bean breath
A Gaffer worked on that game.They named a PPV after that fucking John Cena phone game, which already shared the title with that Fast and The Furious rip-off show from FOX...
The Rock winning the Royal Rumble confirmed.
A Gaffer worked on that game.They named a PPV after that fucking John Cena phone game, which already shared the title with that Fast and The Furious rip-off show from FOX...
The Rock winning the Royal Rumble confirmed.
Why you hating, man? No need to go there.
Tanahashi/Honma from day 1 was...okay. Shibata/Nakamura, AJ/Okada, and Ishii/Fale stole the show.
A Gaffer worked on that game.
Data West is a comedy heel too, don't worry about it man!
The point is, you don't talk spit about someone if they're part of the same community. He could come in here, read that, feel bad and make a post acknowledging his involvement. Then Shark Johnson is going to feel bad. Everyone will feel bad.A gaffer worked on Star Wars, and I'm told he's a hack
Look at Mr Via Satellite over here
A gaffer worked on Star Wars, and I'm told he's a hack
Look at Mr Via Satellite over here
You earned it bud!I'm just a part-timer trying to get my pay day. Cut me some slack!
Is there a clause in every New Japan wrestler's contract that says "Must do forearm shots trading in the middle of the ring at least once per match"?
I finally started using my WWE Network subscription only to find out there's not jack shit for recent PPVs.
Gotta protect those DVD sales, I suppose.
I finally started using my WWE Network subscription only to find out there's not jack shit for recent PPVs.
Gotta protect those DVD sales, I suppose.
This was on Lana's instagram with the hashtag #Raw but quickly removed
This was on Lana's instagram with the hashtag #Raw but quickly removed
Well, now we aren't getting it and Swagger is gonna get that big win tonight.
Also, having RUSSIAN BAD GUY as US Champion is instaheat. Don't ruin an easy thing, WWE.
It would only be good to have Swagger become EU Champion tonight (He stole the belt from Titan Towers; Vince owed Zeb a favor) and Rusev became both EU and US Champion.
Disco Inferno would have made a fine European champion.
it's time![]()
This was on Lana's instagram with the hashtag #Raw but quickly removed
This was on Lana's instagram with the hashtag #Raw but quickly removed
This was on Lana's instagram with the hashtag #Raw but quickly removed
rusev should throw the us title in the trash
Thanks for the spoilers, trash. I was planning on reading the Torah and converting to Judaism but now that I can't go into it fresh, why bother.I went to see Exodus: Moses's Totally Bogus Adventure
I'm not going to bother with spoilers because...if you're getting spoiled on the story of Moses by 2014, who gives a shit. Also, it is a shitty movie.
- In the movie, Moses is never sentenced to slave labor and forced to work with the Jews. He's just banished from the land.
- He never finds his real mother.
- God does not talk through a burning bush. Instead, Moses climbs "God's mountain" and is caught in a mudslide. He's struck in the head with a rock and has a severe brain injury. He then sees a burning bush, but God is in the form of a dick head 8 year old boy. He continues to hallucinate seeing Kid God through out the movie, even in front of people, but no one else can see or hear the kid.
- The Red Sea does not part. Instead, the tide draws in due to a tsunami and the Jews are able to pass in the nick of time. Even though the incoming wave should have killed them all anyway.
- The plagues come one directly after another without stop. Fire balls are omitted. Also omitted are scenes with Moses negotiating with the Pharaoh, having the plagues stopped, and Ramses going back on his word ,causing more plagues. Instead, God (who is a smart assed angry little kid) keeps punishing the innocent Egyptians to prove a point to Moses more than the pharaoh. Moses tells God that it is too much, it is cruel, and he wants nothing to do with any of this anymore. THEN God kills all the first born.
- Aaron Paul as Joshua had less to do than Aaron Paul as Jesse in the last few episodes of Breaking Bad. All Josh did for the whole movie was stare at stuff in anger/fear. He has absolutely no impact on the story whatsoever and only a handful of lines.
- Aaron's significance isn't mentioned at all besides being Moseseseses' brother.
- The 10 Commandments are chiseled by Moses instead of being inscribed by the finger of God.
- At no point does Moses have a rod. The story with changing the rod to a snake and back never happens.
Basically, God comes off even WORSE in the movie than he does in the book, which is pretty crazy. At first, God being portrayed as a little boy was a big WTF moment. But then it made perfect sense. Of COURSE God is a shitheel 8 year old boy who is mean and cruel. That makes the most sense in the world to me. What made a little less sense is that Moses only saw him after a brain injury. The greatest Jew to ever live didn't buy into any of this shit until he got his brain scrambled and started hallucinating.
It's a movie where if you know the source material, you'll have a LOT of "That's not how the book goes". If you don't know the source material, you'll be completely lost. All the symbolism is lost on you and the over all story is weird and dumb without the context of the book anyway. A big example is towards the end, Moses is at the top of Mt. Sinai. The camera pans and sees the Jews dicking around with a giant golden calf. Little God just shakes his head at Moses. The next scene has Moses chiseling away. If you didn't know the story, you'd have NO idea why Little Bill gave that look. If you do know the story, you should still be pissed that God punished the Jews for breaking a law that he hadn't created yet. But that punishment isn't mentioned. The next scene has Moses looking old as shit in a wagon with the commandments. If you don't know the story, you'd probably be pretty confused as to why they were still traveling since they were pretty close to the Promised Land what appears to be about 40 years earlier.
So those are the issues with the story. There are other issues:
- Horrible continuity on beards and hair
- Christian Bale's accent changes from scene to scene, sometime within a scene. He goes from his natural accent to his American accent to what sounds like an Australian accent to Batman voice. Frequently.
- A lot of really odd lines, made weirder by delivery. Everything looks and sounds like the first take was the only take.
- Strange lingering shots that look like someone forgot to edit 2-3 seconds earlier.
- A few shots of EXTREMELY dodgy CGI/green screening, especially during the Red Sea scene.
- There are like...2 people in the whole movie who look like they could be of Egyptian descent.
- Moses somehow got dirtier living in a town than wandering the desert. He also was dirtier after being in the sea than he was wandering the desert.
- One of the regents seems to be a campy gay man for some reason and appears to offer sexual favors to Moses.
So basically what I'm saying is it sucked. It seemed like it was going to be REALLY bad for the first 15 minutes or so, but then it leveled out into boring for most of the movie. I'm pretty sure Ridley was on wine patrol for the entire shoot. Seems like no effort was put into actual directing at all.
So basically Ridley Scott needs to fucking retire.I went to see Exodus: Moses's Totally Bogus Adventure
Thanks for the spoilers, trash. I was planning on reading the Torah and converting to Judaism but now that I can't go into it fresh, why bother.
So when did Cena become No1 contender again?
am i to assume that whenever he doesn't have the belt , by default he is the no1 contender, no matter what?
So basically Ridley Scott needs to fucking retire.
So basically Ridley Scott needs to fucking retire.
Is it wrong or me to want the Rhodes brothers to pay a visit to NXT so I can witness the spectacle that is Finn Balor vs. Stardust?
Did you see Prometheus? If you have I'm just wondering how it compares to.Maybe. It sure seemed like the director was absent for most of the movie.
how does he keep getting money thoSo nothing we haven't known for the last 10 years
how does he keep getting money tho
Did you see Prometheus?
Shit, I'm part to blame.Because strobuyonegetone went to see his movie and people on off-topic went to see prometheus. so it works.
Yeah it was a major disappointment.I would willingly watch the worst of WCW over watching Prometheus again. Good lord that movie was a crock of shit.
Did you see Prometheus? If you have I'm just wondering how it compares to.
how does he keep getting money tho