I bet that dog would fetch the brass ring
If it was a Bulldog or a Danish dog perhaps, this one obviously doesn't look anything like WWE wants.
I bet that dog would fetch the brass ring
brock lesnar should train cm punk for his ufc match
That's a suuuuper unsafe way to take the move dog
Wow, the WWE web team sure are fun & playful! They're totally topical and up-to-date with all these radical, kick-ass 'memes', just like the ones members of the WWE Universe are using to express their love for WWE every single day! Check out this gem;
We talking Carrie Diaries now?
that honestly looks like an unnatural rear
So guys, I've decided to host a 2015 wrestling viewing challenge of sorts to see who can watch the most wrestling in a year, the rules are as follows.
- Matches only count once, no duplicates on list (however, the same match up on a d offering date does count).
- The match must of that date by it, promotion does matter.
- Please don't add matches that you didn't watch in 2015, there is nothing to gain from that.
Please PM me if interested, I know several of us here already make lists and stuff, so why not make it a friendly competition? Hope some of you guys decided to participate!
I'll probably be down for this, I generally watch an obscene amount of wrestling each year.
For the curious, here's my work in progress 'matches I enjoyed in 2014' list;
You watch an obscene amount of wrestling
I don't follow.
Lacey was the host on those WWN shows in China, IIRC
I'll probably be down for this, I generally watch an obscene amount of wrestling each year.
For the curious, here's my work in progress 'matches I enjoyed in 2014' list;
The way you guys creep is why friend bean breath was unsuccessful two years ago in recruiting female posters to this thread.
looks like its some padding or something.
i don't ever myself canceling WWE Network. Even if the current product ain't so hot at least I can still watch the old stuff and be happy. The documentaries are great, the original content in the network, as sparse as it is, are pretty good. Superstars needs a tweak though. There is already a show that summarizes everything about the coming and goings of WWE for the week... that'd be "This Week in WWE". Superstars needs to mirror Main Event, or just simply cease to exist to ease on production costs. IMO of course.
Main Event was actually hot fire when the WWEN debuted but it has cooled down a bit. It still has what I want though, some matches here and there with snippets of story line, and some of the matches are long. "WWE Style" wrestling works best when it goes over 10 mins, which is what some of the matches each week in Main Event get.
NXT is just de pee pee. I love it, maggle! Some weeks its strong, some weeks it isn't. HHH or whoever the heck is in charge of that show is doing a good job of making that show engaging. It has the best story line in the WWE right now with Sami and Neville. If you haven't seen last week's show then I implore you to watch it because the final segment of the show is great.
Besides the creative nature of its main show (RAW), a very valid criticism of the network is the content comes in drips. Kinda like Nintendo's and their Wii U/3DS services. But it should not have to be like that. Their development team for the network is slow. And I feel most of the people who have subscribed to the network right now are hardcore wrestling fans... so why not give them what they want? There are shows I'm vaguely familiar with like Wrestling Challenge, All American Wrestling, Tuesday Night Titans (3 episodes just came in today)... that should have been up a while ago.
Their network team really should just get the entire WWE tape library up to get the hardcore to stay. Then the rest of the feds that WWE has. But first and foremost its the hardcore you want to give you their hard earned cash. The less than hardcore will come in eventually once they see the wealth of original content that the network will have eventually...
Former WWE Champion Rob Van Dam is currently backstage at the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina, site of tonights Slammy Awards edition of WWE RAW.
So twitter reminded me this happened a year ago on the Slammys
Hogan said that everyone needs to take a "timeout for a minute" and let cooler heads prevail. When asked where he stands on the situation, Hogan said that he was neutral.
"I'm neutral man," Hogan said. "I'm learning everyday, just like everybody else. We're gonna learn more about it."
My friend told me she was really excited to see The Gambler. I asked her if she had seen the original. Then I realized that I hadn't seen the original. God damn, what a good movie. Although that ending got weird as shit. It's really a shame James Caan dropped off so hard. I don't think he got as big as he should have been. But I guess even Deniro and Pacino have spent the last 15 years making garbage movies they shouldn't have been anywhere near.
So guys, I've decided to host a 2015 wrestling viewing challenge of sorts to see who can watch the most wrestling in a year, the rules are as follows.
- Matches only count once, no duplicates on list (however, the same match up on a different date does count).
- The match must of that date by it, promotion does matter.
- Please don't add matches that you didn't watch in 2015, there is nothing to gain from that.
Please PM me if interested, I know several of us here already make lists and stuff, so why not make it a friendly competition? Hope some of you guys decided to participate!
EDIT: Does not have to be all 2015 Wrestling, just any pro wrestling!
Hogan on Darren Wilson evoking his name:
Damn, Hogan. Won't even put fucking Michael Brown over.
I bet you by the next quarter or before Wrestlemania the WWE network will be split into 2 tiers.
$9.99 every month with no commitment
- Archive content only with PPV events going up after 1 month
- $14.99 with a year long commitment or $19.99 every month with no commitment.
- Archive content and live PPV events
I bet you by the next quarter or before Wrestlemania the WWE network will be split into 2 tiers.
$9.99 every month with no commitment
- Archive content only with PPV events going up after 1 month
- $14.99 with a year long commitment or $19.99 every month with no commitment.
- Archive content and live PPV events
I bet not
Seth Green: Alright, now for our next award best return of the year
*"One of a Kind" hits*
Rob Van Dam comes out to rapturous reaction.
Seth Green: Oh my god, Rob Van Dam, what are you doing here?
Rob Van Dam: Hey, Scott Evil! Well, I heard there was gonna be some Green at RAW and you know me... *does signature R-V-D thumb gimmick as crowd chants along* is all about the green.
I bet not
We talking Carrie Diaries now?