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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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It's the next live special, friend. 2 hours of amazing wrasslin that can't be spoiled online....and the debut of Kevin Owens.
Picked up my tickets yesterday for both the special and the tapings the next night. I really don't enjoy the tapings that much (too exhausting), but I want to actually see Steen/Owens wrestle, since I know he won't do it on R:Evolution.


Wait, so Vince only made the call on Charlotte the day OF Raw?


This fucking company.

"We're not going to call someone up unless we have a plan for them"

Fuck you.




From Alvarez:

Charlotte/Nattie wasn't even booked for Raw that night. Vince made the call, Triple H had nothing to do with it. It was 100% Vince's call. He decided that night they would have a match, and that Charlotte was losing.
More from Alvarez:

Titus O'Neil walking in on the Divas...was a bet. lol. Someone bet him to just wander into the shot, he took it.

Honestly it was the best part of the show.
Apparently Discovery are in talks with Netflix to get their catalogue of programs streaming online, which could potentially include stuff on Destination America. TNA on Netflix?


Apparently Discovery are in talks with Netflix to get their catalogue of programs streaming online, which could potentially include stuff on Destination America. TNA on Netflix?

That would be pretty cool for TNA.

Curious to see how their production looks when they re-debut next year.

I feel like there's now an oversaturation of wrestling going on for North American consumers.

NJPW World

And then the rest of the indies including PWG, DGUSA, Evolve, CHIKARA, etc.


That would be pretty cool for TNA.

Curious to see how their production looks when they re-debut next year.

I feel like there's now an oversaturation of wrestling going on for North American consumers.

NJPW World

And then the rest of the indies including PWG, DGUSA, Evolve, CHIKARA, etc.

The oversaturation problem is that for every entity besides WWE (accepting the notion that NXT is a "separate" promotion for this point), they're all fighting for the same small niche of the wrestling consumer demographic.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Looking forward to NXT. Looking forward to scrutinizing Steen's weight too.
The Superstar of the Year plate fell off, revealing



It looks like fear IS a factor for you..

Also good on you for cutting back on the drinking, I mean that honestly. We're here for you.
Or at least I'm the only one here for you unironically.

It's an issue, greenhorn rookie friend.

  1. Terrible for my body, short term and long term
  2. Does not help my mental state and studies show in the long term makes depression issues worse
  3. I also eat too much and I'd rather cut out booze for diet purposes instead of food.
It's an issue, greenhorn rookie friend.

  1. Terrible for my body, short term and long term
  2. Does not help my mental state and studies show in the long term makes depression issues worse
  3. I also eat too much and I'd rather cut out booze for diet purposes instead of food.

34 years sober here. I can't offer any help really other than reassuring you that you can still have a bunch of fun without alcohol. Some people may find it impacts their fun if someone sober is around, but fuck those people.

And I don't drink for anything other than my family having too many people with drinking problems. Bad genes. I've got nothing against anyone else drinking, just me.


34 years sober here. I can't offer any help really other than reassuring you that you can still have a bunch of fun without alcohol. Some people may find it impacts their fun if someone sober is around, but fuck those people.

And I don't drink for anything other than my family having too many people with drinking problems. Bad genes. I've got nothing against anyone else drinking, just me.

I got the cursed genes on both sides as well which is why I stayed away completely until 24. And then I found out, "Oh, I definitely have the cursed genes". I do all my drinking alone, though. At home, just to chill out, calm down, and maybe enjoy a wrestling show/movie/music a little more. I don't do heavy drinking in one sitting, but it is more like I'll have 2 drinks a day for like....3 weeks in a row. The weight gain is really probably the biggest issue to me right now. That is a LOT of extra calories coming in.


I got the cursed genes on both sides as well which is why I stayed away completely until 24. And then I found out, "Oh, I definitely have the cursed genes". I do all my drinking alone, though. At home, just to chill out, calm down, and maybe enjoy a wrestling show/movie/music a little more. I don't do heavy drinking in one sitting, but it is more like I'll have 2 drinks a day for like....3 weeks in a row. The weight gain is really probably the biggest issue to me right now. That is a LOT of extra calories coming in.

Smoke weed. Cheaper and healthier. Better for relaxing by yourself at home chilling. You don't get violent, you don't do stupid shit. No hangovers.
I got the cursed genes on both sides as well which is why I stayed away completely until 24. And then I found out, "Oh, I definitely have the cursed genes". I do all my drinking alone, though. At home, just to chill out, calm down, and maybe enjoy a wrestling show/movie/music a little more. I don't do heavy drinking in one sitting, but it is more like I'll have 2 drinks a day for like....3 weeks in a row. The weight gain is really probably the biggest issue to me right now. That is a LOT of extra calories coming in.

Gotcha. Well, good luck. Small changes can make a big difference sometimes. Watching RAW sober, if you don't normally watch it sober, can be rough. I'm probably going to watch RAW next week, but if it's as bad as the last two weeks, I'll probably quit RAW for a while.

I wish Smackdown was still on a channel I had. I hope the move to Thursday nights again puts it back in the place it was during the brand split where it was basically the 'wrasslin' show, and for most of that time, the better show.

Smoke weed. Cheaper and healthier. Better for relaxing by yourself at home chilling. You don't get violent, you don't do stupid shit. No hangovers.

Lose weight by smoking weed eh? Not advice I've ever heard before.


From Alvarez:

Charlotte/Nattie wasn't even booked for Raw that night. Vince made the call, Triple H had nothing to do with it. It was 100% Vince's call. He decided that night they would have a match, and that Charlotte was losing.

Well duh. Why would he bury Flair's daughter. They are BROS!

Vince could give a a fuck about Flair though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you wanna lose weight, just do your goddamn research.

Be efficient. Don't waste your time. Don't go off of hearsay. Do the goddamn legwork finding out how nutrition works.

The body is an honest machine, it will give you what you put into it.


Smoke weed. Cheaper and healthier. Better for relaxing by yourself at home chilling. You don't get violent, you don't do stupid shit. No hangovers.

I would if I knew where to get weed. I'd much rather smoke week every day. Indiana has shitty weed pretty much year round and still has really shitty laws, though. Like some of the shittiest weed laws in the country. I mean, this is also a state that, when THE GAY COMMUNITY(?!) wanted their own specialized license plates, the state just did away with ALL specialized plates for a while until they were told that's fucking illegal. A state that fought tooth and nail to keep gay marriage illegal and now that it is legal, is still trying to fight it.

Indiana is backwards as fuck on everything.

If you wanna lose weight, just do your goddamn research.

Be efficient. Don't waste your time. Don't go off of hearsay. Do the goddamn legwork finding out how nutrition works.

The body is an honest machine, it will give you what you put into it.

I like to eat a lot, even of good stuff. I also highly enjoy carbs and garbage. I'd rather have garbage food than garbage booze.


Vinny from the Bryan and Vinny show responding to Dolph Ziggler saying he won the Slammy because he entertained us.

First Meltzer loses it talking about Charlotte on RAW, now usually deadpan Vinny loses it. WWE is so bad right now it's gradually making all the F4W guys crazy.


It makes no sense to me that Charlotte would be at Raw if they didn't intend to use her. It's not like WCW flying 200 guys out for a 25 person show. I think Meltzerz got worked again.
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