"He used to do a thing where, like, he'll come up behind a guy and grab you by the hips and he's like, 'I'm dominating you! I'm dominating you!' Like, just holding your hips, but he would really latch onto your hips," Ryback started.
"So one day I'm walking and we're in Dallas [Texas]. I'll never forget it, Pat Patterson, is, like, standing against the wall. Daniel Bryan comes up and I don't see Pat because I'm walking and Pat's down a little [farther]. And Dan comes up behind me and grabs me by the hips and he goes, 'I got you!' And he did this to me all the time. And there [are] times when I'm like, 'get the fuck off' and other times I go along with it. So this time, like, I was in a good mood, and so I start giddying up down the hallway with him on my hips. Like, legitimately, slap the ass, giddy up, like, we go right by Pat Patterson and we get passed and we look and we stop and we both thought the same thing and looked."
Ryback concluded, "And Pat's just staring at both of us. And I turn around and laugh. I couldn't stop myself from laughing and I was thinking, 'for all the moments for that to fucking happen,' but Dan probably saw Pat from a distance and thought, 'oh, this will be fucking money'. He's good like that, so that to this day is one of my favorite moments with Dan."