It's a logo. We won't care 2-3 weeks after the show debuts.
It's a logo. We won't care 2-3 weeks after the show debuts.
i'm like a month behind on lucha
I shit out this simplified version of the new Impact logo in about 15 or 20 minutes. Most of it was trying to clean up artifacts and stuff. It isn't perfect, there's a couple jagged spots where I had to add or remove from the main font and I didn't put too much effort into it beyond the initial idea of "get rid of all the extraneous unnecessary shit."
Me too. Is is still just constant vignettes of Konnan and Dario nodding at each other being all cryptic while Maxine talk game about some dude and then licks things?
Any recent developments of Son of Havoc?
He even said it. There are no separators between some poll choices.
I had to increase the brightness on my display to see what you all were referring to.It has something to do with missing dividers between the options of "Daniel Bryan" and "Roman Reigns". Don't believe WWE's lies: jet fuel can't burn hot enough to melt those dividers. Those were intentionally destroyed.
Can you dot the "i", and maybe make the dot into a wrestling ring?
Who here actually has Destination America? I do but for some you have to dole out the money to get a package with the channel.
The only people who care about TNA are the 30 people who work for then and wrestling sites who use their shows to create rage review podcasts
El oh elMore Riley tweets
It's that festive time of year.
Right now my coworker is threatening to kill me because I'm listening to A Jingle With Jillian. What a Scrooge.
He just left the office.
Inoki as Jesus on the cross doesn't even make sense. He's Muslim and Muslims don't believe Jesus was crucified. That son of a bitch.
CM Punk's original t shirt is on sale on WWE Shop right now. Large size only. punk
CM Punk's original t shirt is on sale on WWE Shop right now. Large size only. punk
CM Punk's original t shirt is on sale on WWE Shop right now. Large size only. punk
god damnit i'd buy it if it were XL
CM Punk's original t shirt is on sale on WWE Shop right now. Large size only. punk
also i'm curious how you stumbled upon this. searched for it on the site and the shirt didnt pop up for me, and its not listed in the mens t-shirt section
Thanks for clearing that up Hayes. That's enough evidence for me. That totally makes sense.
I am SO HYPED. Should be a wicked match.
100,000 on the line, friends! Morrison and Ricochet in a ladder match with a hoss between them!
Some of those WWE shirts are shockingly bad.
Nothing about WWE shirts being bad should shock you.
omg im gonna ask for those for xmas
- TNA announced today that they will debut on Destination America with a special LIVE broadcast on Wednesday, January 7 from 9-11 PM ET. Bobby Roode will defend the TNA World Title on the show against former champion Lashley. TNA will then move to their new permanent timeslot on Friday nights, starting on January 16th. They also announced Impact Wrestling: Unlocked, which will air Saturday mornings from 10AM to noon ET starting January 17th. The show will be a reloaded edition of the previous weeks show. Here is the full announcement
Kassius Ohno and Kevin Owens have the same initials. Brace for impact, friends.
Seriously though is Owens beating the crap out of the dreadlocks guy who's name escapes me tomorrow or what?
Who here actually has Destination America? I do but for some you have to dole out the money to get a package with the channel.
CJ Parker? I hope not. He's a cool dude.
I wager he's gonna beat the piss out of Zayn after he wins.
Seriously though is Owens beating the crap out of the dreadlocks guy who's name escapes me tomorrow or what?
I have Destination America and will once again be giving TNA a shot. I am hoping for a full blown reboot and would honestly be OK if they added someone like Gabe Sapolsky to the booking crew. They need something to freshen up their programming.