This is why I, and other millennials, would like to remind you all that our generation has the best wrestlers.
The locker room is full of awesome people like, Daniel Bryan.
He voted Jill Stein
This is why I, and other millennials, would like to remind you all that our generation has the best wrestlers.
The locker room is full of awesome people like, Daniel Bryan.
And he liked the Wyatts so well he squashed them at WM.except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect
It's why I like Matt Sydal
The worst thing he does is flips and weed. Possibly at the same time!
What did he do?
The WCW Invasion
Wait a while before doing the angle so you can actually get people like Goldberg, Flair, DDP, Booker, etc on board so WCW's lineup isn't just a bunch of midcard WCW wrestlers. Also no fucking ECW wrestlers. Build up to the Invasion PPV and build up to the main event elimation match with WWF super stars vs WCW super stars. We get close to the finale of the match, get down to Rock and Austin versus Goldberg and DDP. Then just before we get a winner - the lights go out and suddenly this happens
Hogan, Nash, Hall and a bunch of the reunited nWo show up and clean house - ending the show with the nWo spraypainting everyone. The end result for the next month or two is that WWF and WCW end their war and join forces to fight the newly revived nWo. Also, this nWo includes the members of DX - so it's full on Kliq nWo at full power. The WCW/WWF alliance seems to be slowly losing to the nWo - and then from the rafters one last star shows up to tip the balance in favor of WCW and WWF
I love Bryan but word could get out he's a huge jackass behind the scenes and I wouldn't even be shocked.This is why I, and other millennials, would like to remind you all that our generation has the best wrestlers.
The locker room is full of awesome people like, Daniel Bryan.
DX are all scumbags
NWO are all assholes
Steve Austin beat his wife
Flair is a drunk asshole
Hogan is a racist
Randy Savage is a massive piece of shit
Vader is a piece of shit
Ultimate Warrior is a piece of shit
Chris Benoit is a murderer
Jake Roberts is an addicted piece of trash
etc, etc
Every wrestler to ever wrestle in WWF/E accepted to work for one of the biggest piece of shit of all time. Meaning they decided to do business with a drug-dealing, racist, sexist, injury hiding, monopoly creating, TRUMP SUPPORTING, limousine riding son of a piece of shit. They all condoned that shit by association by helping him get richer and bigger
Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did the same
except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect
DX are all scumbags
NWO are all assholes
Steve Austin beat his wife
Flair is a drunk asshole
Hogan is a racist
Randy Savage is a massive piece of shit
Vader is a piece of shit
Ultimate Warrior is a piece of shit
Chris Benoit is a murderer
Jake Roberts is an addicted piece of trash
etc, etc
Every wrestler to ever wrestle in WWF/E accepted to work for one of the biggest piece of shit of all time. Meaning they decided to do business with a drug-dealing, racist, sexist, injury hiding, monopoly creating, TRUMP SUPPORTING, limousine riding son of a piece of shit. They all condoned that shit by association by helping him get richer and bigger
Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did the same
except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect
Lol. Dude is just as addicted as any other addict. Spent 2 weeks in a Japanese jail for it.It's why I like Matt Sydal
The worst thing he does is flips and weed. Possibly at the same time!
I love Bryan but word could get out he's a huge jackass behind the scenes and I wouldn't even be shocked.
He isn't actually anti-vaccination and that was just shit people said with no source, right?
I do like how at least the current generation of wrestlers just play video games behind the scenes for the most part instead of some crazy shit.
The dude's foot is fucking mangled. Hard to blame him.Lol. Dude is just as addicted as any other addict. Spent 2 weeks in a Japanese jail for it.
Vaping weed is pretty harmless, but at the same time he's at a point where he NEEDS it and can't go anywhere with out it. It's a problem.
Also there are some people that are just against over-vaccination. I think there are like double the amount of vaccinations they want kids to take compared to when I grew up. So there are some parents that are just not into the sheer amount of vaccinations the state requires a kid to have.I love Bryan but word could get out he's a huge jackass behind the scenes and I wouldn't even be shocked.
He isn't actually anti-vaccination and that was just shit people said with no source, right?
I thought Total Divas was just working me when they made Bryan and Brie look like insane hippie people.Him supporting Jill Stein adds credence to it, if anything
All sorts of stories about him abusing Elizabeth while under the influence of drugs. And of course the Steph thing
If it's his only way to manage the pain then cool. I'm not him though so I can't say.The dude's foot is fucking mangled. Hard to blame him.
God damn. Give Seph the damn book!
Friends, Rogue One is the real deal.
Mothefuckin' VAHDEH
Maybe you guys should stop watching wrestling if you hate HHH for his offscreen politicking, because everyone you ever enjoyed watching did the same
except for Dwayne, motherfucker's perfect
Would not be surprised. Episode 7 was trying desperately to just put things back on track from the prequels, rather than do anything new or interesting.My facebook has been buzzing with people saying it's really good and better than Episode 7
He tried to kill Foley in front of his family and made a bunch of homophobic promos. He's far from perfect. Very charismatic though.
You know who didn't do that (except for trying to kill Mick Foley)? Mick Foley.
All that being said when it comes to the big 5 in the WWE they all have different agendas
- Barrios wants the company as profitable as possible and an image as clean as a whistle
- HHH wants to be liked and respected by people in wrestling. He wants to be Ric Flair with his matches and his impact on wrestling (except for the jobbing part).
- Steph wants to be respected in business circles. Something that if she were to run for office she could point with pride that she ran the WWE.
- Vince wants his image and his story regardless of if it matches fan or economic interest.
- Dunn wants and Emmy and a product that is more entertainment and less sport.
Oddly enough because of these things from an entertainment perspective HHH gets and understands wrestling fans today maybe better than anyone else in the company.
NXT proved it and him keeping somebody like Ryan Wards near him shows he understands the history of wrestling and what works and what doesn't work.
His mixture of raiding talent and using NXT to try and elevate new talent has not only made NXT a viable touring promotion but he also took the Johhny Ace roster that may have been the worst of all time and upgraded it to where it is today.
I honestly believe that HHH is changing from the insecure talent who Warrior buried to somebody who sees the bigger picture in wrestling. Then he has his moments when he flashes back into 2002-4 HHH.
Sounds good to me. Get to hear Kofi's theme againWhen New Day breaks up on Sun, Kofi's heading to SD for that main event push. Meltz said it's okay to tell you guys.
Would not be surprised. Episode 7 was trying desperately to just put things back on track from the prequels, rather than do anything new or interesting.
All that being said when it comes to the big 5 in the WWE they all have different agendas
- Barrios wants the company as profitable as possible and an image as clean as a whistle
- HHH wants to be liked and respected by people in wrestling. He wants to be Ric Flair with his matches and his impact on wrestling (except for the jobbing part).
- Steph wants to be respected in business circles. Something that if she were to run for office she could point with pride that she ran the WWE.
- Vince wants his image and his story regardless of if it matches fan or economic interest.
- Dunn wants and Emmy and a product that is more entertainment and less sport.
Oddly enough because of these things from an entertainment perspective HHH gets and understands wrestling fans today maybe better than anyone else in the company.
NXT proved it and him keeping somebody like Ryan Wards near him shows he understands the history of wrestling and what works and what doesn't work.
His mixture of raiding talent and using NXT to try and elevate new talent has not only made NXT a viable touring promotion but he also took the Johhny Ace roster that may have been the worst of all time and upgraded it to where it is today.
I honestly believe that HHH is changing from the insecure talent who Warrior buried to somebody who sees the bigger picture in wrestling. Then he has his moments when he flashes back into 2002-4 HHH.
It takes time for things to start clicking, but once it does, it's unstoppable. The last act had me over the moon.My facebook has been buzzing with people saying it's really good and better than Episode 7
Terry Funk is pretty much every wrestler's best friend. He seems like the nicest guy on the planet.Stan Hansen's got to be one of the nicest dudes, doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone, made his money and got out with his health intact, only really guilty of maybe hitting dudes a teensy bit too hard and running over the AWA title with his truck.
Also, Terry Funk. Anyone ever buried the Funker? Not to my knowledge.
My facebook has been buzzing with people saying it's really good and better than Episode 7
Stan Hansen's got to be one of the nicest dudes, doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone, made his money and got out with his health intact, only really guilty of maybe hitting dudes a teensy bit too hard and running over the AWA title with his truck.
Also, Terry Funk. Anyone ever buried the Funker? Not to my knowledge.
I still don't know if I'd go that far, despite personally looking forward to it more than Ep7. Might need a rewatch
That said, it's really fucking good. I hope everyone can appreciate this era of Star Wars we're living through right now, because we've come a lonnnnnnnnnng way from Eps1-3
DAD I'M YOUR REAL SON PLEASE LOVE MEI don't have much to add about Triple H, but I do think it's funny that people think Shane would run the business better and is way less crazy than his fath- ... OH SHIT, he's about to jump off of something really tall again!
Shane by all accounts had terrible ideas for creative, it just seems like the very anti-Vince/HHH/Stephanie crowd think he could save the business.I don't have much to add about Triple H, but I do think it's funny that people think Shane would run the business better and is way less crazy than his fath- ... OH SHIT, he's about to jump off of something really tall again!
I think the only people on the planet that like the prequels better than the original trilogy are kids that were born within the past 10-15 years, and they just saw those first.People who say any of the prequel movies are better than any of the other Star Wars movies are out of their minds.. The prequels are so fucking bad, and not just as Star Wars movies - I'm talking as movies in general.And are probably HHH marks, too
Lol no.Episode 3 is better than 6 and 7 and That is a shoot brother.
Great article in the incoming wrestling stream Wars