The shitty thing about the whole Roman situation, is that it's so god damn obvious that he's being prepped as the next guy, and that's the problem with DubyaE is that they put too much stock into one guy. Roman has a kid and just got married, we all know what these past 10 years have done to Cena's personal life, and he didn't even have a kid.
My memory is a little hazy for this time period in wrestling, but when they were priming Cena for the top spot, wasn't it a bit more organic than this whole Reigns thing? People like variety. That's why Austin and the Rock were so loved, not only were they not the top guy for a fucking decade, they had a great, well built supporting cast that could give them a run for their money. But when Cena has absolutely destroyed and ruined any and all credible opponents over his tenure as the top dog.
Say what you will about Russo, but he made sure as many people as possible, from under to main event all had something going on. Reigns is just going to be more of the same shit and that's just straight up depressing to me. And whenever someone else starts to go over, WWE just berries them because they aren't the main guy, and it's so fucking stupid and it just bothers me so much.
The only thing that's worse is that this shit is all fake and it bothers me as much as it does. Roman will be fine for a little while because it's a change of Cenary, but it'll more or less go back into the same pattern of the same old shit, with a Samoan coat of paint on it.