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Deathsmiles |OT| 360 Cave STG

Bebpo said:
No. X360 mode is the same game in full 16:9 with cleaned up visuals. No reason to ever play the arcade mode. It's just in there as a novelty for collectors.

First, 360 Mode is not 16:9, it's still 4:3. Second, it runs way too fast (i.e. less slowdown) in comparison with Arcade mode, which plays 1:1 with the Arcade version. So Arcade mode is not merely a novelty for collectors, it's there for the hardcore audience that plays these games for score. I never touch 360 mode because you can't score nearly as high in it as in Arcade mode, and I like to compete with the Arcade scorers who play on the original PCB.


Really? I haven't played my copy in months but I thought for sure the big deal about X360 mode was that it expanded the 4:3 to 16:9

Guess I gotta try it again.

Also are you talking about 1.1 or 1.0 X360? I never noticed a difference between 1.0 X360 and 1.0 arcade besides the visuals, but then I only played arcade mode once or twice before sticking to X360 mode.

Are Futari and EspII the same way? I never touch the arcade mode in any of those games because the X360 touched up modes look so much better.


Rolling Girl
Bebpo said:
No. X360 mode is the same game in full 16:9 with cleaned up visuals. No reason to ever play the arcade mode. It's just in there as a novelty for collectors.
Having owned the game it is in full 16:9 with wallpaper borders. Otherwise the game area is 4:3. You'd have to be pretty crazy to cancel your pre-order over that though, the game is fucking great.


wow, you're right. I have no idea why in my mind I remembered the game as full widescreen.

shrug, it still looks fantastic. Better visuals than Futari/EspII imo. Also possibly my favorite cave shmup ost. I love the goth tunes.


My favorite shooter this gen. I really liked the multiple characters and paths. Great, beautiful, mindless fun. I really hope the localization is halfway-decent.


Rolling Girl
vireland said:
My favorite shooter this gen. I really liked the multiple characters and paths. Great, beautiful, mindless fun. I really hope the localization is halfway-decent.
There isn't much to localize since pretty much all the menu options are in English, and the dialog is minimal at best in-game, so I'd hope it's good.
InfiniteNine said:
There isn't much to localize since pretty much all the menu options are in English, and the dialog is minimal at best in-game, so I'd hope it's good.

The best thing about this port is that all the Japanese DLC is included on the disc. Excellent value.


InfiniteNine said:
There isn't much to localize since pretty much all the menu options are in English, and the dialog is minimal at best in-game, so I'd hope it's good.

There's a decent amount of voice acting, at least for a shmup. And then the vocal songs. I hope they leave the songs as is and have an option for Japanese voices if you want. I really liked the guy who did the speech before the last boss. The part where the last boss is giving his speech and the vocal song starts playing is really nicely done. If I think about the game I can still hear his speech because I heard it so much times in all my playthroughs, lol


And this game has the best boss name ever.
Half Dinosaur, Half devil
How can you get any cooler?


shintoki said:
Pre-ordered on Amazon 3 months ago. BRING IT


ditto. funny that the LE faceplate might not be useable when my 360 dies :lol


InfiniteNine said:
There isn't much to localize since pretty much all the menu options are in English, and the dialog is minimal at best in-game, so I'd hope it's good.

There's quite a bit of story (voice acting), especially at the end, and I would hope that they localized it.


Bebpo said:
And this game has the best boss name ever.
Half Dinosaur, Half devil
How can you get any cooler?

That boss name completely cracked me up the first time, and pretty much every time. Hilarious in a way you only see in Japanese games.


Babalu. said:
never played any shooters like that except maybe a few times at the arcades back in the day.

Preordered this as soon as it was announced since I felt like I needed to try one out and get some more use out of my stick instead of just street fighter and the graphics looked good.

just saw the gameplay videos and feel like canceling my preorder now. Is it really a fucking 4:3 screen with bars on each side? wtf is that about. when was this game made? I thought it was new....

like seriously that shit bugs me and I might have to cancel it now and wait for a true next gen shooter.

I dont watch anime or loli shit so that crap is not a + in my book either.

I hate to be that guy, but people that say stuff like this are generally the exact opposite of who these types of games are made for.

Those people, as well as people who smash continue and then complain the game is too easy.

I suggest you cancel your pre-order.


InfiniteNine said:
I could make due without it, but I can see the demand. (but not really)

Well, if they don't localize the voice acting, why should I buy it again? That's the point. I've already pretty much obliterated the Japanese one (all characters/all paths complete).


Rolling Girl
vireland said:
Well, if they don't localize the voice acting, why should I buy it again? That's the point. I've already pretty much obliterated the Japanese one (all characters/all paths complete).
Well I'm buying it for having the DLC on disk and the shiny extras, but everyones wants are different I suppose. Got the JP version myself.
Dai101 said:

iconoclast said:
IGN prediction:

- I beat this in 40 minutes, and they expect us to pay $50 for this?!
- Should have been on XBLA
- Ugly retro graphics. They should be ashamed to release this after Uncharted 2.
- Made for pedophiles
- Oscar-worthy story


I don't know why I found this funny but I did.


I'd like some clarification on the lives system.

I pre-ordered this game right when it became available because of its reputation, but do you really get unlimited lives? Is there at least something in the options where you can set how many lives you can get?

It seems like a petty complaint but I don't like artificially restarting the game after I die a certain amount of times, and the unlimited lives thing ruined otherwise good games like Strider 2 for me in the past.

Yeah there's playing for score, but it's rare that I ever care about getting a high score.


Rolling Girl
Balb said:
I'd like some clarification on the lives system.

I pre-ordered this game right when it became available because of its reputation, but do you really get unlimited lives? Is there at least something in the options where you can set how many lives you can get?

It seems like a petty complaint but I don't like artificially restarting the game after I die a certain amount of times, and the unlimited lives thing ruined otherwise good games like Strider 2 for me in the past.

Yeah there's playing for score, but it's rare that I ever care about getting a high score.
There are continues and you can adjust how much life you get in the options.
Bebpo said:
Also are you talking about 1.1 or 1.0 X360? I never noticed a difference between 1.0 X360 and 1.0 arcade besides the visuals, but then I only played arcade mode once or twice before sticking to X360 mode.

I was talking about vanilla 360 mode. Play the forest stage in Arcade and 360, for example. You'll notice the latter is much faster than the former, particularly when you "power up". This makes it harder to score in 360 mode. The last boss is also significantly more difficult in 360 mode as much of the slowdown in Arcade mode and the Arcade PCB was removed.

Also, check out the JP leaderboards - top Arcade mode score is 617mil, top 360 mode score is 532mil. About a 100 mil gap between them, which is significant.

People who don't care about high level scoring won't care about this difference, though. In subsequent Cave ports (Futari, Espgaluda II), 360 and Arcade modes have the same slowdown & game speed, so in those games, I just play 360 mode because it looks nicer.


Balb said:
I'd like some clarification on the lives system.

I pre-ordered this game right when it became available because of its reputation, but do you really get unlimited lives? Is there at least something in the options where you can set how many lives you can get?

It seems like a petty complaint but I don't like artificially restarting the game after I die a certain amount of times, and the unlimited lives thing ruined otherwise good games like Strider 2 for me in the past.

Yeah there's playing for score, but it's rare that I ever care about getting a high score.

You have a health bar, you lose half a bar for every contact with an enemy and a full bar for every contact with a bullet. The default setting is 3 bars (you can gain more with power ups and points), but you can adjust this value in the options (of course, to submit your score in the leaderboards you must use default settings). Once your bar it's gone, you can continue or go to game over screen.

Tyrannosatan is an awesome boss, but I expected it to be some kind of... you know... tyrannosaurus. Instead it's a pteranodon :lol
Hope this sells well in the US. I bought the Japanese version on release and, while it's not my favourite Cave shmup, it's easy to get into and get the hang of and is a nice introduction to Cave shooters.

Also, for any shmup fans without a Japanese 360 who feel bad that they're just getting the original and not DS2, don't feel too bad as this is better than the sequel.


Rolling Girl
JustAnotherOtaku said:
Hope this sells well in the US. I bought the Japanese version on release and, while it's not my favourite Cave shmup, it's easy to get into and get the hang of and is a nice introduction to Cave shooters.
I'll say it's a hell of an introduction! I bought a 360 because of it.


vireland said:
Well, if they don't localize the voice acting, why should I buy it again? That's the point. I've already pretty much obliterated the Japanese one (all characters/all paths complete).

you probably shouldn't. unless you really want to support Aksys in their endeavor to bring an awesome Cave game to the US.

but thats me. i dont play any games for their story, especially not shooters.

go check the website for screens of the translation. theres a big hullabaloo about it all on shmups.com. its kind of wacky (the translation and the uproar about it)
miladesn said:
this will never come out in the PAL land, right? :( , I hope it's region free.
Almost certainly not, Rising Star Games don't care and we don't have any publishers like Aksys. And it's not region free, it only works on Japanese and American 360 consoles.

I'm still trying to decide if it's worth importing a 360 that is capable of playing Deathsmiles, although I'll probably end up buying the second release of Deathsmiles (minus the faceplate) just to support Aksys even if I can't use it.


Loves Robotech S1
Balb said:
It seems like a petty complaint but I don't like artificially restarting the game after I die a certain amount of times, and the unlimited lives thing ruined otherwise good games like Strider 2 for me in the past.

Yeah there's playing for score, but it's rare that I ever care about getting a high score.

If you don't care about 1CC'ing the game or playing for score you might want to rethink your purchase.

Some Cave ports like Ibara, Mushihime and Espgaluda do have arrange modes that remove the option of continuing though. Not sure about this one.


Azure Phoenix said:
Almost certainly not, Rising Star Games don't care and we don't have any publishers like Aksys. And it's not region free, it only works on Japanese and American 360 consoles.

Has that been confirmed? If so, damn, damn & damn again.

I really want to play DS, but can't be doing with buying another console to do it.


luka said:
If you don't care about 1CC'ing the game or playing for score you might want to rethink your purchase.

Yeah, absolutely not trying to be a jerk here, but this is probably the wrong genre if you hate having unlimited continues and at the same time don't care about playing for score or 1CCs.


Pre-ordered this from Gamestop/EBGames up here but i`m probably the only one that did :D ,i`m going to head there today to make sure everything is fine hehe...the game was in the sytem and all but the guy had no clue what it was...
iconoclast said:
IGN prediction:

- I beat this in 40 minutes, and they expect us to pay $50 for this?!
- Should have been on XBLA
- Ugly retro graphics. They should be ashamed to release this after Uncharted 2.
- Made for pedophiles
- Oscar-worthy story




Nice thread!
Gonna be lurking this thread and read impressions. Sadly I can't play the game until it gets a PAL release.
Fingers crossed


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Played a bit of it at Otakon last year, and it was really good... not sure if I like it more than Futari (my favorite shooter of the generation) so far. Next week is gonna be a great time for games, both this and Sin and Punishment 2 in the same week!

Yes Boss!


Buying this version for:

1) Convenience for play on an American console.

2) For the localization...never did input my voice-track code on the j-release.

3) Support for Aksys Games

I don't care so much about the faceplate but it will happily go on my games shelf.

This and S&P2 the same week, a real treat.


Well, I preordered it. Looking forward to playing the game itself, of course, but we'll also need these guys to localize Ketsui for us!

I don't play for score at all. I can appreciate the scoring for Mushi and ESP2, but until I can actually 1cc the games, it's just an extra difficulty curve I can do without in the meantime. My ultimate (impossible ;___;) goal is 1cc!

Don't really care for the faceplate or the huge box myself, but as long as I have the gamebox + soundtrack, I'm good. I know I want the soundtrack because this track is awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMP7a3nbuKk
*Waves Cave/Aksys Games flag in the air to show support*
Just got back from Gamestop, paid it fully off and super pumped for this! Here to join in the festivities and such. That face plate is going on my Xbox 360 as long as it lives.


mjemirzian said:
Ketsui is not as likely, due to 5pb being the developer of the port and Cave being the publisher.

I dunno though. The developer has nothing to do with whether a game comes to the US or Europe. It's 100% the publisher's game and their decision. If Death Smiles is successful and Aksys starts bringing over all the Cave X360 shmups I would expect Ketsui to be included.


At this point, Ketsui is the only thing that might cause me to grab a J360. I *really* don't want to do this.

I dunno if I want Ketsui. It's not redrawn in HD like Galuda/Deathsmiles/Futari is it? I'm just sayin cause I tried Galuda 2 in arcade mode once and I couldn't see shit.

By the way the Deathsmiles composer could totally do a Castlevania soundtrack. Then again Konami's probably too cheap to hire him. =/


The faceplate won't fit on my 360 slim (whenever I pick one up), but it is most definitely going on my dev kit!


I wouldn't hold my breath for Ketsui. The game bombed hard in Japan, and the stores are already selling it at bargain bin prices.
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