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That match was AWESOME!


Man God

Non-Canon Member
I was reading a pretty dope book about historical Jesus (Zealot by Reza Aslan) and the last 2 chapters are about Paul. Even if you don't subscribe to anything Aslan says and infers about Jesus, the shit Paul was saying was completely out of touch and radical as shit just surrounding the time he was in. If you do buy into what Aslan is saying (that Jesus the man was essentially a hard line Jew, a zealot if you will, who by talking about the Kingdom of God/Heaven was actually calling for a legitimate kingdom on earth by overthrowing Rome and him being crucified at all was evidence that he was killed for sedition by Rome, not stoned by the Jews. It then talks about how later followers changed him from Jesus the Dude to Jesus the Christ and the reasons around that.), then Paul's teachings were WILDLY inaccurate to everything Jesus was about. And by my reading, Paul's teachings are pretty inaccurate and opposing of Jesus even within the canonized gospels.

Just reminded me to say FUCK PAUL. That cunt. I'm pleased to know that James (brother of Jesus) thought Paul was a right cunt as well.

It's an interesting book. Hard to really say how accurate it or any book about historical Jesus can be, but much of the focus was really about the time and area that produced Jesus and how his teachings were interpreted at the time and shortly after his death. Only about 216 pages and pretty briskly paced.

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have Hornswoggle on a kiss cam with a like...13 year old girl? Do they think because he's his small he never ages?

I'm exhausted and when I read your post for a moment I thought you were talking about The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and that talking lion throwing shade on Paul.
I'm like 5 episodes behind on Lucha Underground. i dunno, that's a lot to catch up on, but i have a lot of free time next week so... maybe

I was reading a pretty dope book about historical Jesus (Zealot by Reza Aslan) and the last 2 chapters are about Paul. Even if you don't subscribe to anything Aslan says and infers about Jesus, the shit Paul was saying was completely out of touch and radical as shit just surrounding the time he was in. If you do buy into what Aslan is saying (that Jesus the man was essentially a hard line Jew, a zealot if you will, who by talking about the Kingdom of God/Heaven was actually calling for a legitimate kingdom on earth by overthrowing Rome and him being crucified at all was evidence that he was killed for sedition by Rome, not stoned by the Jews. It then talks about how later followers changed him from Jesus the Dude to Jesus the Christ and the reasons around that.), then Paul's teachings were WILDLY inaccurate to everything Jesus was about. And by my reading, Paul's teachings are pretty inaccurate and opposing of Jesus even within the canonized gospels.

Just reminded me to say FUCK PAUL. That cunt. I'm pleased to know that James (brother of Jesus) thought Paul was a right cunt as well.

It's an interesting book. Hard to really say how accurate it or any book about historical Jesus can be, but much of the focus was really about the time and area that produced Jesus and how his teachings were interpreted at the time and shortly after his death. Only about 216 pages and pretty briskly paced.

been thinking about reading that. I'm taking a class the author is teaching next quarter, should be good times


I'm like 5 episodes behind on Lucha Underground. i dunno, that's a lot to catch up on, but i have a lot of free time next week so... maybe

been thinking about reading that. I'm taking a class the author is teaching next quarter, should be good times

It's a good read. He's very good at pacing and making an exciting read.


My quick write-up of tonight's Lucha Underground:

Conclusion: A strong episode that was bolstered by an excellent main event. Ladder matches have the potential to be awesome, and this one certainly reached that potential, but saved just enough to keep you wanting more in the future.

The Blue Demon return tease was a bit random by Sexy Star, but it seemed to worry Chavo. Let’s hope they have a better match the second time around. Heck, let’s hope Sexy Star actually gets her hands on Chavo and manages to pull off a singles victory.

Cuerno’s squash was fine for what it was. I wish we had gotten more of Super Fly.

All in all, this was another hit for Lucha Underground, as it had an excellent pace and tons of forward momentum. There really isn’t an easier watch in terms of pro wrestling right now. It’s fast. It’s fun. It’s exciting. It’s Lucha Underground. If you’re not on board yet, I’m not sure what to tell you.


Notes and thoughts about TNT:

Why was Lord Al around at all in the WWF? Why was he around for so long? It's not like there was a loyalty issue to Vince Sr. like so many other guys from that era. He never wrestled for either Vince. He was terrible at interviewing. He was terrible at commentating. He was terrible as Vince's side kick on TNT. He was terrible at READING. I swear that dude could barely read. He was often terrible at just speaking. He couldn't get out more than a few words without stumbling over them, saying something wrong, or just getting lost.

This show is too weird. It's a weird mix of variety show, kayfabe, SHOOT, history lessons, personal talent shows.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Notes and thoughts about TNT:

Why was Lord Al around at all in the WWF? Why was he around for so long? It's not like there was a loyalty issue to Vince Sr. like so many other guys from that era. He never wrestled for either Vince. He was terrible at interviewing. He was terrible at commentating. He was terrible as Vince's side kick on TNT. He was terrible at READING. I swear that dude could barely read. He was often terrible at just speaking. He couldn't get out more than a few words without stumbling over them, saying something wrong, or just getting lost.

This show is too weird. It's a weird mix of variety show, kayfabe, SHOOT, history lessons, personal talent shows.

Promotional Consideration Paid For By The Following:
friendly reminder that out of the 9 matches on this sunday's TLC card, none of them are new matches, and 4 of them have been given away on tv within the past month

They have done an extremely effective job of devaluing their PPV business this year.

Like, textbook how to fucking destroy PPV interest, especially the last two.

When is the next TV deal up? You'd think they wouldn't give 2 shits about TV ratings until they really have to, focus on building up the Network as the must have, not Raw.

Helps knowing hubby is at home tending to the house and not being a grumpasaurus all up in her grill.

Bryan and Punk should hang out more. They can talk about the good ole indie days and veganality.

Who here actually has Destination America? I do but for some you have to dole out the money to get a package with the channel.

Rumour is that it might end up on Netflix which would be a huge boost for it and TNA.
Was that while Heyman was running creative?

For *some* of the brand split, yeah. A couple of years, but I still think it was generally the better show. While DX were dropping doo doo on The Spirit Squad, King Booker was ruling over on Smackdown.

Edge and Vickie happened on Smackdown.

It was a solid wrestling focused show with longer matches and less toilet humour. A lot of the workers put in extra effort since they'd been 'relegated' to the B show. It had better tag teams (MNM, Spanky and Alfalfa, Regal and Taylor compared to Cryme Time and the Highlanders or whatever they were called).

It wasn't espescially creative. The booking was very straight forwards most of the time... but it worked, imho.

Brand split Smackdown was fantastic under Heyman, absolutely, but I still think even without Heyman it was *generally* the better show.

I mean, it was a place where you could regularly see Finlay and Regal go at it. It was worth putting up with Hornswoggle to see those two go.


So there was a heroin bust in my city. Part of a ring from New York. I know two of the ones arrested as part of the ring (a girl who went to school for nuclear medicine and has an ass for days, and her little sister), plus 6 related arrested. Had no idea there was a heroin scene here.
So there was a heroin bust in my city. Part of a ring from New York. I know two of the ones arrested as part of the ring (a girl who went to school for nuclear medicine and has an ass for days, and her little sister), plus 6 related arrested. Had no idea there was a heroin scene here.

Opiate pain pills brought heroin back in a big way. There's heroin all over the place these days sadly.


My sister deals with Opiod abuse at a community level. It's everywhere.


Opiate pain pills brought heroin back in a big way. There's heroin all over the place these days sadly.


Needed an excuse to post those. I'm not on the streets or club (aka Ramada Inn) or bars or anything, so I wouldn't know what kind of shit is going on. Wouldn't expect someone who went to school for nuclear medicine (even though she was kind of a dumb dumb in school) to be part of a heroin distribution ring. Not super shocked at some of the people arrested in association, though.
Needed an excuse to post those. I'm not on the streets or club (aka Ramada Inn) or bars or anything, so I wouldn't know what kind of shit is going on. Wouldn't expect someone who went to school for nuclear medicine (even though she was kind of a dumb dumb in school) to be part of a heroin distribution ring. Not super shocked at some of the people arrested in association, though.

I work in the IT department of a county jail, so its pretty hard for me not to know about this stuff.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Some kid I went to school with, his girlfriend, and his mama nearly beat two folks to death about three miles from where I live because they thought it was a heroin stash house. I live in a quiet suburb and this place was about 500 yards away from the police station. Crazy shit.

The number of people my sister and I went to high school and college with who end up going from pills to heroin and she ends up meeting one way or another is too damn high. That shit is addictive and heroin is waay cheaper than the pills.


You know, I wouldn't want them to remake TNT today. It would be probably be hosted by Miz and Sandow, and all the insanity that made the original unique would be lost for new millennial crap.
meh I have a feeling cm punk is brainwashing aj and it's a bit concerning.

That sounds like the talk of a crazy person who is too in love with AJ and can't cope with the fact that she's off the market, with a bad boy who likes to speak his mind no less. Who's house you helped pay for. Nice guys always finish last though, right? -tips fedora-


you might be over thinking it.

So there was a heroin bust in my city. Part of a ring from New York. I know two of the ones arrested as part of the ring (a girl who went to school for nuclear medicine and has an ass for days, and her little sister), plus 6 related arrested. Had no idea there was a heroin scene here.

You need to get her out, then she'll fall for you, and you'll have that junkie ass for days, friend.


I work in the IT department of a county jail, so its pretty hard for me not to know about this stuff.

When I worked at the juvi I was pretty aware of what was going on, but I didn't have a single kid come in for anything related to heroin for the 2 years I was there. One of the girls arrested over the summer related to this case came in when I worked there, but not for heroin. She tried to keep in contact with me and kept messaging me on FB asking for money and saying she'd fuck me and what not. While she was pregnant. And apparently it was because she was on heroin and that's what she did for money to get it. Her boyfriend had two family members OD in his house a couple of days before they were both arrested. I don't know how I missed all this but reading the Facebook threads is something else.
am I though? Lets look at the facts. CM PUNK is an overbearing opinionated punk ass. AJ is an innocent gentle soul. I feel like her identity has been stripped away and now she is just an extension of his brain.

I dunno, AJ has always been kind of an opinionated punk ass herself. Just because she looks like a gentle innocent soul, doesn't always mean that she is. Some of the legit craziest girls I knew back when I was in school didn't wear that on their sleeve. Plus, given up her upbringing, she's probably not as doe eyed and innocent as you might think.

Either way, neither of us know what she's even like outside of rasslin' so this whole conversation seems pointless. They seem like a happy couple. Whenever she was brought up on the podcasts, she was the only thing he ever really talked about with a warm, caring voice, pretty contrast to how he spoke through the entirety of those two podcasts. So I dunno. Outside looking in, none of my business, I don't know jack all.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter has reported that Alberto Del Rio, also working as El Patron in certain promotions, will begin working for Ring of Honor in 2015. Meltzer notes that Del Rio was supposed to feature in a pre-recorded segment on the Final Battle PPV but that the footage either wasn't recorded or didn't make it in time. He's expected to start for ROH in January and it will be his American home promotion going forward. This is a sign that his negotiations with TNA either didn't pan out or ROH were able to offer him more money/negotiate a better deal.

It's very possible that Del Rio makes his ROH debut at ROH's first TV taping of 2015, in Nashville, Tennessee, on January 3rd. Ring of Honor is without several top talents at that taping, including ROH World Tag Team Champions reDRagon, The Young Bucks and AJ Styles, due to their NJPW obligations as NJPW Wrestle Kingdom takes place the next day. ROH will be running four shows in January.

Meltzer also notes that he could still feature for Lucha Underground, but no contract has been agreed, and that Bellator are interested in him.


How many Wrasslegaffers are in San Antonio/are going to PAX South? I just noticed it is during Rumble Weekend. Need to organize a Wrasslegaf Rumble Party.



Seriously? Holy shit. Didn't see that coming. At all. I hope they make him feel like a big deal. That's really one of ROH's weaknesses...a lot of their guys feel the same, even if they were big elsewhere. Christopher Daniels is the latest example of this.

Guys who feel like legit stars on ROH:
-Adam Cole
-The Young Bucks
-Tommaso Ciampa
-AJ Styles
-Jay Lethal

Well...it's not so bad, actually. Heh.



Seriously? Holy shit. Didn't see that coming. At all. I hope they make him feel like a big deal. That's really one of ROH's weaknesses...a lot of their guys feel the same, even if they were big elsewhere. Christopher Daniels is the latest example of this.

Guys who feel like legit stars on ROH:
-Adam Cole
-The Young Bucks
-Tommaso Ciampa
-AJ Styles
-Jay Lethal

Well...it's not so bad, actually. Heh.
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