Surprised AJ doesn't have a back injury from carrying the 2/3 of the shield to 4* matches and carrying smackdown
Only thing disappointing about the CWC finals was that they took place in fullsail.
TJP was fantastic and his story felt real.
Any other arena would have been cheering the guy but the people at full sail wanted the people who weren't signed to win because they knew the scoops.
I love ibushi telling trips to fuck of so he can wrestle a Tokyo done dark match ad an anime character
lol, "nothing against Sheamus....but uh...fuck working with him"
To be fair, I think working with anyone for six months straight would kill your drive a bit
Full Sail was cheering him on in full by the end. It was an amazing turn around to see actually.
Cena vs Styles COULD NEVER
Orton on the Wyatt storyline:
Motivated Orton is the best Orton. as stupid as this storyline was, I really hope they don't just go all "lol I was just a snek all along" with Orton and just have him as a Wyatt member until it gets stale. Wyatts are elevated by his presence, and Orton just having a fresh coat of paint helps him as well.
any suggestions on the network besides nxt specials and CWC?
Put their WWE Films/Documentariesany suggestions on the network besides nxt specials and CWC?
Total Divas
If you ever want to check out good matches of wrestlers and not just good overall PPV's, there's a guy on the wrestling reddit who has made posts with compilations of their best matches with links attached to be taken to them on the Network.
any suggestions on the network besides nxt specials and CWC?
I don't think you can do it to the very second of when the match starts but you can to the show on which it happens and most PPV's (unless I think Benoit is on the card where they leave it blank either all the way through or they just have a blank for when his match would be happening and you'd have to fast-forward to find it) have the stamps you can skip can create links of matches directly to the network?
I think we know why there isn't one.wheres the WK fan vote tho
any suggestions on the network besides nxt specials and CWC?
Emmalina is finally arriving tonight to be a late contender for biggest disappointment of 2016.
But I'm gonna stay optimistic until she's on the screen.
Emmalina is finally arriving tonight to be a late contender for biggest disappointment of 2016.
But I'm gonna stay optimistic until she's on the screen.
KO made a kid cry and the mom is complaining. Who cares, it's fucking fake. You got worked. I wish more heels could make parents and kids cry.
KO made a kid cry and the mom is complaining. Who cares, it's fucking fake. You got worked. I wish more heels could make parents and kids cry.
Red & Black Zack?
I really loved them. I think even more than the last few Takeovers.these early nxt specials were kinda rough. Also Tyson Kidd in the main even lol >_>
these early nxt specials were kinda rough. Also Tyson Kidd in the main even lol >_>
There's no way she comes back as straight-up bikini-babe Emma, right?
It's gotta be a swerve.
Dorian is the head booker by the way. Konnan says AAA tried to trademark the name Alberto el Patron, which led to an enraged Alberto coming to the AAA offices and slapping Dorian Roldan. The story goes Dorian claimed they were doing it to protect Alberto, but Alberto didnt believe it. There is in fact an AAA trademark for that name (as LigerFever has in screen shots), which AAAs since given up on.
Dorian is the head booker by the way
TJ is really good such a shame that he won't ever be able to wrestle again =(ok this match is pretty good, I take my TK diss back
Injury or not, the most I could see out of TJ is either continual endless tag limbo wiht Cesaro or the Kendrick CW spot.
Well, well, well....
Probably. Honestly I think a mid-card champion would have been his ceiling, but I would have liked it based on his NXT work. Honestly his tag work with Cesaro was pretty good too.
Emma's someone I've always wanted to like but never was able to buy in to her. Her wrestling is just okay and she always sounds half disinterested when she delivers her promos.
KO made a kid cry and the mom is complaining. Who cares, it's fucking fake. You got worked. I wish more heels could make parents and kids cry.
KO is the only one trying to be a heel
It's not, apparently. A house show video has appeared on Twitter (found via Reddit):It has to be. The promos have been so 2002, I simply can't believe she isn't coming back to either rip into that, or somehow just ignore them.
It's not, apparently. A house show video has appeared on Twitter (found via Reddit):
(audio warning, don't turn volume too high or use headphones since there's a jarring scream from the audience at the start)
Bye-Bye ;_;
WWE better not be going back to attitude era level shit. between this and Lana/Enzo stuff, ugh
It's not, apparently. A house show video has appeared on Twitter (found via Reddit):
(audio warning, don't turn volume too high or use headphones since there's a jarring scream from the audience at the start)
Bye-Bye ;_;