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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This looks a thousand times worse than the Scooby Doo crossover.

Help me understand, because this looks like the exact same shit - how does this differ? Are you a big fan of scooby doo, but flintstones are for gutter trash?

MC Safety

I don't get The Ascension, either. Boring, vaguely scary looking dudes. Poor speakers, unremarkable wrestlers.

Not sure who it was, but someone here even mocked their catchphrase. You would hope The Ascension rises.


I don't know what they see in The Ascension, I just don't get how out of all that talent pool and a shallow as fuck main roster you don't call anyone up for half a year and then when you do, it's The Ascension. Out of everyone in NXT they are one of the people I least see going anywhere, tbh.

Sorry Sunny Mac, I know you like them, but I'm not seeing what you're seeing in them.

Terrible as they are they're also guys in their mid 30's with decades of experience so they're never going to get better so it's pointless for them to be in NXT. To much money has been invested in them though so they can't just be released, gotta get up to the main roster and flop at some point.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't get The Ascension, either. Boring, vaguely scary looking dudes. Poor speakers, unremarkable wrestlers.

Not sure who it was, but someone here even mocked their catchphrase. You would hope The Ascension rises.

That was me :( Dough will rise.
Help me understand, because this looks like the exact same shit - how does this differ? Are you a big fan of scooby doo, but flintstones are for gutter trash?

Well the knockoff voices are a good start. The animation also looks like it's from the studio that does Fairly Oddparents or something. At least the Scooby Doo movie felt like a Scooby Doo movie.

Also, yeah, I just don't care all that much for The Flintstones.


The Ascension's entire gimmick for the last 6 months was that they were the longest reining NXT tag champs that nobody could stop.

Then they were stopped.


Based off of everything that Punk said he probably would have signed the agreement to not talk if Stephanie didn't shit all over him on TV.

She's the one most at fault for Punk going public with everything.
Because I am too lazy to count, does that include a New Day? Because those guys are going to be broken up real soon. Don#t see that gimmick lasting and even more important they are 3 dudes.

I can't in good conscious count them as a a tag team. But they might be awesome at King of Trios in 2 years.


Well the knockoff voices are a good start. The animation also looks like it's from the studio that does Fairly Oddparents or something. At least the Scooby Doo movie felt like a Scooby Doo movie.

Also, yeah, I just don't care all that much for The Flintstones.

Also the VO is just really bad even for the Flintstones characters. Thought the lines Fred delivered through the window were particularly bad. They also didn't even try to somewhat match the lips.
Based off of everything that Punk said he probably would have signed the agreement to not talk if Stephanie didn't shit all over him on TV.

She's the one most at fault for Punk going public with everything.

I'm sure Vince's idiot daughter and doofus son in law will take every chance they can to bury Punk from now until the end of time.



Vince and Steph probably trying to calm down a fuming HHH.

Someone over in that reddit post made a good point. Vince might be out of touch with the wrestling side of things but he's still a decently smart businessman who would resign Punk in an instant and put his grudge aside, because it made sense and money.

HHH might be better with the wrestling side of things, but he'll probably hold deeper grudges than Vince.




Vince and Steph probably trying to calm down a fuming HHH.

Someone over in that reddit post made a good point. Vince might be out of touch with the wrestling side of things but he's still a decently smart businessman who would resign Punk in an instant and put his grudge aside, because it made sense and money.

HHH might be better with the wrestling side of things, but he'll probably hold deeper grudges than Vince.

Yeah, Vince has at this point shown quite often that he can get over his grudges if it makes sense for business.
Ole Vinny Mac is going to be in damage control mode for the Stone Cold podcast.

I don't expect Austin to be particularly hard hitting when in comes to questions about the Punk podcast. Probably one or two questions out of the gate.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's a work, friends. The mother of all works. Vince has CM Punk on speaker phone in this meeting, along with Stone Cold. It's fucking happening.


I'm ready for it to turn into a work so Punk can come back as a part timer making more money, getting the WM main event, and then go on to bitch about how WWE made him become what he hated. Because that's absolutely how it would go down.
It's a work, friends. The mother of all works. Vince has CM Punk on speaker phone in this meeting, along with Stone Cold. It's fucking happening.

IF it was a work. It would be the greatest work of all time. Kaiser Soze levels of mastery.

But it's not a work, Punk buried the shit out of WWE on all fronts. Now Vince and company have to do damage control. It's a damn shame they aren't in a smarky smark east coast city or better yet Chicago for RAW tonight. That could have been the greatest/worst RAW crowd of all time.

Instead they are in Tulsa.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
IF it was a work. It would be the greatest work of all time. Kaiser Soze levels of mastery.

But it's not a work, Punk buried the shit out of WWE on all fronts. Now Vince and company have to do damage control. It's a damn shame they aren't in a smarky smark east coast city or better yet Chicago for RAW tonight. That could have been the greatest/worst RAW crowd of all time.

Instead they are in Tulsa.

I'M in Tulsa you son of a bitch!

...and I can't be bothered to go to Raw
I'm ready for it to turn into a work so Punk can come back as a part timer making more money, getting the WM main event, and then go on to bitch about how WWE made him become what he hated. Because that's absolutely how it would go down.

Then he could shoot during his HoF induction speech talking about what a terrible person Vince is. What a shit place WWE is to work for. And how he hates wrestling and is only here being inducted to take more of Vince's money.


I'm sure Vince's idiot daughter and doofus son in law will take every chance they can to bury Punk from now until the end of time.

All Punk has to do is pick up the phone and talk to somebody.

  • Possible mal-practice suit
  • Board may not approve HHH as the future due to his supposed incompetence
  • Steph angered one of the few people that could do legitimate harm to the company to get a cheap pop in
  • Workforce is obviously intimidated of the management of the 3 of them + Hayes and Dunn.
  • Punk insinuated that Vince lied in a shareholder press conference. SEC could get involved plus Vince doesn't have too many friends in the US government.
  • SAG could make a play at allowing wrestlers to join their union. I'm sure they aren't happy with how WWE studios has their actors not be a part of the union.
  • Potential Class Action Lawsuit over the independent contract standards
  • IRS and Health and Human Services could get on their ass for not offering health care to in ring and outside of ring talent
  • If Vince doesn't go all out on the podcast then what is the point of subscribing to a propaganda network for a company? For as Bad as the NFL network was with covering what happened to them they still at least covered it in some capacity.
  • HHH is on the board of a major concussion awareness and prevention group. You can kiss his ass goodbye from that board if any of this is true.

Vince may be the largest shareholder but it might be time for somebody outside of his family to deal with his, HHH, and Stephs responsibilities.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
True story: if you went to Raw, you would miss the live airing of the Stone Cold Podcast.

I have a smartphone! But that is something I definitely don't want to miss, controversy or no, I'm dying to hear Vince.


IF it was a work. It would be the greatest work of all time. Kaiser Soze levels of mastery.

But it's not a work, Punk buried the shit out of WWE on all fronts. Now Vince and company have to do damage control. It's a damn shame they aren't in a smarky smark east coast city or better yet Chicago for RAW tonight. That could have been the greatest/worst RAW crowd of all time.

Instead they are in Tulsa.

I'M in Tulsa you son of a bitch!

...and I can't be bothered to go to Raw

Wow. They're here tonight? I had no idea. I assume they're at the BOK. I'm right down the street... >_>


IF it was a work. It would be the greatest work of all time. Kaiser Soze levels of mastery.

But it's not a work, Punk buried the shit out of WWE on all fronts. Now Vince and company have to do damage control. It's a damn shame they aren't in a smarky smark east coast city or better yet Chicago for RAW tonight. That could have been the greatest/worst RAW crowd of all time.

Instead they are in Tulsa.

Warrior and Billy Graham berried WWE and Vince personally harder than Punk did and they got brought back. Multiple times. Look at all the shit Bischoff said about Vince and WWE while he was running WCW and he got hired. It took Macho Man dying but he got back in the good graces. RVD took many personal shots at HHH and HHH was the one that personally hired him back. If there is money to be made, they will do what they can to make it. Best of business isn't just an on screen catch phrase.


its in Tulsa?

Cena is coming out to bury Punk for an hour, crowd is going to cheer endlessly. Ascension vignette is going to take shots at Punk. El Torito vs Hornswaggle, one of them quits and gets on the mic and says "I'm tired of this! I'm gonna be like Punk and quit" then walk out the ring.

and for good measure, some JR jokes.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wow. They're here tonight? I had no idea. I assume they're at the BOK. I'm right down the street... >_>

Walk your ass down the street. Had I been better prepared I woulda organized a Lil' Wrasslegaf Meetup for you, me, and Mechashiva.

I feel sorry for you.

All those toll roads...

Shit that's why I never leave


I love NXT and all, but The Ascension aren't getting over with the main crowd.

Unless they do something memorable with their debut.


I would want this to be a work actually. It would show that WWE has balls, that they know how to write compelling storylines for a modern day audience, that they know how to be creative.

But I highly doubt that Vince or Triple H would have the minds to think up something like that.


Then he could shoot during his HoF induction speech talking about what a terrible person Vince is. What a shit place WWE is to work for. And how he hates wrestling and is only here being inducted to take more of Vince's money.

vince would fucking love this, more money in his pockets when the smarky marks work the shoot into a work and buy wrastlemania to see what happens next
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