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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Magnus is a good pick for Fall from Grace. Granted, the top of TNA isn't a very heigh height, but god damn was he bungled.

He was Sting's last opponent before HHH.


NXT Spoilers:

12/18/2014 Episode:

Stay tuned for live spoilers...

* In ring segment with Adrian Neville and Kevin Owens. Neville says Sami Zayn isn't here. Owens says he will fight if Neville wants to.

* Becky Lynch defeated Bayley.

* Bull Dempsey defeated a local wrestler.

* Baron Corbin squashed a local wrestler. Bull watched from the ramp and there was a quick altercation after.

* The Ascension defeated Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Ascension did a promo on Hideo Itami and Finn Balor after the match.

* The referee stopped Owens vs. Neville when Neville got pushed into the ring post and was out. Owens powerbombed Neville on the apron after. This was a great match.

* Neville was stretchered out.

12/25/2014 Episode:

* Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch came out. Ric Flair came out and praised Charlotte before introducing her. Charlotte retained over Sasha and celebrated with Flair.

* Sin Cara and Kalisto defeated Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger. The Vaudevillians laid them out after the match.

* Enzo and Cass introduced Carmella before she cut a promo. They also introduced Blue Pants, who got a massive reaction. The former Leva Bates won after Enzo accidentally distracted Carmella. Carmella hit Enzo, lost her weave and stormed off.

* Baron Corbin squashed CJ Parker. Baron called out Bull, who was watching from ringside. Baron pulled Bull over the barrier and they brawled until officials separated them.

* Devin Taylor interviewed Charlotte. Sasha and Becky cornered her but Natalya came out and they retreated.

* Finn Balor and Hideo Itami defeated The Ascension.

1/1/2015 Episode:

* Sami Zayn comes out to a big pop and talks about being NXT Champion. He runs through the crowd. Adrian Neville interrupts but is friendly. William Regal comes out and makes the rematch for next week.

* Tyler Breeze defeated Chad Gable.

* Sasha Banks defeated Alexa Bliss.

* Sin Cara and Kalisto retained over The Vaudevillians.

* Hideo Itami defeated Curtis Axel.

1/8/2015 Episode:

* Finn Balor defeated Tyson Kidd.

* Sasha and Becky defeated Charlotte and Natalya.

* Baron Corbin defeated Bull Dempsey.

* Sami Zayn defeated Adrian Neville to retain. Owens attacked Sami after the match.
So WrestleGAF I had a long day at work today and to help pass the time I was thinking of things I could replace believe with "belee" from roman reigns signature catchphrase "belee dat" here are a few I came up with

"Belee in the heart of the cards"
"Ripley's Belee Dat or Not!"
"Do you Belee in life after love"
"Can you Belee this shit"
"I can't Belee it's not butter"

Anyway you get the idea



2014-01-20 23:07:53 UTC

Trying to get WWE job in 2010, John Laurinaitis told me "I have enough 5'9" guys. I can't make money with Daniel Bryan, how can I with you?"

2014-01-20 23:07:53 UTC

Trying to get WWE job in 2010, John Laurinaitis told me "I have enough 5'9" guys. I can't make money with Daniel Bryan, how can I with you?"

The period where Laurinaitis was head of talent scouting and hiring was pure shit. Fuck that guy.

Yeah they're goofier than ever. I can't see the Ascension working out on the main roster.
But I guess it's shit or get off the pot time, they've done all they can in developmental, so either call them up or release them.

This team is garbage. I can't understand why they have kept these guys so long. Now it's like some indy rip off of the Road Warriors without any of the stuff that made them good.


This team is garbage. I can't understand why they have kept these guys so long. Now it's like some indy rip off of the Road Warriors without any of the stuff that made them good.

I think I understand, it was an experiment. Hence the super long tag title reign, the endless jobber teams. They were trying to create a new Road Warriors basically, but well, it didn't happen.
Now it's like "we've spent so long on them, we might as well call them up and see what happens".

They're just not very talented and their gimmick has no substance. Viktor is an ok worker I guess and Konnor has size, but other than that they've got nothing going for them.


Hawk could tell you he's going to buy a balloon and eat some cookies, and you'd be terrified because of the way he says it.

As opposed to these two fucking Blade extras

Exactly. It would have been better to return them to the original gimmick. I remember watching this and being fucking hyped.


Hell, they were pretty good until the other dude got himself fired.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Usos sell tons of merch, so something as garbage as the Ascension will probably do well too. I have no faith in WWE crowds.
Exactly. It would have been better to return them to the original gimmick. I remember watching this and being fucking hyped.


Hell, they were pretty good until the other dude got himself fired.

Yeah I remember them with that gimmick. It was actually pretty cool along with their entrance then. Then they fired the talented guy that carried the team though and put the untalented one with another goofy ass dude that's horrible in the ring. The other one is Bram in TNA right?


The Usos seem to be able to wrestle one match. Even in singles, they wrestle the same tag match they do every time, just with no tags.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kronik sucked, but at least they were big intimidating guys who were booked to their strengths.

I don't know what the Ascension bring.


I like The Ascensions music, but even that isn't as good as Kronik.

Hell, Connor can actually talk alright when he isn't pointlessly yelling. This FCW promo for the original Ascension gimmick was better than that Smackdown and one this is with FCW's dogshit budget.


It's not brilliantly executed here, but even then, it does a lot more to be interesting than the current Ascension.


usos are fucking garbage, i used to think they were great but when you pay attention you realize their matches are literally the same shit over and over

samoan drop, suicide dive (which they eat shit on most of the time), 50 superkicks, top rope splash

every fucking time

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Usos are too small to be badass squashing machines like their dad and too fat to be entertaining cruiserweights

They blow.
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