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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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I just realized I'm two weeks behind on NXT... =_=


Whose butts are these?

Edit: Ha ha, top of the page. How embarrassing.


Catching up On NxT and my god I knew this already but it still blows my mind how great women matches are on here compared to Raw. It feels like any other mens match fast with lots of moves. On Raw even someone as good as AJ in a match just feels like a slop to watch and is just horrible. Thank goodness there matches are 2 minutes long....Dunn needs to get the fuck out of there ruining womens wrestling everyday :/


Wasn't impressed with Devitt/Kidd. Like, at all. I thought it was pretty boring. I want to have hope with Devitt and Kidd, but neither have been impressive even against guys they should be able to work with.


So WWE pretty much got me locked into the commitment despite this month stating that there's no more commitment. Still waiting on the email to migrate my account to the no commitment account but lolz


for my frustration I'll binge on some ecw shows :/

You can do what I did on accident. My bank sent me a new card but I forgot to update my billing info. My payment didn't go through and my account was closed. I signed up again under the "no commitment" account.
Bootista getting another Hollywood paycheck... that waving gif becomes more apt every single day.

Really happy to see him doing well, he was great in Riddick and GotG. Sucks his comeback run in WWE sucked but that's the reality of the current product, hopefully it improves before he wants back in again.

I don't regularly listen to the Colt Cabana podcast, but goddamn Colt, how much of your podcast is ads?

Less than SCSA's lol

I want to do some new calculations with Colt's ad firm and how many ads are on this recent show, this should give us a clearer picture of how much Punk is earning him. I can also build that vs his old ad count and viewer numbers as well to see how much was pure Punk money.

Can someone please count how many different:

PreRoll ( 15-30 seconds at start of Podcast )
Song of the Week Midroll
Bundle Midroll (After Song of the Week)
End of Episode

Ask some of your millenials to do it since they are sitting around doing jack shit anyway.

So overall all this bullshit has made money for everyone.

That hack Cabana got money, Punk can sell his merch, people will download Stone Cold's podcast, people checked out the Network, and HHH gets more powerful as the souls of haters fuel him.

At the end of the day it was highly entertaining for fans and didn't cost the majority of them (who can hold themselves together long enough to decide if they need yet another fucking tshirt) a thing.

Win win. Smart business.

I always get sad when I see broken down addict Hall :(

Did anyone capitalize more on Stone Cold not being around than HHH? Motherfucker got an entire WM booked around him at WM2000.

He stepped up damn well, that was a good time for proper superstars reaching for the brass ring, don't see that these days.

Meanwhile, on @SaifsArt...

That's fucking brilliant lol


So not worth it
Great promo work from Sascha Banks and Bailey, love it. Charlotte continues to improve every time she's out there, what a natural!
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