Why can't the kids pray in school?
Renee Young @ReneeYoungWWE
Just made direct eye contact with a man, mid-hamburger-bite. We're connected for life now. Like Bella and Edward. 👀🍔
The 80s were a time of bright colors and looking up to cocaine and steroid ingesting giant men. It was a wonderful time.
If you think it's legit, fine. There's no way to prove you wrong.
If you think it's not legit, fine. There's no way to prove you wrong.
If you think fake awards from the WWE matter, they don't.
So what's worse? The vote being legit or not?
I still say it's legit. So cry for your universe brothers, for they know not what they do.
I'd bet that most of the people over the age of 50 didn't vote and a majority of users under the age of 17 didn't have access to a voting device or voted Cena. The average viewer is 41.4 years old, meaning viewership is getting older, not younger.
The audience is 63 percent male, however Total Divas skews that number, as it would be closer to 68 percent for RAW and SmackDown.
The viewership is 19 percent under the age of 17, 22 percent between 18 and 34, 22 percent between 35 and 49 and 37 percent over the age of 50.
The fact that WWE is being so defensive about the voting being rigged means the voting was rigged.
Triple H NXT Conference Call Audio:
Private eyesNow ya dun did it, Rafa.
It looks beautiful. I'm somewhat glad I never lived in it, though. I mean, I admire the Renaissance, but I'd rather not live there, because I'd have a 50/50 chance of dying every time I poo.
Also, in possible regards to the 80s, why the hell does Randy Savage use a theme commonly known as a patriotic UK song?
I shit out this simplified version of the new Impact logo in about 15 or 20 minutes. Most of it was trying to clean up artifacts and stuff. It isn't perfect, there's a couple jagged spots where I had to add or remove from the main font and I didn't put too much effort into it beyond the initial idea of "get rid of all the extraneous unnecessary shit."
It's the song played at graduations in the US. In fact, I'd wager that over 90% of people in the US know it either as the graduation song or Macho Man's song.
Vince listens to the fans!The fact that WWE is being so defensive about the voting being rigged means the voting was rigged.
I shit out this simplified version of the new Impact logo in about 15 or 20 minutes. Most of it was trying to clean up artifacts and stuff. It isn't perfect, there's a couple jagged spots where I had to add or remove from the main font and I didn't put too much effort into it beyond the initial idea of "get rid of all the extraneous unnecessary shit."
You spent 15 minutes on it.
That's 14 minutes 56 seconds more then TNA did. eyes
They're watching you
They see your every move
Private eyes
They're watching you
Private eyes
They're watching you
Watching you
Watching you
Watching you
It was exactly as I imagined our meeting
I shit out this simplified version of the new Impact logo in about 15 or 20 minutes. Most of it was trying to clean up artifacts and stuff. It isn't perfect, there's a couple jagged spots where I had to add or remove from the main font and I didn't put too much effort into it beyond the initial idea of "get rid of all the extraneous unnecessary shit."
Oh, wow. Heheh. You learn something new every day. :c
I'd also wager that 95% of people in the UK don't know it's also the US graduation song. Ah, well. Anyway, I wonder how Macho Man would feel if he knew he was using one of the most 'British' songs of all time.
Vince listens to the fans!
Only one problem:
"We need to emphasize the legacy of the six-sided ring"
Bryan Alvarez describing Dean and Bray's feud as a Wile E Coyote/cartoon-esque thing is so accurate.
I also love how they pointed out the blaring lights and billowing smoke coming from the ambalamps.
I also made this alternate version that retains the vision TNA seemed to have in mind.
I also made this alternate version that retains the vision TNA seemed to have in mind.
I'm going to assume he didn't give a shit because he was the Macho Man.
@VinceMcMahon, go, go, go!On his Twitter?
I'm glad I haven't been following much the past few weeks.I hate this feud so much because it's built on two guys hating each other enough to not really do much to one another. The feud could be so good if the characters were allowed to have real motivations and emotions, but Dean covering Bray in chairs and then climbing up on a ladder and doing fucking nothing is this feud in a nutshell.
These guys have so much potential but I just forward through their segments because i can't handle them both having to temper their natural personalities down to fit the shitty, shitty product.
The Bray/Dean feud is like if Shawn Michaels had pointed aggressively at the barbershop window and then given Marty a light shove.
i turned my head just in time to see this on the intro to fall brawl 2000
the fuck is that thing
Still amazing to think Sami Zayn wore a mask and spoke in broken English for ten years. Dude is lightning in promos.
And here I thought this meme reached its limit.
Did they change Keven Steen's name to Kevin Owens so they can hold it over his head if he becomes hot during contract negotiations?
This is the same company that thought Otto Von Ruthless, Ice Dagger and Fang McFrost were good names for Steve Austin.
Gif of the year
They did it so they own it. If he goes back to the indies, he'll just be Steen again. Steen is his real name, so they can't really own it.
There was a period in the early 00's where they were okay with real names (John Cena, Randy Orton, Dave Bautista) but now they're very strict about owning the names.
Kevin Owens might be a plain name (just like Daniel Bryan is), but it's better than a stupid or silly one.
It just seems like they own the market so much why should they care if he goes to indies?
They don't seem to mind RVD and Booker T do indies while under contract.
I can understand if they are trying to build a gimmick for a guy but when you have somebody coming in with an already established thing going on it seems odd.
It just seems like they own the market so much why should they care if he goes to indies?
They don't seem to mind RVD and Booker T do indies while under contract.
I can understand if they are trying to build a gimmick for a guy but when you have somebody coming in with an already established thing going on it seems odd.
I don't think RVD does indie stuff when he's on the road with WWE.
Can't get over how incredibly dumb R:EVOLUTION sounds. Spell it like that, by all means, but for the love of god when you SAY it just say 'revolution'. Fuck..