NXT Melbourne the other night was great as expected. Glad they brought out a great lineup despite being so far overseas, they couldn't easily phoned it in.
Got to meet and have a photo with Nakamura before the event thanks to 2K. Was surprised they dragged the champ up to say hello, expected some of the mid carders so that was nice (and a dream come true). Tshirts were $50 which seems insane but I don't go to many concerts/events these days tbh. A
Keith Urban concert was on about 100m away lol. More people noticed my What Bar? tshart than I
Crowd was a good mix, mostly people just happy to be there and showed a lot of respect for everyone in the ring. Some dickhead teenagers behind us in the pit were trying to get themselves over constantly though and got told to STFU multiple times by the more organised chanters on either side of the stands.
The opening triple threat was booked really well, Aussie Billie Kay got a huge pop and worked heel really well. Gave out to the crowd constantly and was better in the ring than I expected. Ember Moon was over huge, fantastic to watch in the ring too, really smooth. I assume they're building her up to take down Asuka eventually.
Blake vs Sombra was alright, crowd shat on Blake but he ended up getting over in the end, put in a big effort. Sombra working heel was great. Crowd had been doing 10 counts for any counting spots and he purposely cut them off every time lol. Some real brutal stuff in the corner basically turned the crowd to Blake so hats off to both guys for working a smart match.
Revival were amazing live. Had the crowd eating out of their hand. Tino teamed with Moss and they really only got go away heat. Moss had some good big man slams but Tino running wild was really flat.
Patrick Clark has his gimmick down pat, crowd loved it. Started whipping Lorcan with his bandanna at one point and got DQ/ECW chants in return. Crowd was really behind Clark, Lorcan was quite bland sadly.
TM61 got a HUGE reaction coming out and then DIY got an even bigger one. Fantastic match, all 4 dudes gave 100% in the ring, easily match of the night. Hope they use it in a future episode as I'd love to see it again. Crowd was vocal all the way through.
Drifter got instant fuck off heat, he worked the crowd to perfection, you could tell he was loving it. Roode got the biggest pop of the night, dude quickly realised crowd wasn't going to treat him as heal whatsoever. He definitely worked the crowd better than anyone else, giving out to the ref and crowd constantly. Dude should do really well on the main roster if they give him enough rope, had a FANTASTIC spinebuster too that made the crowd pop huge. They were up against home town hero Murphy who was obviously relishing what would probably be his biggest reaction. Teaming him with Tye was great as the crowd was chanting 10 all fucking night. Was a really hot match and Tye couldn't stop smiling the whole time, Perfect 10 thing is insanely over right now.
Asuka had a title match with Aussie Peyton Royce but they fucked up by announcing too clear and loud that Royce is from Sydney as the main rivalry here is Melb vs Syd, so the crowd turned instantly. After 2 really hot matches this was in a bad spot as the crowd couldn't believe Royce taking it to Asuka, started okay as Royce cowered and tried to outsmart Asuka which was working okay. When Royce got a ton of offense in and Asuka was selling the match really died off quick sadly.
Main event was a cage match between Joe & Nakamura. Took a while to lower the cage as they couldn't get it to all lower down initially, instant endless botchamania chants lol. Was a good match, Joe threw Nakamura into the cage a few times but the frame around the top was left on so they obviously weren't going to climb out or jump off.
Whole thing ended up running for 3.5 hours which was pretty draining by the end.
So who would you get rid of from the WWE main roster?
Kane & Big Show to back stage or media roles.