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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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"Do you bo-lieve in the brass ring? I do. Because it's me. I bo-lieve in me! Come and get me WWE locker room!"

The audience can abbreviate his names and just chant Bo-Ring during his matches and it will be a sign of him actually getting over and not that they're actually, in fact, bored.

It could be like the Hardcore Title angle all over again, with wrestlers trying to grab Bo and chasing him all over the place, backstage, at the airport, ect...eventually culminating in a Bo on a Pole match for the WWE title.
Real unpopular opinion talk: a middle aged mom shouldn't do the cool look/gang sign combo. It's so uncool.

Also, she is doing the Four Horsemen sign wrong, I hope Flair thought her how to do it properly since then.

when that middle-aged mom can beat the shit out of all the middle-aged fans that watch her show, she can do anything she wants.

Aiii says that "middle-aged" 37 year old woman looks uncool throwing up fake gang signs; should take lessons from 65 year old senile alcoholic man. Wonder what the real issue is brother.


So not worth it
Aiii says that "middle-aged" 37 year old woman looks uncool throwing up fake gang signs; should take lessons from 65 year old senile alcoholic man. Wonder what the real issue is brother.

Double that puts her at 74, that is pretty damn close to exactly middle aged. Come on now.


WWE Raw Viewership 12/1

hour 1: 4.227
hour 2: 3.952
hour 3: 3.471

Avg: 3.883

Did a 2.80 rating

Basically doing a 30 minute match did not work in hour 3.
Tsk tsk at all of WrassleGAF not knowing who the Best New Character of 2014 in gaming was...

I have so much DESPAIR at this news.


So much despair...

I don't know, for me his 2014 was a bit like Bray Wyatt's 2014.
Started off strong with a good character hook, cut engaging promos and made you want to see what he'd do next, but then *sort of danganronpa spoilers*
he got buried at the apex of his biggest storyline by NEVER GIVE UP spirit
and upon returning in the second half of the year just lacked the initial spark while droning away with the same old stuff.

Then again also like Bray Wyatt the character competition is pretty low so yeah, solid candidate.


Oh, and prepare for millennials to become a major in-joke on WWE TV.

Will be more insufferable than GTA V's take on it.

Remember what happened when Boromir reached for the brass ring? He got future endeavored and didn't show up in the next two movies.
Only Cena Frodo gets to wear the ring.

Aragorn was such a politician. Soon as the FE happened, took Boromir's ring gear and no one noticed or said a word. Shows up in movie three and outright takes his spot. Then he married into wealth and now he shows up everywhere with a crown. Who needs a ring when you're king of the mountain(-city-thing)? The HHH of Middle Earth.
Real unpopular opinion talk: a middle aged mom shouldn't do the cool look/gang sign combo. It's so uncool.

Also, she is doing the Four Horsemen sign wrong, I hope Flair thought her how to do it properly since then.

So Steph is just some middle aged mom throwing up gang signs now? What should she be doing instead?

You are the king of unpopular opinions.
Cesaro was better on NXT
Tyson Kidd is an A+ heel on NXT
Titus was fun on NXT
Brodus was a decent heel on NXT

I think the only WWE guy who came down to NXT that didn't instantly become better was Justin Gabriel.
Kofi Kingston had some matches in NXT. He beat Rusev clean.

Sin Cara is less bad.

Hmmm, they should make Darren Young go through NXT. They're not gonna release him, so you might as well try to make him better
PTP was always better than Slator Gator.




Good lord Dixie, you're putting me to sleep. You're talking for 25 minutes without saying a damn thing. WTF.
At least when Daddy stops giving her money for her wrestling company she'll have built the perfect resume to go work for WWE. Talking for 25 minutes without saying a damn thing is just what they're looking for to pad their weekly 3-hour RAW program.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Real unpopular opinion talk: a middle aged mom shouldn't do the cool look/gang sign combo. It's so uncool.

Also, she is doing the Four Horsemen sign wrong, I hope Flair thought her how to do it properly since then.

Four HorseWOMEN. It's turned up because it makes a W.
Stone Cold has two TV shows on CMT? I thought he had something called Broken Skull Challenge.

Rock has a new TV show out now too, something about helping random people reach for the brass ring or some shit, can't recall the name of it.

BttF 2 my favorite from the series

Same, they really nailed the interesting time travel aspect in this one. All the props/sets/costumes were awesome too.

Those Telltale games didn't do BTTF any favors. Nice effort, but they shouldn't have really tried.

Doc Brown swearing in the opening scene of the game angered me so much I stopped playing right there. Fuck Telltale.

My coworker and I had a disagreement. He doesn't think of our customers as "customers" but only as coworkers. He's made it clear that he doesn't care about delivering good and timely customer service because he isn't their "bitch". I had to go to my Sunny McMahon and bury him. Guess how old he is.

Fuck if a co-worker tried to treat me like that I would go to management and bitch their arse out. Either you do your job to 100% of your ability or get the fuck out so we can find someone who will. Fuck.

As a misanthropic single player player of video games, is Destiny even worth a purchase to play through the campaign?

The story is non-existent, dialogue and build up is minimal at best.
The core gunplay cycle is fantastic, the loot system is odd and minimal.
The game is fantastic as a shared ambient experience, in co-op with friends running strikes or raids, or just patrolling with random guardians going about their business near you.
There is minimal hand holding, most of the mechanics aren't explained (especially post level cap) and require asking other players or checking on the internet.
It works well as a one hour a day experience, I'd recommend it only if you have friends who play. It has a lot of MMO elements to it, for better or worse.

It feels like they removed half the game, halfway through development. Reminds me a lot of Titanfall in that aspect. Constant niggling feeling you are seeing stuff that was going to be expanded x10 before they were locked into a release date.

Hopefully they bother to make a properly delivered story for Destiny 2. I won't bother with the expansion since it's just more of the same.

Let's get some kideo game talk fired up. Riddle me these, friends:

Best Visual Design
Infamous Second Son
Best Sound Design
Far Cry 4 or TxK
Best New Character
Fetch from Infamous First Light
Biggest Surprise
Stick it to the Man (was that this year? I played it this year)
otherwise Wolfenstein The New Order
Game of the Year
Velocity 2X or Danganronpa
I'll also note Destiny for the sheer amount of great times I had playing online with friends, moreso than any other online game before
The Last of Us HD and GTA5 HD too since I had a blast going through the best 2 games of last year again.

Good lord Dixie, you're putting me to sleep. You're talking for 25 minutes without saying a damn thing. WTF.

She never does. I read the highlights and its her normal BS where she tries to drive the narrative of everything being their choice. The stand out lie for me was about how she thinks the current young guys are the best the companies ever had. I'm not sure who shes still counting as a young guy but considering the rosters TNA has had in the past compared to now, its about as convincing as them choosing to be on Destination America.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Aha, is that so. Well my bad then, I apologize.

Actually let me correct myself. I don't want to be on the receiving end of an angry bean breath post.

It's a W because it's TURNT up. Whew.


She never does. I read the highlights and its her normal BS where she tries to drive the narrative of everything being their choice. The stand out lie for me was about how she thinks the current young guys are the best the companies ever had. I'm not sure who shes still counting as a young guy but considering the rosters TNA has had in the past compared to now, its about as convincing as them choosing to be on Destination America.

You would think an exclusive 25 minute interview would have some announcements, but no.....that's all still being worked on and finalized.


Justin Gabriel isn't boring, he's just a flippy indie body for flippy indie guys to work with. He's generic as fuck but not boring.
I'm devastated because Kurt Angle is going back to TNA. Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

Is there a chance this is just one huge swerve?...

I'll stop now.
WWE Raw Viewership 12/1

hour 1: 4.227
hour 2: 3.952
hour 3: 3.471

Avg: 3.883

Did a 2.80 rating

Basically doing a 30 minute match did not work in hour 3.

...bean breath?
Numbers peaked at the start of the show, when they recapped last week's episode featuring Daniel Bryan as special guest GM.

Viewers dropped when they realized Daniel Bryan was not back to resume his role but most held out hope that he might show up and face off against the Anonymous Raw GM in the second hour.

The ratings tanked in the third hour when the last possible time a Daniel Bryan appearance would've made sense, accompanying his wife Brie who was accompanying her sister Nikki, bore no Goatface.


Dean Ambrose keeping Kayfabe alive:

Smackdown Spoilers:

As noted earlier, WWE did a stretcher job with Dean Ambrose at last night's WWE SmackDown taping in Oklahoma City. Ambrose was scheduled to face Rusev, but before the match could take place, he was attacked by Wyatt on the ramp. Wyatt beat down on Ambrose with a steel chair and steel steps, resulting in Ambrose being taken to the back on a stretcher.
Ambrose was selling the injury at the hotel later that night, as seen in the photo

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