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Death Stranding TGS 2019 Gameplay Session Volume 1 gameplay walkthrough | Breaking Down The Gameplay Video | Gameplay Session Volume 2


I mean I was stoked for the game at first, but after each video they show it gets less interesting...

I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Konami should still be sad though as they have hardly been involved in making games again. Especially decent ones. Lol.

I personally think there's much more to DS, but that content was curated to fit the market more so at TGS. Showing things while holding back as well. I'm not at all concerned, though I know I can't speak on behalf of everyone.
Konami should still be sad though as they have hardly been involved in making games again. Especially decent ones. Lol.

I personally think there's much more to DS, but that content was curated to fit the market more so at TGS. Showing things while holding back as well. I'm not at all concerned, though I know I can't speak on behalf of everyone.

I hope you're right. I mean I loved MGSV until the rehashed second half. I just hope DS is nothing like the last half of MGSV.
New interview with Kojima;

I swear, nobody would criticize the game as much if Kojima just stopped claiming how revolutionary Death Stranding is, creating a new genre.

Walking simulator or not, nothing we've seen in DS is 'new genre'-level. In the above interview he explains how typically in open-world games there's off-limits areas etc, but in DS you can go anywhere, plan your routes, etc.. It reads EXACTLY like BotW or Xenoblade X! I could forgive him not knowing XBX (even though everyone should!), but BotW was *kinda* big - in 2017.

So congrats, Koijima, you created BotW. Again. 👏


What the fuck is up with people calling this a walking simulator with a straight face? this is the most hiking simulator ever in a videogame, how can you say there is no enough video game in this gameplay trailer. Some people are really dense it seems.


Gold Member
What the fuck is up with people calling this a walking simulator with a straight face? this is the most hiking simulator ever in a videogame, how can you say there is no enough video game in this gameplay trailer. Some people are really dense it seems.

It's a meme, don't let it bother you. This along with "movie" are getting old.


it still showed that wierdness of Kojima i guess. first part for gameplay was ok but second part in room and looking at his crotch was so wierd really and so not needed. because i will just skip all that and just go to gameplay . that was silly and some parts even too much weird, and im weird guy myself. well but thats what he wanted , same as with MGS5 we got lots weird stuff . i still think i will take the game and see for myself. it doesnt mean we will need to do all that so its fine, but i think they spend so much time for all those motion caps to have all those animations and spended so much time with that istead of giving more time to gameplay.
New interview with Kojima;

I swear, nobody would criticize the game as much if Kojima just stopped claiming how revolutionary Death Stranding is, creating a new genre.

The gameinformer interview is way way worse lol. (Pictures of the relevant parts of it inside the spoiler tab)




Really seems like he thinks the ability to "thumbs up" something and put items out in the enviorment and having weight limits and you can travel anywhere is a new genre, and he considers himself briliant because of it, it just sound like the game is no mans sky with rdr2 absurd realism lol. Also telling that the Asian staff disagreed with him over the entire premise of the game.

Will he go the way of Infaune now that he is surrounded by yes men and is not kept on a leash by konami?
I honestly thinks this is going to be the generations most divisive game, not by critics but by gamers, just like rdr2 didnt click for lots of people due to the realism and controlls. Still going to play it eventually, but the more i read the less interested i become.


The gameinformer interview is way way worse lol. (Pictures of the relevant parts of it inside the spoiler tab)




Really seems like he thinks the ability to "thumbs up" something and put items out in the enviorment and having weight limits and you can travel anywhere is a new genre, and he considers himself briliant because of it, it just sound like the game is no mans sky with rdr2 absurd realism lol. Also telling that the Asian staff disagreed with him over the entire premise of the game.

Will he go the way of Infaune now that he is surrounded by yes men and is not kept on a leash by konami?
I honestly thinks this is going to be the generations most divisive game, not by critics but by gamers, just like rdr2 didnt click for lots of people due to the realism and controlls. Still going to play it eventually, but the more i read the less interested i become.
RDR2 is in no way a systemic designed game where every little system interacts with the others, like BoTW for a recent example or MGSV, this seems to be that. And it is indeed a pretty innovative way to present it, there are no games so deep into the mechanics of traveling as this game as of now, even less in the AAA space. Just like "tactical spionage action" was just a 3d action game with focus on stealth, this seems to be an action game with focus on traveling, ubereats sim is not so far of what the game seems to be but that doesn't make it any less innovative.


With each new bit of information surfacing about the game, I feel like I want to discover everything there while playing it (even if I end up disappointed).
RDR2 is in no way a systemic designed game where every little system interacts with the others, like BoTW for a recent example or MGSV, this seems to be that. And it is indeed a pretty innovative way to present it, there are no games so deep into the mechanics of traveling as this game as of now, even less in the AAA space. Just like "tactical spionage action" was just a 3d action game with focus on stealth, this seems to be an action game with focus on traveling, ubereats sim is not so far of what the game seems to be but that doesn't make it any less innovative.

Dont get me wrong i think it's something new and i like new ideas in the AAA space so i will play it, i am just harping on the interviews Kojima gives. But for me personaly i just find some of the mechanics not interesting, and i am worried that i will tire of the gameplay loop. thats my main gripe. I can totaly understand why people would fall in love with the game.
you find the mechanics not interesting? how long have you played the game for?

So i am not allowed to give my opinion of mechanics when i watched the entierty of TGS and gamescom gameplay, and read Kojimas interviews?

It would be the same if you didnt like inventory managment and you saw gameplay footage of someone playing no mans sky and having to dispose of his Cobalt since his inventory was full, would you not be allowed to criticize it?
The gameinformer interview is way way worse lol...

the take-away from that interview, for me, was when he's asked about the micromanagement aspects, with the questioner pointing out that many people play games to get away from that, which they have to do so much of in their own lives. he specifically asks how he (kojima) goes about making these mundane tasks not feel like work...

kojima's answer?: that, technically, it wasn't possible until now to include such stuff, but now you can, & that's what he's done...

he doesn't even try to answer the question, as to how he makes doing such mundane tasks interesting. & he never even considers that maybe other developers haven't included mundane tasks in their games not because they couldn't, technically, but because they saw no point in doing so...

if anything, i'm beginning to understand why he's opted for radio silence re: the game up till recently...
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The staff thinking " You carry stuff, you walk and give thumbs up, What's fun about that", I have to admit it, worry me a bit
Kojima looks not so open to listen to his staff critics about DS, like " Don't care if you guys don't like my concept, I'll do it regardless and you'll end up liking it" so I hope they didn't pretend to like the game only to make him happy, and the game is actually really fun as he says
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the take-away from that interview, for me, was when he's asked about the micromanagement aspects, with the questioner pointing out that many people play games to get away from that, which they have to do so much of in their own lives. he specifically asks how he (kojima) goes about making these mundane tasks not feel like work...

kojima's answer?: that, technically, it wasn't possible until now to include such stuff, but now you can, & that's what he's done...

he doesn't even try to answer the question, as to how he makes doing such mundane tasks interesting. & he never even considers that maybe other developers haven't included mundane tasks in their games not because they couldn't, technically, but because they saw no point in doing so...

if anything, i'm beginning to understand why he's opted for radio silence re: the game up till recently...

This was my biggest concern, as I wrote weeks ago
I'm worried DS could have some boring feature to look at, or too many aspects to observe, like drink, eat, change shoes, sleep, pee, poo, wash yourself, rest, be careful to packages, to weight management, to terrain, to river depth blah blah, and translate these aspects to the BB where possible

Dunno, I think - and I put here a big imho - not everyone could like too much realism
It certainly is incredible as a simulation of real life thinks to manage, and I don't know if other games even come close to it, but...it will be fun?

Knowing the MGS Kojima yes, It will be, but is Also the First time after MGS and such he makes a new project, so... It's a mistery

Sounds like a GTA game where you have to take care of the fuel, does it sound fun?
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If this game fails, we will probably never see a big budget experimental AAA game ever again.
I would rather have a wide choice of experimental games and be eventually disappointed than having a choice of safe way developed games (CoDs, Battlefields, UBI's open worlds, etc.) and never be fully satisfied for the rest of my life as a gamer. Better graphics are not going to cut it.
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After watching the latest gameplay vids, I think I'm getting an understanding of what the game is. Its really a walking simulator where you run fetch quests. I think all this while, it was me in denial saying this can't possibly be the game Kojima was working on, a gorgeous fetch quest game.

I'm more than happy to be proven wrong.


This game is not out yet and still is probably one of the most divisive games ever.

And I absolutely love the risk Kojima is taking with this game, even if it fails miserably.
Agreed, the fact that this game is as divisive as it is, (and it hasn't even dropped yet) is indicative that Koji Pro are introducing something very fresh into the gaming paradigm. As a form of technology, gaming is inherently about innovation and change. As a creative medium and a form of entertainment media, the types of games that can be made are virtually limitless. In my opinion, it's a net positive for the entire industry for that unbridled creativity to spill over into AAA games.

If it ever came down to a choice between what Kojima Productions are producing versus the bullshit modern day EA or Bethesda are peddling; I'm choosing the former, every single time without a doubt in my mind.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
It seems to me the game is actually the diametric opposite of what games termed "walking simulators" are.

In those games you effortlessly move from point-to-point within largely static dioramas, exposition doled out as you reach each successive location.

In DS the point appears to be that getting across the terrain is challenging, its open and largely unsignposted making reaching the next point of interest a challenge in itself. The whole system is very dynamic due to the way that other player's actions may help or impede your exploration.

The way the BT system works is kinda involved too. The shadowy figures "listen" for the player, but if stealth fails an invisible "hunter" type enemy is dispatched that will attempt to drag you into hades. If that occurs you have a mini-boss fight against a "catcher" enemy, which if you fail will result in the area where you were caught being reduced to a crater presumably destroying anything that was once there.

Its important to recognize that the player is tasked with managing the risk/reward aspect of this due to the way the amount of cargo you are carrying, has a major impact on how easy or difficult to avoid threats and cross rough terrain safely.

Also, note that these things, like the human "mule" type enemies that will attempt to rob you, appear to be basic environmental hazards that you encounter on delivery runs. The real enemies, the Homo Demens have been kept under wraps, so I'd expect those to be much more set-piece type encounters.

So, to make a simple analogy the "fetch quest" aspect is just the equivalent of infiltration gameplay in MGS. Its the stuff that happens between major story beats.
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it is pretty amazing. Kojima made a game where you can review it and criticize the gameplay without ever having actually played the game. this is a first. usually people wait until a new Call of Duty or Street Fighter actually releases and a community has had time with it before calling it good or bad. this game is special. it gives people Nostradamus like fortune telling abilities. it is magical.
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The staff thinking " You carry stuff, you walk and give thumbs up, What's fun about that", I have to admit it, worry me a bit
Kojima looks not so open to listen to his staff critics about DS, like " Don't care if you guys don't like my concept, I'll do it regardless and you'll end up liking it" so I hope they didn't pretend to like the game only to make him happy, and the game is actually really fun as he says

If Game journalism was actual journalism, Simeone would have Long asked Kojima If her listens top Input from His studio's developers or If He makes all the Bug decisions by himself.

If this game fails, we will probably never see a big budget experimental AAA game ever again.
I would rather have a wide choice of experimental games and be eventually disappointed than having a choice of safe way developed games (CoDs, Battlefields, UBI's open worlds, etc.) and never be fully satisfied for the rest of my life as a gamer. Better graphics are not going to cut it.

This is silly. We get Experimental AAA Games Note often than youre implying. Nintendo alone
brought BotW and the Xenoblade Games. Cyberpunk ist Experimental, too. Hier Automata, Watch Dogs 3, all Experimental AAA titles.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
This was my biggest concern, as I wrote weeks ago
I'm worried DS could have some boring feature to look at, or too many aspects to observe, like drink, eat, change shoes, sleep, pee, poo, wash yourself, rest, be careful to packages, to weight management, to terrain, to river depth blah blah, and translate these aspects to the BB where possible

Dunno, I think - and I put here a big imho - not everyone could like too much realism
It certainly is incredible as a simulation of real life thinks to manage, and I don't know if other games even come close to it, but...it will be fun?

Knowing the MGS Kojima yes, It will be, but is Also the First time after MGS and such he makes a new project, so... It's a mistery

Sounds like a GTA game where you have to take care of the fuel, does it sound fun?

Yes, it does :).


So you can put on a red cap and travel across the US to connect it. Fixing it. Making it great again. Not a good look, Kojima. You can't just put a red cap in a game, Kojima!

Jokes aside, part 2 was meh. A bit concerned about all the little chores. I don't want my games to be realistic if it comes at the expense of gameplay. Still, I think it's gonna be a solid open world game. Won't be setting the world on fire, though.
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Konami should still be sad though as they have hardly been involved in making games again. Especially decent ones. Lol.

I personally think there's much more to DS, but that content was curated to fit the market more so at TGS. Showing things while holding back as well. I'm not at all concerned, though I know I can't speak on behalf of everyone.
I wouldn't be surprised if Contra Rogue Corps is better than DS. The demo was really good.

it is pretty amazing. Kojima made a game where you can review it and criticize the gameplay without ever having actually played the game. this is a first. usually people wait until a new Call of Duty or Street Fighter actually releases and a community has had time with it before calling it good or bad. this game is special. it gives people Nostradamus like fortune telling abilities. it is magical.
Did you forgot the backlash CoD Infinite Warfare suffered right after the first trailer? Or Metal Gear Survive (irony)? Or the new Battletoads? Guess Kojima created pre-release criticism in the same way he created the stealth genre, open world gameplay and limited inventory space.
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What the fuck is up with people calling this a walking simulator with a straight face? this is the most hiking simulator ever in a videogame, how can you say there is no enough video game in this gameplay trailer. Some people are really dense it seems.
Only when it comes to a Kojima game. If this game had another name on it, you know the rest.


I watched the footage and calling it just a "walking simulator" seems like an attempt to blatantly discredit what Kojima has put together. However, I could be wrong.


Is it worth watching these? Saw someone mention that if you’re planning on playing the game, don’t watch these videos
It's purely gameplay and they are talking in Japanese. I was hesitant at first to watch them but ended up doing so based on others comments. It doesn't spoil any story stuff beyond what we already know.


This is silly. We get Experimental AAA Games Note often than youre implying. Nintendo alone
brought BotW and the Xenoblade Games. Cyberpunk ist Experimental, too. Hier Automata, Watch Dogs 3, all Experimental AAA titles.
Not by my standards. None of the games you mentioned are controversial enough. Otherwise almost every game could be considered experimental to some extent by bringing something new to the table (graphics, gameplay mechanics, 3D sound, etc.).
BotW - known franchise; Zelda fans were going to get it no matter what
Xenoblade - not much risk; what was the other choice as an RPG for Wii console at the time; more than enough Nintendo fans were going to get it
Cyberpunk 2077 - known franchise to RPG fans; we already had cyberpunk themes used in games and films before (Deus Ex, Syndicate, etc.)
Nier Automata - not a AAA franchise (lower budget); a spin-off to a known series
Watch Dogs 3 - known franchise; we could control and switch characters in open world games before
Even them being very good games, they do not surprise me with anything. The only game which has made me interested in it (from those you mentioned) is Cyberpunk 2077 because its theme, story and graphics style, but I am not sure if I would want to finish it more than once. One roller coaster ride with it could be enough.


It's basically MGS + Dark Souls + BOTW.

I'm loving the fact that it looks like it will be a systems heavy game. Should lead to a lot of gameplay possibilities.

Yeah, that's my feeling as well.
In the beginning I was a little turned off by the mystery sourrounding this game and I still have a bad taste in my mouth from MGSV (hated it).
But now I'm 100% dialed in, after seeing the gameplay.

"Delivering cargo" sounds boring at first glance, but this robust weight, balance, stamina, checkpoints, terrain systems looks to be pretty deep.
With combat/stealth sections mixed in and a good loot/exploration game, this doesn't look boring at all.

At the end of the day, "delivering cargo" a.k.a "fetchquest" is part of every open world game, it's just basic as hell in most of them.
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