America was never going to allow that to happen
that's if you believe the votes actually matter
America was never going to allow that to happen
We all just wanted better for her. We love Charlotte here. This is a Charlotte-Zone.
as much as i like ambrose, this was Rusev's award
America was never going to allow that to happen
- He works hard
- Doesn't cheat to win
- Wrestles for his people and his country
- fights through injury wrestle
How is he a heel again?
that's if you believe the votes actually matter
Because Russia.
On a serious note I hope Rusev stays undefeated until he becomes WWE champion.
Speak for yourself.
Then he can lose via taser at TLC 2015.
Yeah, she's super green. Sucked seeing Mia Yim job to her, Mia's ridiculously good compared to the vast majority of the divas.
Rusev also constantly overcomes the odds. He's like an underdog heel for some reason. Getting booked in battle royales to defend his title, beating people like Big Show and Mark Henry clean, etc...
It's really quite ridiculous the way they book him. And it'll be sad when Cena beats him at Mania.
Also funny listening to Meltzer and Alvarez talk about the Slammys last night. They don't question fan voting on anything except for Roman Reigns winning.
Puro snobs!
Michael PS Hayes @MichaelPSHayes1
I love how some people think the Roman win was rigged, guess we rigged the Jericho win too, just to have a real awkward moment, votes r real
Also funny listening to Meltzer and Alvarez talk about the Slammys last night. They don't question fan voting on anything except for Roman Reigns winning.
All doubt removed!
All doubt removed!
Aero Star is pretty cool;
Hope Guerra de Titanes shows up online somewhere, I wanna watch that mask vs mask match.
This is the same company that booked Hassan as a heel because he didn't want to be labeled as a terrorist. And you know what? The fans were just as much to blame for it.
All doubt removed!
Exactly. What did Hassan do? Not want to be persecuted.
What did Rusev do? Work hard and be a hero to Russia.
Lana's the real problem! That booty is the true heel
Dat female fan vote.
I guess people didn't feel he got a good enough pop last night but also certainly didn't get booos. This will not be D. Bry case all over again, although I would love Reigns to swerve and come back as a HEEL.
He pretty much needs to be a heel to ever really get over as a champ. Big Sexay proved just how awful someone that big and limited is when wrestling as a face. You just can't bo-lieve a guy like that is in peril 90% of the time.
Yep, should show up soon. Heard nothing but great things about the mask match. Heard it was MOTYC type stuff and might even be better than Cavenario/Cometa
I always assumed Rusev didn't speak/understand English thus the need for Lana, and so if they ever wanted to turn him heel, he could have said he had no idea what his manager was saying. That he was just competing for the sake of competing.
But I think WWE made it clear he does understand English.
But he's not even that big.
Goddamn, wreddit is dumb. Very few good wrestling forums out there, thankfully WrassleGAF is one of the few.
Goddamn, wreddit is dumb. Very few good wrestling forums out there, thankfully WrassleGAF is one of the few.
We can get back to the lower rungs if you like with one simple sentence.
"So, how do you guys think CM Punk is going to do in the Ultimate?"
Idk. Anyone someone sells something, this thread lights up with people thinking they're really injured.
Idk. Anyone someone sells something, this thread lights up with people thinking they're really injured. And any line that has any oopmh, people think someone is shooting. The smartest fans are the absolute easiest to work.
Does this make you hard?
It's going to break peoples hearts in this OT, but there are people who like Roman Reigns. And he certainly makes a stronger case than Daniel Bryan by being in more recent memory than Mr Brie Bella.
I empathize with the gift givers of my childhood. $30 for a Venom action figure? I hope my nephew likes Brodus Clay.