It's a slow burn.
Have a story line go more than one week and these jabrones think it's real.
[insert WrassleGAF pipe bomb quotes here]
It's a slow burn.
Why didn't we send Mr. Haitch anything!?
Why didn't we send Mr. Haitch anything!?
Thanks for the fruit basket @reddit but I'm at @WWENXT working with the future. #WWEArchivistAteIt @WWE
I think we should just enjoy wrestling and leave trying to get over to communities without integrity.
I don't mean breaking kayfabe on Twitter but that Dean didn't even miss one show.
Also what's the Devitt documentary Bauer and Pollock were talking about on their last show?
I'm about to embark on New Blood Rising.
Remember when Heel and Sunny were so adament that Punk's podcast was part of a WWE angle?
"They're fighting for all of us. They're fighting for the music industry. They're fighting for AM/FM radio." - Mark Madden
Jamie Noble as Jamie-san
I'm loving this ladder match and it's sad that I'm doubtful anything on Sunday will top it.
Chyna's daughter is in the WWE? Is she the first 2nd generation diva?
--Some more notes on the show last night. Brian Kendrick was backstage looking to get on as a trainer. Santana Garrett was also backstage. If you didn't see the show, it's way worth going out of your way to see, in particular the last two matches and the Finn Balor ring entrance. It was night and day compared to Raw, and the main event with Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville was among the WWE's best matches of the year. Tommy Mercer, who was Crimson in TNA, was also there as he's getting a tryout.
--There is some real motivation on the main roster to not get blown away from yesterday's show, so the feeling is that because of last night, Sunday's TLC show will probably be better than it would have been.
what happened to h and steph
Guess who wrestled a dark match at the NXT tapings tonight?
Steph gained a booty.
Guess who wrestled a dark match at the NXT tapings tonight?
Starting with Tank Abbot dancing with 3 Count. YES! I thought Stro was trying to torture me but this is fantastic!
Guess who wrestled a dark match at the NXT tapings tonight?
He's trying out for a trainer position by wrestling in a match?
Guess who wrestled a dark match at the NXT tapings tonight?
Why didn't we send Mr. Haitch anything!?
Cena trying real hard to mooch those Hogan colors. What Cena doesn't realize is that King Carny Hogan is mooching the he at off him instead.
He finally come off his what 5 year high?Guess who wrestled a dark match at the NXT tapings tonight? im late, but i didnt realize el generico is a skinny seth rogen
"I'll hold this for you. For safe keeping."
That Finn Baylor entrance from last night is the coolest shit in wrestling I've seen since the Wyatt's debut.
If there's one guy who is already ready on the mic it's definitely Enzo.![]()
Enzo is my favorite NXT guy. If I had to choose one guy to go up, fuck Zayn and Owens and Itami and Balor.
Parallax is back? Who's next, ViewtifulJC?nxt everyone. i havent watched wresting in so long, but i feel i might be making my return. the stars, they are so bright
and im late, but i didnt realize el generico is a skinny seth rogen