Sorry, I don't mean to delve into Star Wars too much but Return of the Jedi has some really well put together moments that I think go a little unnoticed. Like, for example, the final showdown with Luke and Vader is a surprisingly effective subversion of your expectations. From the moment in A New Hope where you hear "Vader betrayed and killed your father" you know that at some point we're going to get the moment where our hero Luke triumphs over Vader and defeats him. Instead, when we arrive in this moment in Return of the Jedi ...
... it's not a triumphant moment of our hero defeating the villain. Instead it comes across as a somber moment where a son is about to murder his father because his son has started to succumb to the same evil that his father fell prey to. And all the while, there's also the underlying fact that Vader also doesn't want to kill Luke because he knows Luke is right about him.