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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hogan mooched all that money off dumbass dixie and left TNA worse off than it was before while getting a fat check from Vince to do Wrestlemania AND pay his dumbass friend Jimmy Hart. AND he worked a shoot angle that worked a shoot into a kayfabe jabroni shoot that people think he hates Stone Cold.

Do not doubt Hogan for this category, friends.
Hogan mooched all that money off dumbass dixie and left TNA worse off than it was before while getting a fat check from Vince to do Wrestlemania AND pay his dumbass friend Jimmy Hart. AND he worked a shoot angle that worked a shoot into a kayfabe jabroni shoot that people think he hates Stone Cold.

Do not doubt Hogan for this category, friends.

solid choice
Hogan mooched all that money off dumbass dixie and left TNA worse off than it was before while getting a fat check from Vince to do Wrestlemania AND pay his dumbass friend Jimmy Hart. AND he worked a shoot angle that worked a shoot into a kayfabe jabroni shoot that people think he hates Stone Cold.

Do not doubt Hogan for this category, friends.

his last appearance on TNA TV was him walking out of the company proud while Dixie crawled after him, begging him not to leave
If you watch any shoot, Colt is notorious for trying to make as much extra as he can. They talk about how he brings his own merch table to indie shows and shit.

Colt's in demand, fair play to him for trying to make as much as possible out of this carny-ass business. I saw him twice here in the UK and both times the lines for his merch table absolutely dwarfed everyone else's.


It's been 24 hours, and my CM Punk Best in the World shirt order has still not been cancled by WWE. No newz sites are reporting the sudden sale. I wonder if they really did randomly find a box of shirts in the warehouse.




I watched half of the Paul Heyman doc through most of the ECW stuff. I didn't know about a lot of his early history. I knew he was a manager, and I knew he worked with the Dangerous Alliance and the Midnight Express, but I had no idea he worked commentary with Jim Ross, or got such an early start, or any of the stuff he did with the territories. God damn son, Paul Heyman was a boss.
Roman Reigns is just too bland of a personality to be the top guy. He will settle into Orton's/Batista's place very comfortably and I won't complain.


I watched half of the Paul Heyman doc through most of the ECW stuff. I didn't know about a lot of his early history. I knew he was a manager, and I knew he worked with the Dangerous Alliance and the Midnight Express, but I had no idea he worked commentary with Jim Ross, or got such an early start, or any of the stuff he did with the territories. God damn son, Paul Heyman was a boss.

Heyman has done everything.

He just was never good with money.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hogan's got that carny blood combined with that failed 80s/90s Holllywood evilness.

He is... the ultimate.
I watched half of the Paul Heyman doc through most of the ECW stuff. I didn't know about a lot of his early history. I knew he was a manager, and I knew he worked with the Dangerous Alliance and the Midnight Express, but I had no idea he worked commentary with Jim Ross, or got such an early start, or any of the stuff he did with the territories. God damn son, Paul Heyman was a boss.

He also apparently fucked ring rats according to Saturn. Which I did not expect to hear.
It's been 24 hours, and my CM Punk Best in the World shirt order has still not been cancled by WWE. No newz sites are reporting the sudden sale. I wonder if they really did randomly find a box of shirts in the warehouse.

Wish I caught this last night, my original is a little small now and would love to have it in a bigger size. Shame it's never going to be put on sale again.


I think it would be fair to say that Hogan joining the nWo is the biggest heel turn ever what was the biggest baby face turn?


I watched half of the Paul Heyman doc through most of the ECW stuff. I didn't know about a lot of his early history. I knew he was a manager, and I knew he worked with the Dangerous Alliance and the Midnight Express, but I had no idea he worked commentary with Jim Ross, or got such an early start, or any of the stuff he did with the territories. God damn son, Paul Heyman was a boss.

Did you listen to the stone cold podcast interview with him, if you haven't than do it . It was so good.


Here is a list of all the physical PS4 games I bought this year.

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Infamous: Second Son
Rayman Legends
The Last of Us Remastered
Metro Redux
Infamous: First Light
The Evil Within
Shadow Warrior
Grand Theft Auto V
Retro City Rampage DX
The Walking Dead Season 1
The Walking Dead Season 2

The Wolf Among Us

Most of them are remasters/last gen ports.

Edit: lol. My point was that most of the games worth owning on current gen consoles were remasters. Here's to hoping for a better line up next year.


Alberto El Patron (Del Rio) announced he's officially coming to RING OF HONOR in a Facebook video.


His style is perfect for ROH. Stiff and submission-based. Can't believe they managed to get him. Hope they give him the full-on royal treatment ala AJ Styles and make him feel like a big deal.

"Ring of Honor is happy to announce the signing of El Patron (Alberto Del Rio, who main evented a lot of Smackdowns, a few Main Events, and was in a number of battle royals in the past 4 years) to a wrestling contract."


"Ring of Honor is happy to announce the signing of El Patron (Alberto Del Rio, who main evented a lot of Smackdowns, a few Main Events, and was in a number of battle royals in the past 4 years) to a wrestling contract."

AAA star and Mexican hero, man! And a guy who never got his due in the WWE!

Listen to his Wrestle Talk TV interview. Totally a different person with a ton of charisma and personality.




Lazy Big Show and Rowan switch to Escalator Match
Professional wrestlers The Big Show and Erick Rowan announced today that, due to general lethargy from the “winter blahs,” they have changed their scheduled “Stairs Match” at Sunday’s WWE pay-per-view to an “Escalator Match.”
Shotgun Saturday Night boasted some mean Escalator Matches back in the day.

Del Rio really lowering his standards.
Could be worse. He could have gone to TNA.
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