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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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So, I'm learning a lot by watching these mid-70s Antonio Inoki matches on New Japan World and doing some reading on them. Like...how they never/rarely booked a top Japanese wrestler against another top Japanese wrestler. The top guy would generally be considered a face and would just take on evil foreign heels. Which is why a match like Antonio Inoki vs. Strong Kobayashi was such a big deal in 1974.


Punk's gonna do MMA? With UFC?! That's a bit terrifying, but I'll root for the ornery bastard nonetheless.

I share the same sentiments. Makes me cringe to read about it, but I genuinely hope he succeeds. Who knows? He could totally surprise us.
I share the same sentiments. Makes me cringe to read about it, but I genuinely hope he succeeds. Who knows? He could totally surprise us.

I'm just gonna echo what someone said in the other thread. Dude is out of the poisonous world of pro-wrestling. He seems so much happier, he's married, looks like a million bucks, doing things he's always wanted to do, he's accomplished just about everything he wanted outside of main eventing Mania. Now's he's on to writing comics and dabbling in some MMA.

At this point in time, the odds certainly don't look good for him in terms of succeeding in the UFC, but who gives a shit? He's actually doing the things he wants to do in his life, win or lose, not many people can say they have or are.

Expecting the worst but hoping for the best is probably how I'd sum it all up.
I'm just gonna echo what someone said in the other thread. Dude is out of the poisonous world of pro-wrestling. He seems so much happier, he's married, looks like a million bucks, doing things he's always wanted to do, he's accomplished just about everything he wanted outside of main eventing Mania. Now's he's on to writing comics and dabbling in some MMA.

At this point in time, the odds certainly don't look good for him in terms of succeeding in the UFC, but who gives a shit? He's actually doing the things he wants to do in his life, win or lose, not many people can say they have or are.

Expecting the worst but hoping for the best is probably how I'd sum it all up.

Well said.


Canceled my Network subscription. It runs out Christmas Eve. Might sign back up for WM, but only if they've improved vault library.


Canceled my Network subscription. It runs out Christmas Eve. Might sign back up for WM, but only if they've improved vault library.

Say it ain't sobogo!

Seriously, though, are they going to add the '97 Nitros soon because I was just thinking about how I'd be caught up soonish...
Considering how the last fight just went, I rescind any negative thoughts and say that if Punk can just last to a judge's decision, he should have a long undefeated career in the UFC



Just spoke with CM Punk. He confirmed an eight fight deal. Debuts in the spring against the returning GSP. Said he was promised a "main event in the same month as Wrestlemania" and that sealed the deal.

Man, he really wanted it that bad.

27 years old. No insane WWE schedule but with access to OVW's facilities that turned Joey Matthews into a ripped midget.

This was his peak. At 27.

Meh. I'm not saying he'll be successful, but he was making 24k a year and eating shit. See what happens when he's got Mike Dolche making all his meals.
Wait wait wait wait.

That TLC (and stairs) shit ISNT photoshopped? That's fucking real? Really? What's the stipulation that makes it a stairs match? Don't they just use stairs randomly anyway? Do you have to pin that giant doofus Big Show on the stairs or do you have to put the stairs on top of him for the pin to count?

EDIT: Wait wait wait wait.

He's opening his fight career against GSP? This has to be a work or bullshit.


Punk's physical peak was probably right before he got signed to WWE. He was pretty cut and lean with some actual striations. Once he got to WWE, he tried to bulk up and it looked like shit.
If he loses to GSP, he loses to GS fuckin' P. At least the excuse can be he lost to someone leagues ahead, which will look better than losing against a random nobody. But there's no way he's facing GSP, right? that's fake, right?
If he loses to GSP, he loses to GS fuckin' P. At least the excuse can be he lost to someone leagues ahead, which will look better than losing against a random nobody. But there's no way he's facing GSP, right? that's fake, right?

For his last fight, maybe.

His first fight will ease him into the deal, would be insanely stupid otherwise.


I could see the build to GSP/Punk being pretty good. Punk dropping tuyau
bombes on GSP's illegitimate baby and fear of aliens. GSP being scared of everything. And then murdering Punk in 15 seconds.
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