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Heh... (read bottom to top)



Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.

David Shoemaker is usually pretty optimistic about the product too, but on Cheap Heat this week he just sounded so disinterested. The writers are going to really need to regroup after New Years for us to get any semblance of a good RR.


Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.

That Flair booking on monday night just mindfucked everyone who makes money covering the WWE.

I'm convinced that part of the reason why these guys moved over to covering UFC is because they got sick of Vince.


David Shoemaker is usually pretty optimistic about the product too, but on Cheap Heat this week he just sounded so disinterested. The writers are going to really need to regroup after New Years for us to get any semblance of a good RR.
Yeah Masked Man is a good means of judging when the product has gotten truly awful. He loves wrestling with a kid's excitement, so when Rosenberg was noting how bored he sounded, that summed it up nicely.

By the way, as a fan of Hot 97, his first midnight underground show on weekends, and the Juan Epstein podcast, #teamrosenberg. Fuck the haters.


Things I like about NJPW:

  • Okada has a pet dinosaur
  • The team of Goto/Shibata being predicated on a shared love of kicking the shit out of people
  • The feet stomping on hot near falls (puro thing in general I wish was more common in the US)
  • Swagamura
  • Whenever ever someone hits Naito really hard in his ugly fish face
  • Okada droppkicking dudes
  • AJ getting to be dope again
  • The excitement of announcers on near falls

Thinks I dislike about NJPW:

  • The never ending Yano/Suzuki feud
  • The never ending Bucks vs Hooligans vs Time Splitters feud
  • ROH talent
  • NWA talent
  • Karl Anderson
  • Karl Anderson
  • Karl Anderson
  • The autopilot feel of shows before intermission
  • Over reliance on talent that have been around for 20 years or more
  • Over reliance on meaningless 6/8 man tags
  • Captain New Japan
  • Karl Anderson
Listen to the Ambrose pod today. He has a passion for wrestling but sounds frustrated by the product. Dude was pretty down on creative and WWE tv as a whole.

Also caught up on the Austin podcasts. The pod after his trip to Tulsa was fucking gold. Him and Fowler get goofy in the last half.

The art of wrestling with Dr Tom was good shit. Nice change from the Punk drama.

Think I'm done with Cheap Heat. Rosenberg annoys the shit out of me.


Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.

The Charlotte booking that was like a microcosm of all the shitty creative WWE does, combined with that totally oblivious Vince interview where he acted like everything was ok, combined with that awesome "developmental" special, appears to have just cracked him.
I mean it's obvious to everyone in the world except Vince how garbage the WWE product is right now.


Rosenberg is annoying as fuck. I fucking hate his interviews where he spends a lot of time acting as if everyone that doesn't like the stuff WWE is doing at the time are just stupid smarks that aren't as cool as he is.


The Machine Gun is too sweet for Stro, huh?

I like nothing about him. He looks like Charlie Brown fucked an egg. I hate how indie and stupid he is in the ring, and how often he yells out spots trying to look and sound cool to the Japanese crowds. I hate how convoluted ALL of his Kanyon Cutter sequences are. They look so stupid. Everything he does looks overly choreographed. Nothing is natural feeling about him.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Funny, Anderson reminds me a LOT of Kanyon. Especially the contrived moves and trying to get over constantly in the ring parts.


Funny, Anderson reminds me a LOT of Kanyon. Especially the contrived moves and trying to get over constantly in the ring parts.

Kanyon just did his moves and they were cool. Anderson has all these stupid set ups for everything and calling out his dumb shit. Kanyon never called shit out. He just did cool moves and made people look good. Anderson spends the whole match trying to make himself look good, seemingly to other wrestlers more than fans.
Their handling of Bryan after he won the title was the absolute last straw with me. Shoving Brie Bella in all of his damn business was enough for me to say adios to any thought of actually caring anymore.


The Funny thing is the WWE pay per views lately have been good but the Raws haven't. Its quite weird. This pay per view will be probably be good as well. It has 3 matches that should be very good.

I just wondering on that TLC match is tacks allowed because the match between Bray and Ambrose is going to be nutz.


I like nothing about him. He looks like Charlie Brown fucked an egg. I hate how indie and stupid he is in the ring, and how often he yells out spots trying to look and sound cool to the Japanese crowds. I hate how convoluted ALL of his Kanyon Cutter sequences are. They look so stupid. Everything he does looks overly choreographed. Nothing is natural feeling about him.

I'm not a fan either; I just wanted to give ya the guff.


Meltz getting really salty about WWE lately, damn. You know it sucks when Meltzer is getting pissed off at some of the stupid shit they're doing.

Yeah Bryan is usually the one with the meltdowns. Interesting to see Meltzer breaking down. Even with really dumb shit he usually just shrugs it off. Guess seeing two products from the same company vary in quality so widely is what did it.

Rosenberg is annoying as fuck. I fucking hate his interviews where he spends a lot of time acting as if everyone that doesn't like the stuff WWE is doing at the time are just stupid smarks that aren't as cool as he is.

I don't know who that is but he sounds like a douche.
So after discussing it with Bootaay, he's given me the honor of making the WK9 OT which I plan to post on a week before the show on 12/28. However, I'm having a difficult time finding hype images of the card, except for the ones on NJPW's facebook page. If anyone else has better luck, or can photoshop some up for me, I would greatly appreciate it and will definitely credit you in the OT.

Also, what should the topic title be. I was going to go with:

NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 9 in Tokyo Dome [OT] SURABANAKA DESU!

But that might be a little too obscure...
Oh shit BLK Jeez :D. Weird matchup for the main event though since I've never heard of any of those guys :(

Oh fuck you WWE. Taking away the closest thing to wargames. Budget cuts are real as shit.

I don't watch CZW, but Busik and Gulak are guys who got big in CZW the last year or so, and have just started breaking out into PWG and the like. They're good.
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