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December Wrasslin' |OT| Dreaming of a Vanilla Christmas


Before wrestling I did watch the cartoons. And Sgt. Slaughter on G.I. Joe.

Man was I ever disappointed with the real life version.

I think my first memory of Sgt. Slaughter beyond the cartoons was of him as commissioner during the early DX era.
Old British wrestling on ITV around '87-88 was my first exposure, but I became a fan in '92 when they used to air the WCW Worldwide show followed by Hogan's Rock n Wrestling cartoon on Saturday's afternoons. I was a mark for Sting and Vader.


my first memory of wrestling was a survivor series with all tag matches and had warrior, road warriors and texas tornado on the same team, which one was that?


my first memory of wrestling was a survivor series with all tag matches and had warrior, road warriors and texas tornado on the same team, which one was that?

Mine is so hard, but I definitely recall some stuff with Monsoon & The Brain in a studio where they'd be talking and two panels would open up to a clip of a match.

My uncle also owned a VHS rental store and he got in all the WWE ppv. I remember renting SS and Royal Rumble a lot.


Similarly, my first live wrestling event was February 1994 WCW Superbrawl IV. Main event was Ric Flair vs Vader in a cage.

The show wasn't that great, but it had a mix of old timers and people who would be huge in the next 10 years. I saw early Harlem Heat, Lord Steven Regal, Arn Anderson, Cactus Jack, Sting, Brian Pillman, Steve Austin, Rick Rude, Paul Orndorff, Ric Flair, Vader and Harley Race.

Lots of good name power there and lots of names I'd never see live again.


i watched clips of raw whenever I could starting in 1999 I believe. everyone talked about wrestling at school, but my parents didn't let me watch it because it wasn't for kids. also I had a bed time so I could never stay up passed 10 for raw. I was 7 in 1999.

I definitely rented vhs tapes during that era, saw all of the hell in a cell matches, the great rock and austin promos, the dx shit, all that good stuff.

i started watching for real in 2002 when wrestlemania came to toronto. for some reason at that point my parents let me watch. i was hooked: watched raw, smackdown, velocity and sunday night heat every week. parents wouldn't buy me ppvs though. fuck you son, $40 on your fake bullshit? talk to your spoiled friends about it at school tomorrow instead.

i stopped watching when benoit killed his wife and kid and himself because that was depressing

came back when punk dropped the bomb and have been following since


Good Art™
First experience with wrestling was some royal rumble i'm pretty sure, or at least my oldest memory of it. Rick Flair won i remember, it must have been 92 i guess


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
also I thought I was missing the 5th member of that team, but I guess SS was 4 man teams back then huh


My parents introduced me to wrestling as they both liked Undertaker. I was 10 in 2002 so hard to remember if I started then.


My first actually wrestling memories are in the Attitude Era, but I also remember me and my dad watching in the early 90's. Hogan vs Sid Justice is the match that specifically comes to mind.

My first live event was some WCW PPV. My grandma took me because she heard I liked wrestling (WWF though, grandma...), but I don't remember anything about it because I didn't know who anyone was, aside from Hogan and Sting.


Either 1979-80 at the Armory at the local school in North Carolina. I remember a guy hitting someone with change. Later on a few years, Flair and Valentine beat up the neighbor who was drunk trying to fight them. I think they broke his nose.
I remember watching that Shawn/Orton match w/ the no Sweet Chin Music stipulation with my grandma. She really sold how it was just in Shawn's instincts and it was really gonna cost him. And my step-dad trying to explain the Montreal Screwjob to a young mark. "The heck is a WCW?!?"


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Decided to boot up 2K16 that I got...somewhere, a humble bundle I think. Cant use custom music in caws.

I cant use custom music in a PC game.

in 2016
Some other RAW observations from last night:

It seems like kip up is going to be the next thing announcers beat into the ground. During the crusierweight match Cole says something to the affect of "AND THERE'S THE KIP UP"

Lana is hitting the tanning bed hard. It was so abundantly clear during the backstage shot before their promo. It looked like she had bronzer on and you could see the raccoon eyes from the goggles.


Stone Cold was so incredibly fucking right about Ambrose.

The best thing about Austin is nobody can say "You wouldn't understand" to him.

He's outdrawn everyone, he was a hell of a worker and promo, he started from nothing in the WWE and wrestled all over the world.

He knew how to get over and stay over more than just "I won't job" like a HHH.


The best thing about Austin is nobody can say "You wouldn't understand" to him.

He's outdrawn everyone, he was a hell of a worker and promo, he started from nothing in the WWE and wrestled all over the world.

He knew how to get over and stay over more than just "I won't job" like a HHH.

...Austin is literally my favourite wrestler of all time, but let's not pretend he never played politics.


The best thing about Austin is nobody can say "You wouldn't understand" to him.

He's outdrawn everyone, he was a hell of a worker and promo, he started from nothing in the WWE and wrestled all over the world.

He knew how to get over and stay over more than just "I won't job" like a HHH.

you mean like that time Austin said "I won't job to Brock" and went home for a couple of months?

again, this thread smearing shit on HHH by using falacies


...Austin is literally my favourite wrestler of all time, but let's not pretend he never played politics.

He played his politics but he also knew how to protect his value from Vince and his family.

But he never politicked so badly that it would disrupt the business.

He turned heel right when he fucking filled a Stadium for wrestlemania and drew that huge gate. Hogan was clinging to being a babyface to protect his value. Austin took calculated risks that most times payed off.


you mean like that time Austin said "I won't job to Brock" and went home for a couple of months?

again, this thread smearing shit on HHH by using falacies

because that shit was dumb as fuck and not the right thing for business

most of the assholes refuse to do the job even though it IS the right thing for business

see: hogan, nash, cocaine shawn


you mean like that time Austin said "I won't job to Brock" and went home for a couple of months?

again, this thread smearing shit on HHH by using falacies

He didn't have a problem jobbing to Brock. He had a problem with it being a 1 week throwaway angle on raw and not a big PPV match.

That was a time when Vince was fucking desperate to get people to not turn off RAW and was pushing Brock harder than anyone he has ever pushed save for Reigns
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