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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Quick recap:

-CM Punk joined UFC because he's having a midlife crisis

-UFC and Dana White need WWE to steal ideas from and model their business after

-UFC can't create its own stars

-Ronda Rousey is a bigger star than Jon 'Bones' Jones

-UFC would not be where it is today without WWE

-To the UFC fans that rip on wrestling for being fake, any sport with betting lines has the potential to be rigged.

"And that's a fact.."



This is the profit not total box office and budget.

a quick check on IMDB says this

Box Office

Budget: $20,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend: $7,138,774 (USA) (13 October 2006)
Gross: $18,843,314 (USA) (19 January 2007)

Doesn't really work when it's not kayfabe.

Just take the "Best in the World" stuff off the back of the shirt since that's the weak spot of all wrestling shirts anyway


I meant his ability to make money within the confines of the WWE. Merch sales, PPV cut equal to that of someone in the main event, etc. The UFC has zero to do with that.

Punks bitterness has a lot to do with his success in the WWE which in turn translated to getting the UFC deal.

So WWE fucked him, then he fucked them back with a big contract, then WWE fucked him again, and now he's fucking Dana White.


Honestly, I don't know if this was the last time I watched Raw in full for a while. I didn't even finish it since no way I'll sit trough another Show vs Cena.

Those Slammys were a joke, Cena promo of "I'll never leave" was a joke and apart from Charlotte and Mizdown I just didn't care about anyone.

New Day is some racist bullshit, Ambrose and Wyatt re feuding because of a chair (or something I don't even know) and Ziggler is doing nothing while saying he is stepping up.

It's all filler and I don't think this is for me.

I love NXT and will watch every week and I liked Final Battle enough to try and watch ROH. I didn't love it (and zoned off a bit towards the end) but it was better than any WWE PPV save for Mania.

NXT R Evolution is going to be great I'm sure but Raw it's getting harder and harder to watch. It just feels like I'm wasting my time and I don't like that feeling.


Honestly, I don't know if this was the last time I watched Raw in full for a while. I didn't even finish it since no way I'll sit trough another Show vs Cena.

Those Slammys were a joke, Cena promo of "I'll never leave" was a joke and apart from Charlotte and Mizdown I just didn't care about anyone.

New Day is some racist bullshit, Ambrose and Wyatt re feuding because of a chair (or something I don't even know) and Ziggler is doing nothing while saying he is stepping up.

It's all filler and I don't think this is for me.

I love NXT and will watch every week and I liked Final Battle enough to try and watch ROH. I didn't love it (and zoned off a bit towards the end) but it was better than any WWE PPV save for Mania.

NXT R Evolution is going to be great I'm sure but Raw it's getting harder and harder to watch. It just feels like I'm wasting my time and I don't like that feeling.

But your do care brother Kiguel. That's why you feel for the talent.


Yeah :\

Although Matt Schoob did beat them that 1 time!

You're a Texans fan, right? At least you can take solace in knowing JJ Watt is more talented than the entire Green Bay defense combined sans Clay Matthews.

I believe in John Pollock's assessment in thinking that Charlotte's dropping the title and gets called up to the main roster.

I'm almost certain no fan right now wants her to leave NXT


I dont watch Raw either. I watch Jane the Virgin instead. It's actually clever and has engaging storylines.

Also, about to watch Final Battle. I'll report back later


Anyhow. Yup. Not sure why Charlotte lost last night.

Watch the NXT losers every Thursday night!

Will probbaly be forgotten in time, but last night I confuse.

edit: I dvr RAW and pretty much fast forward to the parts that advance story unless it's a match I want to see.


I think what attracts the casual audience is the 'WWE' brand itself and it just so happens Cena is the hero of that. I want to think that it could have been anyone else in his position for the past decade and not a thing would change.

Like for instance, did USA Network give three hours to RAW instead of two due to Cena being the shit or because USA Network really like the WWE brand as a whole?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
so a gun to your head, what would you rather watch right now?

raw as it is, or wcw 2001-ish?

the unanswerable question

I enjoy WCW 2001 a lot more than other people in this thread. At least I get to watch Scott Steiner be crazy. I can watch Russo be crazy. Totally Buffed can make me laugh(intentionally and unintentionally). WWE is just boring. And I'm sure people will say 'oh it's not that bad you're being hyperbolic', but I've watched a lot more late WCW recently than current WWE.


I think what attracts the casual audience is the 'WWE' brand itself and it just so happens Cena is the hero of that. I want to think that it could have been anyone else in his position for the past decade and not a thing would change.

Like for instance, did USA Network give three hours to RAW instead of two due to Cena being the shit or because USA Network really like the WWE brand as a whole?

The silly thing is that Vince likes to say that "No one superstar is bigger than the WWE" but let's face it, the WWE is basically screwed if Cena goes down now because they haven't pushed anyone else that the fans take seriously. And when the fans get behind someone, they try to come up with stupid reasons why the fans are wrong for liking someone.


Vince wanted the WWE brand to be the strongest thing.

He succeeded but there isn't a performer you want to see.

Its basically a circus. People go to see the circus but they don't go to see Tommy the Lion Tamer.


yeah I'm thinking that too, who would Charlotte even feud with if she beat Sasha? Becky?

Sasha will be the top heel. She'll feud with Bailey and Bailey will get the generico treatment. "Oh, she can't win the big one!"

At least Sasha has a great finisher.


NoRéN;142572748 said:
Pissed me off so much.

I'm guessing this has to do with coming up soon?

I did enjoy AJ giving a shoutout to all th nXt female wrestlers over the divas.

Hearing AJ "passing the torch" to those gals was great.

Shame they'll all be jobbing to the Bellas in 5 minute matches in 6 months.

Everything NXT does right the WWE Creative just goes their way to destroy it.


Hearing AJ "passing the torch" to those gals was great.

Shame they'll all be jobbing to the Bellas in 5 minute matches in 6 months.

Everything NXT does right the WWE Creative just goes their way to destroy it.

The lesson learned here....

Sleep with Hayes, Cena, or anyone from the Anoa'i family.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Live thoughts on Charlotte vs. Natty by Nature:

-5 minutes, lol
-Great heel psychology from Charlotte (entrance, in-ring chatter)
-They gave her more than a fair shake in the vignette, in a way that Divas just do not get in the WWE.
-Great match-up, as they've already had a solid NXT match (the only other time I've seen Charlotte, by the way.)
-Awful shoulder blocks in the corner from Charlotte.
-No fluidity between spots, stilted.

It was an ugly finish. I would say it's a fair way to give a teaser for the NXT show, but I don't understand the psychology of her getting caught in a roll-up. I'm with you, friends.
Natty's fault for not making Charlotte look strong.
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