It's hard to give it much props though. I mean, the original is just too far apart from anything else. If the second film was straight to video (ala Darkman), I'd probably push it ahead more.
Heh... (read bottom to top)
Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.Heh... (read bottom to top)
Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.
Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.
Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.
Yeah Masked Man is a good means of judging when the product has gotten truly awful. He loves wrestling with a kid's excitement, so when Rosenberg was noting how bored he sounded, that summed it up nicely.David Shoemaker is usually pretty optimistic about the product too, but on Cheap Heat this week he just sounded so disinterested. The writers are going to really need to regroup after New Years for us to get any semblance of a good RR.
I think the Vince interview with Stone Cold where he was so obvlivious pushed him over the edge.
Just stop being Swiss, god damn it.
Over reliance on talent that have been around for 20 years or more
Over reliance on meaningless 6/8 man tags
The Masked Man is a hack who should be viewed as such.
The Masked Man is a hack who should be viewed as such.
The Masked Man is a hack who should be viewed as such.
Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.
The Machine Gun is too sweet for Stro, huh?
Funny, Anderson reminds me a LOT of Kanyon. Especially the contrived moves and trying to get over constantly in the ring parts.
Dolph hypin on Twitter
I'm glad to see most of you agree how shitty booking and the overall direction of WWE has been.
Their handling of Bryan after he won the title was the absolute last straw with me. Shoving Brie Bella in all of his damn business was enough for me to say adios to any thought of actually caring anymore.
Its been bad for years and it will unlikely get any better. 52 RAWs in a year, fucking lucky if 3 are worth your time.
It's funny you say that becaus in he last year I can only rememeber 3 RAW's that were worth 3 hours of my life.
I like nothing about him. He looks like Charlie Brown fucked an egg. I hate how indie and stupid he is in the ring, and how often he yells out spots trying to look and sound cool to the Japanese crowds. I hate how convoluted ALL of his Kanyon Cutter sequences are. They look so stupid. Everything he does looks overly choreographed. Nothing is natural feeling about him.
Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.
Rosenberg is annoying as fuck. I fucking hate his interviews where he spends a lot of time acting as if everyone that doesn't like the stuff WWE is doing at the time are just stupid smarks that aren't as cool as he is.
Gulak, Busik, BLK Jeez and some Italian goober I've never heard of.
RIP Elimination Chamber PPV
Oh shit BLK Jeez. Weird matchup for the main event though since I've never heard of any of those guys
Oh fuck you WWE. Taking away the closest thing to wargames. Budget cuts are real as shit.
Fast Lane is such a horrible name for a ppv. Perfect for current day WWE.