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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What has he done though? Sure he's granted x amount of wishes. But what has he done for wrestling? You keep saying this, but what has he done? He's the 'clean face' the 'media' darling, etc, but how has that helped WWE?
Has the perception of wrestling changed in the 10 years under Cena's reign? Not really. It's not seen as 'cool'. It's not seen as 'Mass Appeal'. The few times Wrestling has crossed boundries between sports it's been because of other wrestlers (Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, etc).

John Cena is the most vanilla (irony) wrestler and persona going. Almost to the point this nice guy image is manufactured and fake, which is compounded by the fact that he's the figurehead for a manufactured and fake 'sport'. So that's part of why I feel like he hasn't done as much as Ric Flair.
Perhaps my view of Flair is skewed as I've only lived through it via Documentaries, shoots, archive footage. Where as I've been there (more or less) every minute of John Cena's 10 years of apathy.
I get you're on mobile, so it'll be a pain to go into detail to explain why you think the way you do, but when you get back I hope you revisit this discussion... as I'm truly baffled.
Cena made wrestling something you can show your children without worry of being a bad parent. That's worth a LOT. And it isn't the "cool" answer a lot of people will accept, but as a business, if you can, target those little bastard children. Their parents will foot the bill, and it's worth it.
Her losing a three minute match to a rollup sure as shit didn't do anything to promote the event.

Or Her.

She lost to the Brooklyn Brawler of the Divas division (Thats is how the WWE has treated her for 5 years now), and I love Natalya to death.

I would marry her tomorrow. But C'mon man.


Live thoughts on Charlotte vs. Natty by Nature:

-5 minutes, lol
-Great heel psychology from Charlotte (entrance, in-ring chatter)
-They gave her more than a fair shake in the vignette, in a way that Divas just do not get in the WWE.
-Great match-up, as they've already had a solid NXT match (the only other time I've seen Charlotte, by the way.)
-Awful shoulder blocks in the corner from Charlotte.
-No fluidity between spots, stilted.

It was an ugly finish. I would say it's a fair way to give a teaser for the NXT show, but I don't understand the psychology of her getting caught in a roll-up. I'm with you, friends.


Live thoughts on Charlotte vs. Natty by Nature:

-5 minutes, lol
-Great heel psychology from Charlotte (entrance, in-ring chatter)
-They gave her more than a fair shake in the vignette, in a way that Divas just do not get in the WWE.
-Great match-up, as they've already had a solid NXT match (the only other time I've seen Charlotte, by the way.)
-Awful shoulder blocks in the corner from Charlotte.
-No fluidity between spots, stilted.

It was an ugly finish. I would say it's a fair way to give a teaser for the NXT show, but I don't understand the psychology of her getting caught in a roll-up. I'm with you, friends.
You're one of the good ones, Heel.


Cena made wrestling something you can show your children without worry of being a bad parent. That's worth a LOT. And it isn't the "cool" answer a lot of people will accept, but as a business, if you can, target those little bastard children. Their parents will foot the bill, and it's worth it.

I would never want my kid (if I had one) to see half the stuff Cena does on TV.

Quick recap:

-CM Punk joined UFC because he's having a midlife crisis

-UFC and Dana White need WWE to steal ideas from and model their business after

-UFC can't create its own stars

-Ronda Rousey is a bigger star than Jon 'Bones' Jones

-UFC would not be where it is today without WWE

-To the UFC fans that rip on wrestling for being fake, any sport with betting lines has the potential to be rigged.
Cena made wrestling something you can show your children without worry of being a bad parent. That's worth a LOT. And it isn't the "cool" answer a lot of people will accept, but as a business, if you can, target those little bastard children. Their parents will foot the bill, and it's worth it.

Has that helped WWE/Wrestling though? Or is that the reason WWE is struggling to grow? It's so middle of the road on everything it does now. It doesn't know if it's a TV Show or a Wrestling Show... and strangely it doesn't try to do either. It has no identity. You say it's a 'Children Friendly' show, but you look at the live crowds and there's still a strong mix of Teens, 20-30 somethings, as well as parents & kids.

So it's not as though those 10 years of Cena have swayed the live crowds into a heavy mix of kids and parents. If it had he would be universally cheered every time he appeared. Instead we get the muted cheers, and crowd shots of people looking like 'oh here we go again'.

I'd be interested in knowing who those 10 year olds who cheered Cena a decade ago cheer for now, if they even watch wrestling. Does Cena create long term fans for WWE? It's 10 years of ONE GUY, I'm sure they'll grow tired of him too... much like Hogan before him in WWF and later WCW.

I would never want my kid (if I had one) to see half the stuff Cena does on TV.

Well yeah, I completely ignored/forgot the fact that John Cena is the biggest bully in the WWE with his name calling, sexual innuendos and general arsehole SCRIPTED behaviour. But then most of the faces are like that (Sheamus), so perhaps that's more a WWE thing than a John Cena thing - maybe the two are so interlinked now that they have the same identity and that's the only way WWE knows how to book a face.


Quick recap:

-CM Punk joined UFC because he's having a midlife crisis

-UFC and Dana White need WWE to steal ideas from and model their business after

-UFC can't create its own stars

-Ronda Rousey is a bigger star than Jon 'Bones' Jones

-UFC would not be where it is today without WWE

-To the UFC fans that rip on wrestling for being fake, any sport with betting lines has the potential to be rigged.


People still watch OTSRCentral? All the cool kids have moved onto dashawn2cents

What tweet was it that you pointed out the "simp" conversation going on in the replies? I want to go back and find out if those two were able to make their love blossom after they both finished eating.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Cena made wrestling something you can show your children without worry of being a bad parent. That's worth a LOT. And it isn't the "cool" answer a lot of people will accept, but as a business, if you can, target those little bastard children. Their parents will foot the bill, and it's worth it.

Cena says that's Rock material, you can have the joke back
Just don't go racing to Witch Mountain because your mountain is Brokeback.
The Rock's new movie well, it's nothing like Walking Tall,
He spends all movie in a bowling alley polishing my balls.

Seriously, are you gimmick posting? Because I can only buy this shit for so long.


Quick recap:

-CM Punk joined UFC because he's having a midlife crisis

-UFC and Dana White need WWE to steal ideas from and model their business after

-UFC can't create its own stars

-Ronda Rousey is a bigger star than Jon 'Bones' Jones

-UFC would not be where it is today without WWE

-To the UFC fans that rip on wrestling for being fake, any sport with betting lines has the potential to be rigged.

Well, he's kind of right.



Cena made wrestling something you can show your children without worry of being a bad parent. That's worth a LOT. And it isn't the "cool" answer a lot of people will accept, but as a business, if you can, target those little bastard children. Their parents will foot the bill, and it's worth it.

Oh. So Cena did the shit that lead to the New Generation era that nobody seemed to like?

El Torito = Tiny Mantaur
Oh. So Cena did the shit that lead to the New Generation era that nobody seemed to like?

El Torito = Tiny Mantaur

I can forgive that slightly, as that was 20+ years ago and there's a whole load of people who didn't see that stuff. Times change, and what people want/need do too. We'd probably all be sick of 10 years of 'Attitude Era' due to burn out.

However 10 years of that crap is WAY TOO LONG. WWE are afraid to change the product as they're so comfortable with John Cena being Hulk Hogan v2 and don't feel the need to change. There's nothing to challenge them, however it's hard to pin THAT on John Cena.


Quick recap:

-CM Punk joined UFC because he's having a midlife crisis

-UFC and Dana White need WWE to steal ideas from and model their business after

-UFC can't create its own stars

-Ronda Rousey is a bigger star than Jon 'Bones' Jones

-UFC would not be where it is today without WWE

-To the UFC fans that rip on wrestling for being fake, any sport with betting lines has the potential to be rigged.

Let's not forget about Punk being a hypocrite and basically doing to UFC what Brock and Rock did to the WWE. Dat part time straight to the top.


Let's not forget about Punk being a hypocrite and basically doing to UFC what Brock and Rock did to the WWE. Dat part time straight to the top.

Do we think he's actually going to be main eventing? I doubt his fight is going to go on last. Did Brock's first UFC fight go last?


I can forgive that slightly, as that was 20+ years ago and there's a whole load of people who didn't see that stuff. Times change, and what people want/need do too. We'd probably all be sick of 10 years of 'Attitude Era' due to burn out.

However 10 years of that crap is WAY TOO LONG. WWE are afraid to change the product as they're so comfortable with John Cena being Hulk Hogan v2 and don't feel the need to change. There's nothing to challenge them, however it's hard to pin THAT on John Cena.

Well Hulk eventually got tired of the shit and wanted to make movies. Why doesn't Cena get tired? Because he's the terminator. He can't be stopped.


Let's not forget about Punk being a hypocrite and basically doing to UFC what Brock and Rock did to the WWE. Dat part time straight to the top.

His issue wasn't with part-timers. It was that they would bring them back, have them win their match, and make the full-timer look like a loser. It lowered his stock and his ability to make money.
Well Hulk eventually got tired of the shit and wanted to make movies. Why doesn't Cena get tired? Because he's the terminator. He can't be stopped.

Wasn't there 'talk' of Cena leaving to do movies? So let's say hypothetically Cena knows it's time to move on - why hasn't he?

His issue wasn't with part-timers. It was that they would bring them back, have them win their match, and make the full-timer look like a loser. It lowered his stock and his ability to make money.

Ah, so Punk is going to Part-Time UFC and take a dive to put over all the Full-Timers trying to make a name. What a gent!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Vickie is so fat that she wakes up in sections.

Definitely gonna let my kid watch John Cena, a hero to all.
Let me clarify - that's despicable to many people but if you're going by what many people allow, it's totally within their PG family friendly environment. Until culture catches up (and it has been, remember "Justin Gayyybriel") we are a slave to cultures shames.


His issue wasn't with part-timers. It was that they would bring them back, have them win their match, and make the full-timer look like a loser. It lowered his stock and his ability to make money.

Oh yeah? How much is Dana White paying him?
Wasn't there 'talk' of Cena leaving to do movies? So let's say hypothetically Cena knows it's time to move on - why hasn't he?

Ah, so Punk is going to Part-Time UFC and take a dive to put over all the Full-Timers trying to make a name. What a gent!

technically everyone in UFC is a part timer. Punk is going to have omen fight in 2015 most likely. UFc is going to have 500 fights. not really a big deal
I'll allow time for Sunflower to get back to the PC to offer a detailed reasoning to his theory, but currently I'm not convinced it wasn't more than a 'Vince McMahon' post.

technically everyone in UFC is a part timer. Punk is going to have omen fight in 2015 most likely. UFc is going to have 500 fights. not really a big deal

I haven't watched or taken a huge interest in UFC since maybe 2010, but so much seems to have changed since then.
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