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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What if the "brass ring" actually meant a wrestling ring? Riddle me THAT.
Sounds like fun, could even be playful. Depends on who cuts the promo.



Let's get some kideo game talk fired up. Riddle me these, friends:

Best Visual Design

Best Sound Design

Best New Character

Biggest Surprise

Game of the Year

Mario Kart 8. First off the game is pretty as hell. But then Nintendo just fills up that world with little details that blow your mind. The fact that there's MK8TV vans around the track. Sponsors everywhere. Crowds. It's so damn good.

Runner-ups: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Monument Valley

This category is different from best music right? Because if it is, it's pretty much a tossup between South Park and Jazzpunk. Both have great sound design, one that incorporates its history into this grand satire and makes it work and another that is just something else entirely

Best New Character
Man, it was a weak year for characters. Octodad i guess?

Biggest Surprise
Jazzpunk. Came out of nowhere and shit is crazy

Game of the Year
Bayonetta 2. Easily

Also, concerning Mordor. It's a really good game that unfortunately has to play like a game which brings the game down. Seriously, those story missions are such a drag on the game


Also, concerning Mordor. It's a really good game that unfortunately has to play like a game which brings the game down. Seriously, those story missions are such a drag on the game

Mordor talk - I've dumped probably 10 hours into the game by now (bought it on black friday) and I think I've only done a handful of the main story missions. I've more or less transformed the game into an Orc Murdering Simulator - and it's a fantastic one at that. I think the game does a pretty good job of making you feel like a badass.


Colt's insistence that Punk wasn't a scoop, that he was just providing a safe place to talk, is kinda weird. I mean, for one, I think many of the things Punk said deserve to be challenged, and also the idea that he needed a "safe place" in the first place is pretty melodramatic.

Did you hear? It also wasn't a shoot!


WWE has announced the following, initial categories for this year’s Slammy Awards. The nominees will be revealed this coming Saturday afternoon at which time voting will begin. More Slammy categories will be revealed throughout the week:

* Best Twitter Handle or Social Media Champion

* Match of the Year

* Diva of the Year

* Superstar of the Year

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
BTW, interestingly, WWE Network uploaded the 1987 Slammys. Could be worth watching.


* Best Twitter Handle or Social Media Champion: don't know/don't care

* Match of the Year: Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H, WrestleMania 30

* Diva of the Year: Nikki Bella or AJ, right? :/

* Superstar of the Year: Daniel Bryan or Brock Lesnar
In what universe is Diva of the Year anyone but Shooter Steph McMahon?


Layla <3

Hey new guy Frecklestein what do you think of Layla? It's my only criteria for those who wish to join this community

He's someone I hated when I was growing up. I wish I appreciated him more when he was relevant. But honestly, I think it's a testament to his work as a heel that pissed me off when I was a kid.

Also, I later just hated him because he took Jamie Noble's
woman. : (

I've always had a thing for Layla. I think she's under appreciated whenever it comes to talking about attractive women in the WWE.
How long until Creative writes in a workshoot about reaching for brass rings, yet again, to let someone ride the smark wave? I'm already embarrassed for some of you.

You mean like when CM Punk brought up "Vince McMahon's imaginary brass rings" in his pipebomb promo three years ago?


Tsk tsk at all of WrassleGAF not knowing who the Best New Character of 2014 in gaming was...

I have so much DESPAIR at this news.


So much despair...
Also a valid explanation.

Related, an employee of ours here hasn't shown up yet and he's an hour and a half late. And he's a millenial. And didn't pick up his phone when I called to ask him where the fuck he is. I hope he's not dead, but he's a millenial - probably just lazy.

No text or phone call to their supervisor to let them know they will be late? Douche employee unless an accident has happened. Boot up their arse time Vince.

Re-signed or resigned?

2 vastly different meanings seperated only by adding a dash. That word structure is super dangerous. If you emailed your employer and forgot the dash you would be salty as fuck that you didn't proof read it.

Honestly, how many of these wrestlers are ever showing a marked improvement in what they do in the ring or on the mic? You have to strive to be better and I'm not seeing it when it matters.

Tyson Kidd has been great lately, same with Rusev. Rollins & Ambrose seemed to have been improving over the last 12 months it seems. Cody has been fantastic with the new gimmick too!

Real talk, friends.

Where the hell did you expect Ryder to go? He would never, EVER be main event material, no matter how over he was.

Mid card feud with Miz? Hollywood vs Internet? Something like that could be alright if the in ring work is up to a high standard too, the promos would be fine. Have Miz as the old guard laughing at the stupid millenial and do shoots about how stupid Twitter and smartphones are.
Just a mid range Jericho type thing to keep people busy and the viewers entertained would be nice.
MetsFan4Ever said:
Tension was still rather high backstage at SmackDown. Some talent were described as being "let down" after Vince's comments about the current roster. Others expressed that they liked to hear Vince give his honest opinion on the current state of the roster and hopes that will motivate the entire company.

Carny ass business. Wrestlers are the only full group of workers in the world who, after their boss publicly tells the world they aren't shit and never will be shit, only respond by saying "well, at least he was honest"


Mid card feud with Miz? Hollywood vs Internet? Something like that could be alright if the in ring work is up to a high standard too, the promos would be fine. Have Miz as the old guard laughing at the stupid millenial and do shoots about how stupid Twitter and smartphones are.
Just a mid range Jericho type thing to keep people busy and the viewers entertained would be nice.

Maryse is gonna get upset


They should repackage Bo Dallas as a character called "The Brass Ring" and have him come out in full on copper body paint.
"Do you bo-lieve in the brass ring? I do. Because it's me. I bo-lieve in me! Come and get me WWE locker room!"

The audience can abbreviate his names and just chant Bo-Ring during his matches and it will be a sign of him actually getting over and not that they're actually, in fact, bored.


They should repackage Bo Dallas as a character called "The Brass Ring" and have him come out in full on copper body paint.

Instead, we'll get promos about certain superstars reaching for the brass ring, or heels mocking their opponents for not getting the brass ring, and in reality, it will all be from or directed at guys like Dolph Ziggler who constantly reach but find nothing there.
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