this takes place in an apocalypse, it seems to be one where nature has reclaimed the Earth. the moss still looks gorgeous and lush. just roaming through these eerie mountainsides at my leisure would be enough for me. then there is the hell world, the BTs, the sludge monsters, the oily floods. maybe i am getting a FFVII style Weapon triggered from the Earth in response to mankind fucking up. it all feels very "black blood of the Earth". i'm SUPER curious about the Hades thing they show tomorrow.
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Jon Neu

I'm a big fan of Kojima's work and the eerie, apocalyptic, supernatural and even terror like atmosphere of the first trailers caught my attention incredibly hard.

But I'm very conflicted about what we have seen of the gameplay. The boss fight was awful as fuck and every fight we have seen against humans looks like the ones in Horizon Zero Dawn, who were awful too.

I like the attention to detail, the "realistic" approach you have to take to traveling. But I'm not feeling the fighting mechanics.


Damn bro, tell em how you really feel.

I honestly never thought of it this way...but yea...I dunno I think the hype is going to make me buy this anyways. Kojima games are like an gaming event that you just need to experience. I am NOT confident this is my kinda game, but I got a sneaking suspicion even after watching this that he's saving an ace or 20 up his sleeve.

When I'm torn like that I usually get really mentally lazy and start thinking like "Fuck it, it's just 60 bucks." when it comes to a game like this.

Power to you man and i see where you're coming from. I'd be in the same boat with from software games. I'm ready to be proven wrong with Death Stranding but i don't see the game being much more than what we've seen in this presentation with a whole bunch of cutscenes included


Gold Member
I appreciate the detailed non trolling responses by the way.

No worries, you too. I'm not trying to prove games are shit or anything. We're here because we all love games, and maybe my expectation is that I should be able to love all games because I think of them primarily as entertainment and fun first and foremost.

I'm able to even see the game objectively. I actually go orienteering, hill walking and mountaineering etc. so I can see how a game can be built out of this. And I'll use Gran Turismo as an example. So in Gran Turismo you run the same circuits, trying to carve off a second each time, then a millisecond as you hone in on getting the optimal run. That's a fun game loop. Someone mentioned QWOP earlier and although very different, the core game loop is quite short in both examples. 3 laps or 5 laps or ten minute burst for fun. There's a reason why circuits are not 40 miles per lap.

So, there is (or appears to be) a rudimentary sort of orienteering in DS. I appreciate we haven't seen everything yet and I'll happily eat crow if it turns out to be different, but the thing that puts me off DS is:

- the micromanagement tasks
- the lack of data such as topographical (contoured) and bathymetric at the offset
- Balance mechanics are never fun
- the length of some of these runs
- the punishing nature of random encounters hindering you

It's a lot placed on gamble and betting. The fun for me in this would be short run routes and treating them like a circuit hot lap. Posted against other players. Who can get from A->B the fastest with this loadout. But I don't feel equipped enough with information to make this leap, so you have the position where a simple L2/R2 tap can literally cost you minutes.

Then you have the random encounters like in FFXV and enemies in the wildlands which are just tedious. Maybe they only spawn with specific value cargo I'm not sure but it's a hindrance to the core game loop to me (something in the way of the objective arbritarily). Again, a bad spawn and you're fucked. Maybe the very easy mode will mitigate some of this, but do you see where I'm coming from - when i want to hand in a side quest in an RPG the last thing I want is to run into 4/5 random encounters that prevent me from actually delivering the treasure. It's going to be tedious and annoying as fuck to plot a route then because you're not wearing super grip shoes you fall over making the last half hour of excellent planning moot.

For me the challenge in this game has to be environment and traversal balanced against speed and efficiency OR objective and obstacles. It's trying to do too many things and not looking very appetising as a result. There's a fine line between enjoyable adaptation as a player and something which is just designed to fuck you over and present an obstacle that you might not be equipped for and have to retrace steps.

For example, you have a decent cargo, you've plotted out and due to lack of contour data you routed over a mesa to cut a few miles off. You get to the mesa and need your ladder, you prop it out, the cargo weight breaks it and then your option is to walk round then repair your ladder at the next base. Optionally you didn't take the ladder because it looked low enough to just clamber over. Traversal is one of the biggest pain points in massive games, so we see things like cars, horses and grappling hooks (in Syndicate) to make those distances more enjoyable to traverse than pressing up. Cars have almost immediate agency as you have to be switched on at all times, horses have that annoying 'press X to follow road' now but they at least make the distance smaller than foot, grappling hooks enable you to shorten distances vertically and horiontally. But all these things have one core aim - to eradicate the tedium of walking.

I can see an interesting idea and a core mechanic - if focused - that could engage me, but it looks as though the enjoyment of 'hot lapping' deliveries or optimal logistical planning is over ridden by barriers and tedious mechanics that don't heighten the fun factor albeit they do enhance the realism. I'm not just raggng on it for the sake, I just genuinely feel the hype is down to people imagining best case scenario, whereas I'm thinking more worst case I guess? The balance will be in the middle but I'm not even close enough to the middle to consider a purchase etc
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Tears of Nintendo
I think this game is gonna be the first one from Kojima which I'll never buy or play, cuz it looks boring AF and plays the same if not worse. You just walkin' huge empty spaces and doing literally nothing interesting and nothing interesting is going on either. I much rather replay the whole MGS series (except 5) all over again than to play DS.
Haters gonna hate no matter how much gameplay Hido Kojima will show from the game. Theyr mind is set, for them its a walking simulator, no matter that there is proof that it isn't.
But i dont care, haters will not buy the game, they will not play the game, but will be spouting theyr hate for the game every change they get😉


Mista Mista

Might be worth adding the following to the OP:

Note : all the demo takes place in the real world with Sam. No Hades, no Beach, No Cliff or other characters except a bit of Die Hard Man. This is only about delivery, travel mechanics, multiplayer and what kind of stuff you can find in the world.

Lore details:

  • Civilians live underground, in buried shelters or whole cities. Above is too dangerous, that's why they need a delivery man. Port Knot City for example has more than 50,000 inhabitants.
  • Connecting the chiral network allows Bridges not only to connect with settlements but also to somehow recover data about history and life on Earth before the Death Stranding. Maybe they are looking for Wikipedia pages.
Being Sam:

  • Many gauges : Movement Speed; Stamina/Fatigue Resistance; Balance; Carrying Capacity; Rugged Terrain Resistance; Resistance to falling unconscious; Sync Level; Lung Capacity; Battery Capacity
  • If you find a hot spring you can bath to recharge your stamina and other gauges (depending on the hot spring)
  • Walking progressively destroys your boots (on rugged terrain even faster). When they are out you'll start losing stamina and blood.
  • Drinking from the Canteen allows Sam to recover Stamina. The canteen refills automatically when it rains (even Timefall) or when crossing a river by filtering the water. Water has been replaced by Monster Energy drink though, for dubious marketing purposes.
  • Sam can jump on a Floating Carrier and use it like a Hoverboard from Back to the Future. That's rad.
Private Room:

  • In every Bridges facility you get access to your private room.
  • You can choose your suit : Blue, Orange, Red and even a Black one. What's specific to each color is still unknown.
  • You can use a fancy 3D printer to fabricate equipment. The printer needs connection to the Chiral Network.
  • You can fabricate Tools (ladders, ropes and even dummies), Gears (boots, exoskeletons), Weapons and Vehicles.
  • Every equipment has a Resources cost : Resin, Metal, Ceramic, Chemical substances, Special Alloys or Chiral Cristals (those golden hand-shaped things that grows in Timefall areas).
  • You can take a shower and use the toilet. This may be a way to refill your EX grenades, but need confirmation on that.
  • You can check your miniatures collection (same green figures used to illustrate Amelie's story in the Briefing trailer).

  • Once you have selected your delivery boxes and equipment, you need to load them all on Sam (there is a weight limit).
  • You can stack on the backpack, shoulder pads, leg pads or carry it by hand. Some equipment can also be carried without the box (like boots, ropes) or spread into small pouches (like grenades, repair sprays).
  • To help you balance the cargo a yellow circle on the floor shows how Sam is leaning. An unbalanced load will make Sam prone to fall and require the player to shift the weight more often.
  • Sam has to transport various items, from weapons to medical stuff but also cryogenized sperm and eggs.
  • You can have up to two Floating Carriers to carry more stuff. They just follow you like drones.
  • You can find lost cargo in the world and decide to pick it up and deliver it to the owner. Doing so will get you special rewards.
  • Timefall progressively damage cargo, except those protected by a Chirallium layer.
  • The Likes you get upon delivery depends on the state of cargo, time and other factors.

  • Keep balance : sometimes Sam will loose his balance when running or going up/down a slope and the player has to quickly shift the weight left or right using L2 or R2 buttons. Failure was not shown in the demo.
  • Crossing a river: the scanner shows the water level. Blue is knee to waist deep and fine to cross; yellow is waist to chest deep and will drain Stamina to fight against the current and keep your balance; red is too deep, Sam will be washed away and will have to recover by paddling left or right (L2/R2) until he reaches low level waters and be able to stand up. Cargo can be washed away and recovered.
  • Touch panel is the Communication button. This allows Sam to call in order to locate and/or activate communal objects dropped or built by other players (see Multiplayer).
  • Take a rest to save the game. While resting you can massage your shoulders or stretch your legs (but it doesn't seem like it does anything). You can also sleep to slowly regenerate blood.
  • While grabbed by BTs you need to push Square to try and shake them off, as well as L2/R2 if they put you off balance. If you fall, they get you.

  • When looking at a point it shows not only the distance but also the elevation graph.
  • The scanner shows wet terrain in blue, slippery terrain in yellow and rugged terrain in red. It also shows the depth of the rivers: blue, yellow and red.

  • You can trace a route on the map by placing checkpoints.
  • The map features a basic 3D mode to check elevation.
  • Signs placed by other players appear on the map (see Multiplayer).

  • MULES try to steal you equipment and gear. They'll even take your shoes. Their camps are full of Resources.
  • MULES area is marked with red poles. They won't chase you beyond that.
  • Non Lethal take out is possible using the Strand item: sneak up to a guy and tie him up unconscious. The Bola Gun does the same from a distance, but is loud.
  • You can hijack vehicles GTA-style. However a Shock spear will shut it down immediately.
  • You can throw cargo boxes at the enemies to stun them, but it will destroy the content.
  • BTs are vulnerable to bodily fluids. You can use blood grenades against them.
  • The Bola Gun can also be used to immobilize BTs. And then pissing on them until they vanish is probably an option, but that was not shown in the demo.
  • When BTs grab you, they drag you to the mini-boss nearby. This area is a potential crater, should Sam end up being eaten and trigger a Void-out.
  • To defeat the mini-boss, just dodge the attacks and shoot as many blood/piss ammo you got at it.

  • When connecting an area to the Chiral Network you get to see and use items built or dropped by other players.
  • You can “Like” an item and see how many Likes each item received.
  • For big constructions like bridges or repair towers, many players can help building or upgrading by spending Resources on the build.
  • Players can place signs. Danger signs, info signs, all kind of signs.
  • Players can build shared lockers (Postbox) and put items inside other players can take.
  • Players can dismantle communal items for Resources but not take and re-use.
  • Players can find other players lost/dropped cargo, repair it, and deliver it to a Postbox to see what's inside. You can then leave it there or take it.
  • It was not stated if you can tweak the number of communal items you see, limit to Friends only or even turn the whole multiplayer system off to avoid your surroundings being littered with garbage and signs.
  • During combat against BTs, a player can call for help. Other players can answer by giving items or cheer. They'll show up as white characters in the black substance.
  • I could be wrong on that one, but I think white strands in the sky point to communal builds and black strands point to where a player is fighting a mini-boss and may require help.

  • I'm pretty sure Edgar Wright is Nick Easton in the game, manager of the Capital Knot City distribution center.
  • Daichi Miura is the Musician (just a civilian, like the Ludens Fan).
  • Patrick Claude is Viktor Frank, manager of the Port Knot City distribution center. Note that Patrick Claude was a Corpse Disposal Team member in the third trailer. No idea if that's the same character later in the story or if there was a cast change.
All from the following reddit link:

Added to OP. Thank you


I mean it’s weird when you show that much of hate for a fucking VIDEO GAME. Makes me believe that whoever this person is, he’s damn stupid. You don’t like the developer? You don’t like his games? Easy, don’t play his games nor follow its news. But the saltiness is unreal when it comes to Kojima😂😂
It's even weirder to have a stiffy for literally anything that middle-aged Japanese man does.
They may annoy us, but the life of a hater is actually pretty difficult. 'Cause it's not really like us that simply stick to talking about what we enjoy. When you're a hater, you're not really using ALL of your time to the fullest of your ability to entertain yourself and enjoy something. You gotta save some of that time for complaining. It's really the complaning that scratches some of that itch for them.
Beautiful insight. Now go and put your life in order between instances when you analyse the enemy and rub off your mate.


Nier Automata beautiful? It has the worst palette of colors I have ever seen in a videogame. The graphics are crap and despite the typical flashy emo anime protagonists, the enemies and the gameplay mechanics are boring and insipid.

Meaningful? It doesn't do anything new, it's not even that ambitious as a videogame.

Inspiring? It's female protagonist has inspired some hentai doujins, I'll give you that.
Sorry to break this to you but entertainment is subjective.

Just ferocious replies from mutual masturbation of Kojima band brothers. Absolutely savage.




It's even weirder to have a stiffy for literally anything that middle-aged Japanese man does.

Beautiful insight. Now go and put your life in order between instances when you analyse the enemy and rub off your mate.

Sorry to break this to you but entertainment is subjective.

Just ferocious replies from mutual masturbation of Kojima band brothers. Absolutely savage.
I feel like you're trolling or at the very least taking the piss. What does him being a middle-aged, Japanese man even have to do with anything? You're being so extreme lol.
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Not every game needs to be focused on putting bullets in brains or sawing your enemies in half.....

I'm glad some people have the maturity and intelligence to see that violence on its own does not make something entertaining.
Although I enjoy a good shooter, gaming is unhealthily obsessed with violent answers to problems.

I also find the meta-commentary funny.... a huge load of stuff on his back, like every character, would be in every game if it were to realistically depict what they were carrying...

I have a feeling this game is a bit of a commentary on gaming itself.


I feel like you're trolling or at the very least taking the piss. What does him being a middle-aged, Japanese man even have to do with anything? You're being so extreme lol.
You gotta have a laugh. It's obvious you can energize some people here by having a negative opinion of the brain hat made this abomination. Though I just expressed how I felt, like everyone here.


It's even weirder to have a stiffy for literally anything that middle-aged Japanese man does.
Yeah we enjoy good games instead of wasting our times being losers and chasing the man around to say how shit his games are. If you’re too retarded to understand MGS complex story then it’s not the developers problem
Sorry if this is a repost, but I noticed a funny little touch: there is an option with the arrow on low, that says " check on Lou"
Maybe you can give BBs the name you want


Though I just expressed how I felt, like everyone here.
Cutie playing victim now. “Like everyone here” you can express whatever you want like a normal person and nobody will get up your throat. But when you reply like a 12 years old, don’t blame anyone that’s going to hammer you because you asked for it

I'd be really happy with the biggest bomba gaming has ever saw. We know this is not going to happen because of his cult following, but a man can dream.

All that money and time wasted on something that should've been his indie side project. All this wasted potential for a CG movie with a hiking / postal service simulation wrapped around in a sci-fi robe. Kojima has such a favourable position in the industry. He is able to make games for millions of players while not being a huge faceless money grubbing mega corporation. He's like someone you could trust not to fuck you over. He's like someone you could trust to make a beautiful, meaningful, inspiring game like Nier:Automata.

Instead, he gets in a little air tight room after a good Mexican meal and starts snorting the shit out of his own farts to be able to meet Peter Molyneux in another plane where they both fly high into the centre of the universe naked in a gentle embrace whispering to each others buttholes how amazing and deep they are.

What a joke.

“Like everyone else” 😂😂😂😂
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Mista you're really going off-topic here obsessing about me, whilst we could actually analyze the footage at hand. Maybe we could give BB's the name we want.


At this point, I'm just following the thread to see what will be of the people who already hate this game and the people defending it. Keep the thread civil people. These kinds of threads always turn into shitstorm and some people get banned.


Gold Member
Power to you man and i see where you're coming from. I'd be in the same boat with from software games. I'm ready to be proven wrong with Death Stranding but i don't see the game being much more than what we've seen in this presentation with a whole bunch of cutscenes included
I buy everything From Software makes. Console fanboy? No. From Software sycophant? Proudly.


Mista you're really going off-topic here obsessing about me, whilst we could actually analyze the footage at hand. Maybe we could give BB's the name we want.
Discussing your post isn’t called “obsessing about you”

I already call him Showgaze


Gold Member
Beautiful insight. Now go and put your life in order between instances when you analyse the enemy and rub off your mate.

My life is going pretty good right now, nothing to put in order, really. Which is why I'm spending my leisure time enjoying games and talking about it with people who enjoy it too.

How's the hating goin'?
So he just continued where he left off with MGS V but now it’s even more desolate and boring?

Seems like he had this fixed idea for a story and put everything else on the side, primarily gameplay. Walking and fighting looks weak and what’s with that stupid ladder? Totally out of place.

That boss fight was pathetic. That thing looked confused, not even sure what it wanted to do.

It’s weird game, alright, but not in a good way like, for example, Nier Automata.
Shinkawa da gawd. Shout out to the artists that worked on preproduction, love the art direction of this game.



Shinkawa is always 100 step ahead of every other artist, has an incredible art style and touch, just seeing his artworks generate hype in me for whatever game they are for

Little gem: he Also designed characters for one of the COD zombie mode, just google Shinkawa call of duty


Shinkawa is always 100 step ahead of every other artist, has an incredible art style and touch, just seeing his artworks generate hype in me for whatever game they are for

Little gem: he Also designed characters for one of the COD zombie mode, just google Shinkawa call of duty
Agreed, one of the best working. I wasn't aware of that COD bit, pretty cool.


I just can’t fathom this monumental waste of development resources. It’s such a disappointment that THIS is the Kojima game we are going to get this generation, because I don’t see him doing much after this. What were they thinking? Dudes don’t even want to go to the store for their mothers but they gonna play this fucking mailman simulator? Boots degenerate from walking? In a game where all you do is walk? What? It’s like they took the worst aspects of breath of the wind and made them even worse. Fuck.


So he just continued where he left off with MGS V but now it’s even more desolate and boring?

Seems like he had this fixed idea for a story and put everything else on the side, primarily gameplay. Walking and fighting looks weak and what’s with that stupid ladder? Totally out of place.

That boss fight was pathetic. That thing looked confused, not even sure what it wanted to do.

It’s weird game, alright, but not in a good way like, for example, Nier Automata.
First off he's most likely playing on easy so it's understandable why the boss was acting like it did, also it's just a mini boss you fight in order to not be pulled into Hades. Much bigger and exciting bosses there will be.

How is the ladder out of place?


A few questions for those members here who already know 'everything' about this game.

Is it definitively a walking/mailman simulator only?
Are combat encounters rare or almost non-existent?
What impact do different difficulty settings have on a gameplay system (speed of gear degeneration, stamina, etc.)?
Is a travel to the Moon possible in the game?
Are Cliff and Higgs still in the game?
How many bosses fights are in the game?
Is there a lot of Easter eggs in the game?
Is the story good?
Does the game ends with unification of the last city?
How is the pacing between main events in the game?
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A few questions for those members here who already know 'everything' about this game.

Is it definitively a walking/mailman simulator only?
Are combat encounters rare or almost non-existent?
What impact do different difficulty settings have on a gameplay system (speed of gear degeneration, stamina, etc.)?
Is a travell to the Moon possible in the game?
Are Cliff and Higgs still in the game?
How many bosses fights are in the game?
Is there a lot of Easter eggs in the game?
Is the story good?
Does the game ends with unification of the last city?
How is the pacing between main events in the game?
I think you are from the future. There are no definitive answers right now, just speculation based on what was shown. But your questions are really relevant to the topic. I hope someone answer them satisfactorily.


A few questions for those members here who already know 'everything' about this game.

Is it definitively a walking/mailman simulator only?
Are combat encounters rare or almost non-existent?
What impact do different difficulty settings have on a gameplay system (speed of gear degeneration, stamina, etc.)?
Is a travell to the Moon possible in the game?
Are Cliff and Higgs still in the game?
How many bosses fights are in the game?
Is there a lot of Easter eggs in the game?
Is the story good?
Does the game ends with unification of the last city?
How is the pacing between main events in the game?

No one knows the answers to these questions apart from the shoddy architects that built this thing. Even then we're not completely sure because the head honcho doesn't fully get the game himself. But I'll have a go, purely from conjecture.

Mostly a mailman simulator
Rare encounters
Less micromanagement, more of the good stuff
Moon is one of the locations
Can't see a reason for them not to be
Maximum one per hour, minimum one per game
Strange question
Depends if you've enjoyed MGS writing
Strange question
Long bits of walking, long bits of playing in menus, long bits of boring cutscenes
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