Fucking Alex Riley.
This sounds exactly like those hilarious tweets Riley put out after the Austin/Vince podcast.
Fucking Alex Riley.
Enjoy it you goddamn jaded motherfuckin...shits!
Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns
Finn the next Rock? Not on your life.![]()
Oh look! Triple H already found them.
I feel like Itami is still getting comfortable in their system. Maybe waiting until his in-ring character has been more solidified?Why no Bayley or Alexa shirts yet? Lol at Itami not getting a shirt yet. I own like four NXT shirts but I just hate the material WWE uses. It's not comfortable at all
Finn the next Rock? Not on your life.
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What do you mean? We already have another Rock, his name is Roman Reigns. THEY'RE RELATED GOD DAMN IT. JUST LOOK AT HIM.Finn the next Rock? Not on your life.
Speaking of nominations, I'd like to publicly endorse John Sina vs. Bray Wyatt at Extreme Rules 2014 for Match of the Year and Legit Shook award consideration.
Look into your hearts and you'll know it to be true, friends. This match exemplified Fun and Playful throughout.
Speaking of nominations, I'd like to publicly endorse John Sina vs. Bray Wyatt at Extreme Rules 2014 for Match of the Year and Legit Shook award consideration.
Look into your hearts and you'll know it to be true, friends. This match exemplified Fun and Playful throughout.
If anyone is thinking of buying the Kevin Owens shirt then I can give you a pretty good discount as I have access to duct tape and a nearby Costco.
Size chart available here:
My thoughts exactly when I first saw it - there's no way they can carry on with that. Fingers crossed he gets the "Fight Me" shirt for the next set of tapings.If anyone is thinking of buying the Kevin Owens shirt then I can give you a pretty good discount as I have access to duct tape and a nearby Costco.
Size chart available here:
Official Carney of the Year Nominations
- Michael Hayes
- John Cena
- Kevin Nash
- The Captain
- DMczaf
I feel like Bionic is pretty selfless and therefore out of bounds of carnyism. Or am I just getting worked hard?
I think it's weird when people say "Benoit killed his wife and kid! He's a monster and you're a monster for not loathing him!"
I mean, who just disregards that the man had severe CTE? Like it means nothing. Like he could control what happened. That's like yelling at someone with Alzheimer's to "STOP IT! BEHAVE YOURSELF! WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, REMEMBER THINGS, YA JERK!"
I mean, it's terrible what happened. I have a son myself and thinking about doing that... horrifying. Even worse is not being in control of your actions and doing it and THEN realizing what you've done. What hell that must've been. Makes me sick just thinking about it.
Anyway, I have no opinion on whether or not Benoit should be in games or be in the Hall of Fame or whatever. Actually, as I type that, I'd probably err on the side of caution and not include him, as it seems kind of tasteless in regards to the people who were directly affected by the whole thing. I don't see why folks can't create and share created wrestlers if they see fit, though. I mean, you'd probably never want that to be a "Featured Download" or whatever, but people should be able to play the game however they want.
Anyway, shout-out to my girl Woman. It's a shame she'll never be in the Hall of Fame -- I said it! -- because she was great. Completely committed to her character. I've really come to appreciate her in my chronological viewings.
everything about bionic is a work, friend
I feel like Bionic is pretty selfless and therefore out of bounds of carnyism. Or am I just getting worked hard?
I voted for Kurt Angle.
I don't really know Tim Angle or Bethany Angle.
McMahon V. Bella was so great because it really shattered the traditional gender roles that WWE has adhered to since its inception. I know a lot of people here didn't enjoy it because, let's face it, they felt threatened by it. Truly an angle before its time. Bravo.
I've discovered that this thread's entertainment value is inversely related to the majority of the community's mood toward wrestling. You're enthusiasm for minor league wrestling is cute but it's really souring my enjoyment of this thread.
You've all had more than enough time to pat yourselves on the back and suck each other's d*cks; can we please go back to normal? I don't know maybe we can talk about TLC & S, CM Punk, Plagiarize and Carnby can argue about Lucha Underground. Just change the fricking subject already.
Friends, I completely forgot about The Menagerie. Should've nominated them as tag team of the year. The embodiment of FnP.
This looks both disgusting and cringe-worthy.