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You really want to fight this battle?




Lucha Underground did 36,000 viewers this week, which is their highest number to date. They did 16,000 last week, and 5,000 the week before. Movin' on up, I hope.


The shitty backstage segments and bad shakey cam happen a ton more often though.

The Bray and Mark things are so good I think Dunn had nothing to do with it and actively opposed it.
Is LU on hulu or something? I'd like to support it but I don't have cable cause I'm a dirty poor. Maybe it's on Xfinity's TV viewer thing. For some reason I can watch that despite not having cable for like 3 years now. Don't snitch please.
The true tag team of the year
Friends, I completely forgot about The Menagerie. Should've nominated them as tag team of the year. The embodiment of FnP.
fuck. FUCK. I can't believe i forgot about them again. There was no "Debut of the Year" ballot, was there?
Probably. They're big for indy guys, white, bald, bearded. I figured they'd fit the type.
The Wyatt Cousins!
Guess who wrestled a dark match at the NXT tapings tonight?



Is LU on hulu or something? I'd like to support it but I don't have cable cause I'm a dirty poor. Maybe it's on Xfinity's TV viewer thing. For some reason I can watch that despite not having cable for like 3 years now. Don't snitch please.

El Rey isn't on much right now.


Is LU on hulu or something? I'd like to support it but I don't have cable cause I'm a dirty poor. Maybe it's on Xfinity's TV viewer thing. For some reason I can watch that despite not having cable for like 3 years now. Don't snitch please.

It is in fact on Xfinity On Demand. I'm sure watchwrestling.net has it as well.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
All I'm saying is.. Show me someone better. Because WCW, ECW, NJPW, AJPW, ROH, TNA, so on and so forth have all had very basic direction. Even with things as spectacular as Muta entrances. They may not have been bad but there was never anything special produced to complement an entrance in those promotions.


I am not talking about Dunn as a person, as someone other than a producer, I am strictly talking about him as a TV producer.


Sunflower, perhaps it's a little inside baseball, but have you considered a WrassleGAF Moment of the Year category? For your consideration:

-horse debuts
-bean breath analyzes Daniel Bryan's effect on Monday Night RAW ratings
-homie sblargh shoots
-dream no-sells new forum member who signed up to call him out for spoiling a decade old television show
-strobogo shows dream he can do a kip-up


Being the producer/director doesn't mean he comes up with creative ideas like an entrance. He just works on how to shoot it. I don't think he came up with Bray's entrance (which is shot pretty much exactly the way it was on NXT except now there are cell phones in the crowd) or the Brood's entrance.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Which is why I said the way it complements the entrance. Not the entrance itself. The direction was to shoot from the low angle on the ramp in the WM venue, the direction was to shoot the Brood entrance from the view of the crowd and ascend when normally it was a wide shot then brought in.

WCW's entrances were so boring and always shot in such a boring way despite the investment of money on big things like helicopters. You could see a huge boost in entrance quality with Steiner and NWO's WWE debuts.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I did enjoy Revolution though. I enjoyed all the matches even with Ascension being involved because it confirmed to me that Devitt has star power up the ass. Which is amazing because he was such a bland little babyface for about 90% of his NJPW career. I feel like his wrestling and pacing even got better when he went heel because it was less 'big spots high energy' stuff. Itami has potential and an amazing look, but I really don't know what the long term plan is for him. He doesn't necessarily need a gimmick, but they need to be careful with his opponents.

Lack of Tyler Breeze says they're hopefully moving on from him which I think is good. I think he's pretty shitty and don't get the buzz.Come back when you've watched some Martel tapes, kid. No Mojo was great. Sasha should have won, and I worry that they're pushing Charlotte WAY too fast. Like she's hte Roman Reigns of her division but an easier one to go through a match with. They need to put her with someone like Nikki in a match though and see if she can actually carry that kind of match if she's going to get this nonstop spotlight.

Steen getting bloodied was the best 'accidental bleed' since Bret/Piper. Looked awesome. One of those incredible mistakes that legitimized his character big time more than any squash ever would have.
Someone posted on imgur that they asked their mom to name every member of the roster. Her answers:


These always seem like bullshit. The 'my mom/brother/sister/ describes people.' The big red flag is the fact that the mom knows the word lucha b ut doesn't know Big Show.


The problem with Dunn is complacency. Balor's entrance at NXT was batshit insane and totally unlike anything I've seen out of the company.


Sasha should have won, and I worry that they're pushing Charlotte WAY too fast. Like she's hte Roman Reigns of her division but an easier one to go through a match with. They need to put her with someone like Nikki in a match though and see if she can actually carry that kind of match if she's going to get this nonstop spotlight.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Nattering on about? On about? Babbling over? Charlotte is ready as fuck and is basically Kurt Angle of women wrestlers. You've seen her put on multiple good-great matches 10 minutes or longer and you're worried about her on the main roster, where at MOST she'll get 6 minutes and have the match end with a roll up? She's way ahead of anything that will ever be required of her on the main roster.


Shit I don't mind Char beating her dads record of title wins. I'm still sour that Bae lost :(, but Char is still amazing in the ring regardless.

Well deserved title reign.



The second image was a follow up.

Sweaty McGee sounds like a name Earthquake would have had.

Side Burn Steve, Angry Andy, Rodrigo Alfonso Gonzales, Wood Cutter, Johnny Thor, Jaequanm Bryan Reynolds, and Terror Prof Kowalski are good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I need to make an Anoa'I family tier character.

Spoiler alert: Usos are at the bottom.
Are stro and zord about to get in it?


Any suggestions for a good Smackdown Six PPV to watch?

The whole PPV is up and down, but Suvivor Series 2002 has an amazing 3 way tag with all of them.


How can Charlotte be the Roman Reigns when she's in developmental? A pretty big part of what Roman Reigns "The Roman Reigns" is he's being pushed to the top spot of the entire company while not being ready to leave NXT yet.


Does WWE ever use old WCW/ECW PPV names?

A new Bash at the Beach would be pretty cool.

They used the great american bash a while ago...even though it was called "the bash". Other than that...not really. I would love for them to turn TLC into Starrcade though. They could made it the wrestlemania for mid to low cards since buyrates are usually meh around that time.

but fucking WWE don't consider, think, or support such ideas :(


you know vince really wants to change the name "wrestlemania" to "sports entertainmentmania" but the prestige behind the name is just too big

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How can Charlotte be the Roman Reigns when she's in developmental? A pretty big part of what Roman Reigns "The Roman Reigns" is he's being pushed to the top spot of the entire company while not being ready to leave NXT yet.

Roman was in FCW for two years. Charlotte had her first Raw match less than 2 years after she went to developmental. Roman wasn't 'the top spot' on his first raw appearance either. He was with the Shield for 2 years where all three guys were getting equal spotlight.


They used the great american bash a while ago...even though it was called "the bash". Other than that...not really. I would love for them to turn TLC into Starrcade though. They could made it the wrestlemania for mid to low cards since buyrates are usually meh around that time.

but fucking WWE don't consider, think, or support such ideas :(

Is that where this happened?

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