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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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NeoGAF's smiling token!
Yes. And I've seen the behind the scenes documentary on Prometheus. It felt like Ridley gave even less of a shit about this in every respect. It is full of bizarre lines, bizarre deliveries, shots that last too long for no reason. It doesn't really even have the great visual style you'd expect from Ridley. Dracula Untold and Hercules had cooler looking shots. It feels half assed from start to finish and I can only assume it is because Ridley did the movie strictly for the wine. And drank the wine all day during every scene. And during editing.
Fucking Ridley man, why'd he have to run out of fucks.
I would watch the 98 reboot of Lost In Space before watching Prometheus again.
Good ol' bad 90's cgi.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Because he's old and old directors don't have to prove shit to you artistically. They're there to make money and don't care how something reviews because everyone will still go see it because movie reviewers are just above game reviewers on the useless totem pole now that everyone can do it.

Like Spielberg doesn't care if you hated War of the Worlds. He made Jaws. He's set for life. Just like Michael Jackson could make all those bad albums after Thriller. The fuck are you gonna say to him? He made Off The Wall and Bad.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Nice to see Monday Night Wars giving Russo some credit for trying to push younger guys

Russo's biggest and most consistent positive trait is that whenever he was writing he'd try his best to give everyone up and down the card a story with personal goals. Not just trading wins for no reason. Some of them sucked but everyone had something to do.
Why is he beating the likes of Minoru Suzuki at the G1?

Yano's basically a massive troll, a drunk ex-barber with the self-proclaimed 'most noble brain' in all of wrestling who, in spite of his poor physique and trashy wrestling style, is a fairly accomplished amateur wrestler and will often surprise superior opponents (like Suzuki) with a variety of pinning clutches.

I wish I knew what Dada West is so angry about. Alas, I only watch Raw.

I dunno, I don't get it either. I think he's mad that someone enjoys ROH?


Apparently smarks are sending anyone involved with the NXT show fruit baskets as gratitude for the show being so good.

Hey random question. What are some times someone got injured or something right before a big match forcing the company to make huge super last minute changes.

I am talking times someone gets hurt in-between a final TV taping and a PPV. Something with next to no wiggle room.

I want to say it happened a few times with TNA because of the way they film in bulk.


Hey random question. What are some times someone got injured or something right before a big match forcing the company to make huge super last minute changes.

I am talking times someone gets hurt in-between a final TV taping and a PPV. Something with next to no wiggle room.

I want to say it happened a few times with TNA because of the way they film in bulk.

Bret having a fever before Royal Rumble 92, but it was a contract thing irl?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Blegh. Ordered wwe2k15. Rumble's happening, it seems.


So dudes, seriously.

Is that Rik thing just someone fucking around with his wiki? I'm super curious but that means sitting through 1993 Raws and watching intently. I liked that stuff as it happened, but I don't know if I can take it nowadays.


Stro, thanks for the Exodus review. Sounds pretty bad. Like...they tried to secularize it more (Moses only sees God after a concussion, he doesn't actually part the red sea, and he inscribed the commandments), but made it stupid in the process? Sounds like the directing/editing/cinematography were bigger issues, though.


Stro, thanks for the Exodus review. Sounds pretty bad. Like...they tried to secularize it more (Moses only sees God after a concussion, he doesn't actually part the red sea, and he inscribed the commandments), but made it stupid in the process? Sounds like the directing/editing/cinematography were bigger issues, though.

It's full of issues. I don't understand making a bible movie and then shying away from the supernatural elements to try to make it "realistic". You can't read the bible and think, "Boy, that's so gritty and realistic!". I mean the story of Moses is a dude who is sent floating down the Nile as a baby, inexplicably raised in the pharaoh's family despite an order of first born Jews being killed, who then gets kicked out of Egypt, who God then talks to from a burning bush, who then has a staff that is able to turn into a snake and back, who is able to turn his staff into a giant snake that eats the rod/snakes of the Egyptians, who is able to call God off on the plagues 7 times, who frees 600K-2 million Jews, is able to part the Red Sea with his rod so he and the Jews can pass, heads up to the top of a mountain where God writes down some notes for him, breaks them when he gets pissed, goes back and does it again, makes water come from a rock in the desert, wanders for 40 years with up to 2 million people in the desert living off of some kind of food sent directly from God. And all this STARTED when he was 80. When it comes to a bible story, I don't think you have to make it gritty or fantastical. I think you can do both.

Plus all the clearly not giving a shit from an acting, continuity, and editing stand point. Ridley...I think he's hurt, guys. GUYS, I think, at this juncture, well, Ridley has lost whatever was left of what he once had, guys.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wrestlers only, friend.

Also, no RoboCop! He doesn't count, but someone tries to nominate him every year.

God, not Yoko. He nearly won last year, didn't he? Took a dozen guys to get rid of him, lol.

I think you're thinking of Earthquake. I would have enjoyed these avatars all day


I think you're thinking of Earthquake. I would have enjoyed these avatars all day
Why doesn't Vince have people like earthquake?

He'll Hogan liked working with Kamala because his bunnies never hurt.

Plus wouldn't empathize taller abd more muscular talent when they are next to someone different?

Dean Ambrose is 6'4" and you would never know.


They should have taken a day and filmed a bunch of via satellite and shit talking vignettes that they could air on Raw every week or two as a work around to have Brock on their shows without having to use up one of his dates.
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