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December Wrasslin' |OT| Dreaming of a Vanilla Christmas


Reddit parrots are the worst

Don't do this. People can not like Triple H and also not care about the general consensus of the dreaded Internet.

I'm not saying people aren't seduced into that Hivemind Lifestyle, but don't assume. You know what happens when you assume: it makes a legume out of you and me.


I can safely say my dislike of HHH is not a hivemind mentality. It's based around the belief that HHH always rode the coattails of other more successful wrestlers for most of his prime and parlayed that into trying to retroactively convince people he was good and then we he had the spotlight to himself he was exposed as being a really mediocre wrestler who also killed mainstream appeal of the business.


I can safely say my dislike of HHH is not a hivemind mentality. It's based around the belief that HHH always rode the coattails of other more successful wrestlers for most of his prime and parlayed that into trying to retroactively convince people he was good and then we he had the spotlight to himself he was exposed as being a really mediocre wrestler who also killed mainstream appeal of the business.

I can respect that, but I have my doubts

Hivemind people don't realize they're part of a hivemind. Stay woke sheeple
I can respect that, but I have my doubts

Hivemind people don't realize they're part of a hivemind. Stay woke sheeple



The finish with the proper fast count isn't the worst thing ever.

It's the lack of fast count that ruined the whole thing.

Though clean is obviously preferable.
I am of the opinion that Sting should've squashed Hogan without shenanigans.

Or I guess this would've been fine (from my days of doing the WrassleGAF Award-Winning Chronological PPV Super Grades!):

The Biggest Event in the History of Our Sport. I've refrained from branding Starrcade '97 with a big, fat, furious F due to my issues with the main event. And actually, I've come away with a better impression of the main event having watched it again in context.

Sure, the fast-count-that-wasn't-really-a-fast-count and the general wankery thereafter still sucked, but up to that moment, everything was fine. I think I've changed my mind that Sting should've just squashed Hogan and eliminated the nWo. In context, it's clear that the nWo, while growing stale, should not have ended just yet. I now think that instead of the "fast count" shenanigans, Sting should've kicked out of the leg drop, come back with some white-hot fire, the nWo cronies should've ran out only to be met by the WCW wrasslers that they showed many times in the crowd, and then Sting goes over clean as a whistle with the Scorpion Deathlock.

From here, the cracks could've started to show more and more in the nWo, ultimately leading to its demise in 1998, whether it be in a WarGames match or on its two-year anniversary at Bash at the Beach '98 or heck, even milk it until a winner-take-all match of some kind at Starrcade '98. And after its dissolution, they could hint at it and refer to the specter of the nWo, etc. etc. causing conspiracy and intrigue! :O And then, depending on fan reaction, be willing to either let it stay dead or bring it back later if it made sense.

Anyway, I apologize for the write-up. I know MC Safety prefers that I keep these things brief, but this may be the last one for a long while.

For Data "The Brain" West, for Br- Bronx-Man, im- imbask -- I dunno -- I'm Zach... NeoGAF Vince McMahon, you can go to hell! Straight to hell!

Although 2016 Zach still prefers the squash. >_>
Tanahashi said he will change his entrance theme. New theme will be revealed at WK11 Tokyo Dome.

High Energy will be end tomorrow.


Hoping TLF No Mercy 2002 - part 2 hits tomorrow. Ben jonesing for it. First part was pretty fucking great.

Also for anyone that skipped it, the live audio journal they did while attending ROH Final Battle is fucking hilarious.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Trile H was my favourite wrestler when I was 10 years old. It didn't matter how much bigger the push guys like Rock or Austin got. It didn't matter that Triple H wasn't the guy I was supposed to be cheering for in his feuds. It didn't matter. He was my favourite and always the one I rooted for above anyone else, and alsways the person I picked when I played a WWE video game.


I can safely say my dislike of HHH is not a hivemind mentality. It's based around the belief that HHH always rode the coattails of other more successful wrestlers for most of his prime and parlayed that into trying to retroactively convince people he was good and then we he had the spotlight to himself he was exposed as being a really mediocre wrestler who also killed mainstream appeal of the business.


"Look at me. I'm Harley Race. And I wrestle slow and methodical because of psychology and because I juiced so hard my quads burst into 1000 pieces"

"I'm over. You can tell I'm over because I use insider language like this:"


"and this"


What about me pushing the business to new heights with a storyline where I fuck a dead cheerleader"



No one can defend Triple H's actions in 2002 and 2003. No one.

WM17 finish soured a lot of people on WWE. The poor invasion of WWE vs WWE pushed them further away and Triple H and the never ending ego trip killed them dead.

More fans dropped off watching WWE in 2002 than any other period and it's been declining ever since.

Triple H in 2000 was incredible. Everything after is suspect.


Trile H was my favourite wrestler when I was 10 years old. It didn't matter how much bigger the push guys like Rock or Austin got. It didn't matter that Triple H wasn't the guy I was supposed to be cheering for in his feuds. It didn't matter. He was my favourite and always the one I rooted for above anyone else, and alsways the person I picked when I played a WWE video game.

I can respect that. But you gotta be honest about things when you're having a Serious Internet Discussion.

Like, just because I loved the Z-Man as a kid (you know why >_>), doesn't mean I'm going to swear up and down he was an all-time great.

Ziggler challenging AJ must be the one of the most predictable match outcomes of the year. It's a good thing that he's fighting for it in two weeks because no way could this be turned into a believable feud.


Regarding Starcade 97;

Sting should have beaten Hogan clean as fuck and that loss should have been the beginning of a very quick death for the nWo.


Trile H was my favourite wrestler when I was 10 years old. It didn't matter how much bigger the push guys like Rock or Austin got. It didn't matter that Triple H wasn't the guy I was supposed to be cheering for in his feuds. It didn't matter. He was my favourite and always the one I rooted for above anyone else, and alsways the person I picked when I played a WWE video game.
Despised HHH as a kid. I loathed the constant screwy finishes involved with him.

Although one of the biggest pops in my life I've ever had was when HHH came back from the quad injury as a face, complete with his new Motorhead theme song. He was so roided out and awesome looking.


Ziggler challenging AJ must be the one of the most predictable match outcomes of the year. It's a good thing that he's fighting for it in two weeks because no way could this be turned into a believable feud.

Yes, the only reason why Ziggler became the contender is because they didn't have the time to build up a story and opponent to AJ, so at least we'll get some cool matches out of it.


Hoping TLF No Mercy 2002 - part 2 hits tomorrow. Ben jonesing for it. First part was pretty fucking great.

I always skip the email portion as it's just repeating the exact same points they've discussed for a further 2 hours. It's a very redundant section.

The Katie Vick storyline is Triple H being a cunt in 2002. The tag title match was incredible that Stephanie hated as Heyman values quality wrestling. The main event Hell in a Cell is an intense fight made interesting by all the blood.


Despised HHH as a kid. I loathed the constant screwy finishes involved with him.

Although one of the biggest pops in my life I've ever had was when HHH came back from the quad injury as a face, complete with his new Motorhead theme song. He was so roided out and awesome looking.

I'm not into his current look (just wrapped up WM 18). He looked his best around Royal Rumble 2000.

Also, Stephanie McMahon is the worst ever so she hinders everything she's involved with.


Have any of you not watched Hogan vs. The Rock at WrestleMania X8?

If not, that's your assigned watching for this evening. That crowd reaction was something else.

"Look at me. I'm Harley Race. And I wrestle slow and methodical because of psychology and because I juiced so hard my quads burst into 1000 pieces"

"I'm over. You can tell I'm over because I use insider language like this:"


"and this"


What about me pushing the business to new heights with a storyline where I fuck a dead cheerleader"

God tier post
Ziggler challenging AJ must be the one of the most predictable match outcomes of the year. It's a good thing that he's fighting for it in two weeks because no way could this be turned into a believable feud.
When New Day breaks up on Sun, Kofi's heading to SD for that main event push. Meltz said it's okay to tell you guys.



In the indies if they are getting pops and goin over in the ring you give em a push. In WWE you feed em to HHH or one of his picked guys that they think "has a better look" because its best for business.

They're rich in spite of their stupidity is the disgusting part.


I'm not into his current look (just wrapped up WM 18). He looked his best around Royal Rumble 2000.

Also, Stephanie McMahon is the worst ever so she hinders everything she's involved with.
I think the last time I legitimately enjoyed a HHH feud was the Angle storyline in 2001 with Stephanie. I was also 14 though. HHH "doing stretches" with Trish Stratus probably added to my general interest.


Basically the two angles I would have booked very differently would have been Starcade 97 and the WCW Invasion.

Starcade 97
As I already said, Sting beating Hogan clean triggers a fairly quick death of the nWo.

And then, fast forward a few years later, we get a sequel to this storyline!

The WCW Invasion
Wait a while before doing the angle so you can actually get people like Goldberg, Flair, DDP, Booker, etc on board so WCW's lineup isn't just a bunch of midcard WCW wrestlers. Also no fucking ECW wrestlers. Build up to the Invasion PPV and build up to the main event elimation match with WWF super stars vs WCW super stars. We get close to the finale of the match, get down to Rock and Austin versus Goldberg and DDP. Then just before we get a winner - the lights go out and suddenly this happens


Hogan, Nash, Hall and a bunch of the reunited nWo show up and clean house - ending the show with the nWo spraypainting everyone. The end result for the next month or two is that WWF and WCW end their war and join forces to fight the newly revived nWo. Also, this nWo includes the members of DX - so it's full on Kliq nWo at full power. The WCW/WWF alliance seems to be slowly losing to the nWo - and then from the rafters one last star shows up to tip the balance in favor of WCW and WWF



DX are all scumbags
NWO are all assholes
Steve Austin beat his wife
Flair is a drunk asshole
Hogan is a racist
Randy Savage is a massive piece of shit
Vader is a piece of shit
Ultimate Warrior is a piece of shit
Chris Benoit is a murderer
Jake Roberts is an addicted piece of trash
etc, etc

Every wrestler to ever wrestle in WWF/E accepted to work for one of the biggest piece of shit of all time. Meaning they decided to do business with a drug-dealing, racist, sexist, injury hiding, monopoly creating, TRUMP SUPPORTING, limousine riding son of a piece of shit. They all condoned that shit by association by helping him get richer and bigger

Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did the same

except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect


Have any of you not watched Hogan vs. The Rock at WrestleMania X8?

If not, that's your assigned watching for this evening. That crowd reaction was something else.
The crowd reaction alone makes it one of the best Mania matches of all time. Both guys played to the reactions beautifully, especially Rock who went heel on the fly to go with the way things were going during the match.
DX are all scumbags
NWO are all assholes
Steve Austin beat his wife
Flair is a drunk asshole
Hogan is a racist
Randy Savage is a massive piece of shit
Vader is a piece of shit
Ultimate Warrior is a piece of shit
Chris Benoit is a murderer
Jake Roberts is an addicted piece of trash
etc, etc

Every wrestler to ever wrestle in WWF/E accepted to work for one of the biggest piece of shit of all time. Meaning they decided to do business with a drug-dealing, racist, sexist, injury hiding, monopoly creating, TRUMP SUPPORTING, limousine riding son of a piece of shit. They all condoned that shit by association by helping him get richer and bigger

Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did the same

except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect

Bret Hart
Lance Storm
Chris Jericho

I win.


DX are all scumbags
NWO are all assholes
Steve Austin beat his wife
Flair is a drunk asshole
Hogan is a racist
Randy Savage is a massive piece of shit
Vader is a piece of shit
Ultimate Warrior is a piece of shit
Chris Benoit is a murderer
Jake Roberts is an addicted piece of trash
etc, etc

Every wrestler to ever wrestle in WWF/E accepted to work for one of the biggest piece of shit of all time. Meaning they decided to do business with a drug-dealing, racist, sexist, injury hiding, monopoly creating, TRUMP SUPPORTING, limousine riding son of a piece of shit. They all condoned that shit by association by helping him get richer and bigger

Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did the same

except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect
I'm of this mind. A large percentage of wrestlers are garbage people, and the WWE is run by people with no morals. It's part of the package. Putting effort into hating HHH seems pointless.


DX are all scumbags
NWO are all assholes
Steve Austin beat his wife
Flair is a drunk asshole
Hogan is a racist
Randy Savage is a massive piece of shit
Vader is a piece of shit
Ultimate Warrior is a piece of shit
Chris Benoit is a murderer
Jake Roberts is an addicted piece of trash
etc, etc

Every wrestler to ever wrestle in WWF/E accepted to work for one of the biggest piece of shit of all time. Meaning they decided to do business with a drug-dealing, racist, sexist, injury hiding, monopoly creating, TRUMP SUPPORTING, limousine riding son of a piece of shit. They all condoned that shit by association by helping him get richer and bigger

Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did the same

except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect

What did he do?
DX are all scumbags
NWO are all assholes
Steve Austin beat his wife
Flair is a drunk asshole
Hogan is a racist
Randy Savage is a massive piece of shit
Vader is a piece of shit
Ultimate Warrior is a piece of shit
Chris Benoit is a murderer
Jake Roberts is an addicted piece of trash
etc, etc

Every wrestler to ever wrestle in WWF/E accepted to work for one of the biggest piece of shit of all time. Meaning they decided to do business with a drug-dealing, racist, sexist, injury hiding, monopoly creating, TRUMP SUPPORTING, limousine riding son of a piece of shit. They all condoned that shit by association by helping him get richer and bigger

Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did it

except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect

This is why I, and other millennials, would like to remind you all that our generation has the best wrestlers.

The locker room is full of awesome people like, Daniel Bryan.

Triple H has mostly just been "the other guy" for most of the time I've been watching wrestling. I don't particularly like or hate his wrestling, he's just there, either with or against someone I'm a lot more interested in.

GOAT tier music though - although that's not difficult when you're mates with Motorhead.
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