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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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I had a dream that I was on a vacation with my family and I guess we were watching wrestling? but we were the only ones there, and Luke Harper jumped out of a second story of a building onto Sheamus and crakced his head open and knocked himself out, so we had to find a hospital to take Luke Harper to.

I had a dream where there was some lady (and actress that I can't put the name to, but I know I've seen her in stuff) who was selling a product that when you talked about something on your phone, it would automatically download podcasts about it. In trying to sell it to me, she took me on a drive around my city. I thought she was testing me to remember the streets, but she was taking me to some dive seafood place on a lake (which doesn't exist here). I couldn't lock the door to my house so I was getting really anxious about it. And I had to go to work at 3.

In the shitty restaurant was WCW era Raven and LU KONNAN. And some dude that seem to think I had boned Liz. My belt got really loose even though I didn't lose any weight. I woke up before I got any food, which is good, because I don't like sea food.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I had a dream where there was some lady (and actress that I can't put the name to, but I know I've seen her in stuff) who was selling a product that when you talked about something on your phone, it would automatically download podcasts about it. In trying to sell it to me, she took me on a drive around my city. I thought she was testing me to remember the streets, but she was taking me to some dive seafood place on a lake (which doesn't exist here). I couldn't lock the door to my house so I was getting really anxious about it. And I had to go to work at 3.

In the shitty restaurant was WCW era Raven and LU KONNAN. And some dude that seem to think I had boned Liz. My belt got really loose even though I didn't lose any weight. I woke up before I got any food, which is good, because I don't like sea food.
I can't look at Raven the same way after watching the Perry Saturn youshoot.
Wait... So Sting wrestled for pennys in front of hobo's in TNA for years but now that he is in the WWE he is being super tight about the dates he works and is pulling a Lesner?

Jeez Steve.


Wait... So Sting wrestled for pennys in front of hobo's in TNA for years but now that he is in the WWE he is being super tight about the dates he works and is pulling a Lesner?

Jeez Steve.

I don't think this is Sting and Lesnar, I think this is Vince not wanting these guys to be regular attractions and knowing it would appeal to certain performers.


You need to give the people what they want in regards to Sami and Neville. Sami needs to get the belt and then those two have a great rematch down the road. I think there's literally no way you can deviate from that.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
Wait... So Sting wrestled for pennys in front of hobo's in TNA for years but now that he is in the WWE he is being super tight about the dates he works and is pulling a Lesner?

Jeez Steve.

Sting isn't going to wrestle until Mania so I don't really see a problem with keeping him off TV until closer to. Plus, his opponent is off TV right now, too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
KI is pretty dope but let's be real, the FGC are a bunch of millenials.


Sony has sold more consoles, it's easy to develop for and more powerful. Win, win for Capcom no matter what deal they took. They can always change their mind like the purple lunch box which wasn't even outselling anything at the time. I did buy one mind you specifically for those supposed exclusives.


It is Sami's choice. I don't think Regal has even made that an official stipulation unless he did it on this week's show. But it was his decision and he said he'd leave even if it isn't an official stipulation.

Which also neatly deals with the logic of "why would you make a stipulation to remove one of your top stars from the company?" if the stipulation is unofficial and just something Sami promised to do on his own.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sony has sold more consoles, it's easy to develop for and more powerful. Win, win for Capcom no matter what deal they took. They can always change their mind like the purple lunch box which wasn't even outselling anything at the time. I did buy one mind you specifically for those supposed exclusives.

Capcom's currently very fucked and a lot of their shit is in development hell. They haven't had any breakaway successes in the mobile sector either. They needed the money, and it's safe money.
I'm sure its a time exclusive.

I bet Street Fighter 5 is 100% full exclusive.

But ya bet your ass Super Street Fighter 5 will be on everything.

Also isnt the FGC already pretty much locked on PS platforms anyway? This just seems like a excuse to give a Japanese developer a extra year to get its Xbox shit sorted.


Someone in that thread who "knows things" is claiming it's an exclusive exclusive. Hope he's wrong, because I'd rather more people got their hands on it, but there it is.

Though I haven't kept up with gaming news in a while, didn't the 360 buy as much copies of the SF4 games than PS3 owners did? Because if so, that reason alone should be enough to bring it to the next Microsoft platform.

Maybe... But this could be that mysterious game Sony San Diego Studios was working on.

Quick google search shows tons of Sports games. Maybe they'll unveil a FPS or something. Unless Capcom has been farming out development of their SF titles to other development houses?
personally I'm for companies attempting to diversify their portfolio among different platforms, give each platform a different flavor~!

didn't capcom have another ps4 exclusive that they announced at the reveal for the console? did that ever come out?


Its Vince not wanting to pay them.

Eh, it's not that. Lesnar is getting paid out the ass for his limited appearances, and Sting, well, no matter what you pay him, it's probably not a good idea to have him make regular appearances. The man's 55 years old.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So are wrasslin fans, yet here we are.

Lemme tell you something that blew my mind. Comic industry's major demographic were like 34-54 year old basement dudes. That's who they write for. Mind-boggling.


Though I haven't kept up with gaming news in a while, didn't the 360 buy as much copies of the SF4 games than PS3 owners did? Because if so, that reason alone should be enough to bring it to the next Microsoft platform.

It probably did, especially with the bigger install base on 360. But Sony money + Capcom being in the shit + bigger PS4 install base = Exclusive, possibly not timed.

Obviously, this says nothing about SUPER SF5.

Lemme tell you something that blew my mind. Comic industry's major demographic were like 34-54 year old basement dudes. That's who they write for. Mind-boggling.

Damn. Makes a lot of sense though as I don't think the movies are doing a lot to push people over to the medium.

But if they're still basement dudes, they're just millenial in spirit really.


I think most kids today don't give a fuck about the comic books. They care about the videogames, movies, and cartoons.

Hell I am guilty of that. When it comes to Batman the last thing I tried was the comic books. Started with campy TV show, then Movie, then NES games, and then animated series. Hell I barely got some batman comics like say...5 years ago. In my 30s.

Marvel was a little different since they were much more behind. I got into those comic books before there were movies or games of any kind.


I think most kids today don't give a fuck about the comic books. They care about the videogames, movies, and cartoons.

Hell I am guilty of that. When it comes to Batman the last thing I tried was the comic books. Started with campy TV show, then Movie, then NES games, and then animated series. Hell I barely got some batman comics like say...5 years ago. In my 30s.

Marvel was a little different since they were much more behind. I got into those comic books before there were movies or games of any kind.

I'm not a singles kind of guy, but I'll readily admit to reading graphic novels.



Think Seth's hittin that?

Dude dresses like a hobo.


Why doesn't Punk support sports that are actually cool like Football and Basketball. Guess he just have to be a rebel like that. Or maybe he's just cheap. Baseball and Hockey are much more affordable!


I think most kids today don't give a fuck about the comic books. They care about the videogames, movies, and cartoons.

Hell I am guilty of that. When it comes to Batman the last thing I tried was the comic books. Started with campy TV show, then Movie, then NES games, and then animated series. Hell I barely got some batman comics like say...5 years ago. In my 30s.

Marvel was a little different since they were much more behind. I got into those comic books before there were movies or games of any kind.
The weird thing is that kids love comic book character but have never read a comic.
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