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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He's as far as I can tell the best big man seller ever. Dude remembers what was worked over and sells it believably every single time. He's also one of those freaks like Angle or Brock who really picked up pro wrasslin fast.

He sold his goddamn ankle before the match, from last time. Nobody else gives a shit, but he sure as hell did and it was important to the match.

Rusev crush expectations


Hogan was suppose to throw a firebal at warror. Instead he lit him self on fire

Dean did this


So instead of Dean thinking logically and put the monitor down to dirty deeds Bray onto the montior...this motherfucker runs like a idiot causing the monitor to "explode".


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Once Rusev loses, his push'll be over as it always is with unbeatable monsters. I have faith he'll bounce back up the card in time. He's got the skills for it and a damned good look.

And is there a link between Zayn and Cyclops that I'm missing, or is that just a random pairing for the sake of itself?

No, people are just fuckin weirdos.
Bray's gimmick was killed the second Cena no-sold every promo. You can't be scary if no one is scared of you.

Add the fact that you never win decisively, and then take away his posse (for no real reason)...it's over. Bray just becomes a kinda weird guy who talks a lot and makes no sense.

It truly amazes me how much they completely screwed up what was poised to be a decent mid-card after Wrestlemania.


Rusev vs Swagger should have been longer. When those two were given time at a prior PPV, it was good. Crowd was behind Swagger too. But he failed America at that time and once again here. =p

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My concern is where the fuck does Harper go from here? I'm worried for him <3

Man God

Non-Canon Member
He sold his goddamn ankle before the match, from last time. Nobody else gives a shit, but he sure as hell did and it was important to the match.

Rusev crush expectations

While I'm sure everyone here rightfully gives out about seeing the same matches twenty times in a row I could honestly watch Rusev versus Swagger or Big E a thousand times and not get sick of it.

My concern is where the fuck does Harper go from here? I'm worried for him <3

A Mania feud with Rowan that steals the undercard.


He sold his goddamn ankle before the match, from last time. Nobody else gives a shit, but he sure as hell did and it was important to the match.

Rusev crush expectations

Russev is an example of old school wrestler. Dude can keep up a kayfabe injury, add a story to a match, and actually make his opponent look good. However, he gets put in a midcard limbo while "progressing" Roman Reigns getting blown to the heavens with his ultra push.

Reigns haven't grown one bit from his promos to wrestling abilities. At least a young Diesel made his matches actually enjoyable even as a baby face.


Reigns haven't grown one bit from his promos to wrestling abilities. At least a young Diesel made his matches actually enjoyable even as a baby face.
It's a bad sign when we can reasonably compare the WWE's next "chosen one" with Kevin Nash and Nash comes out ahead in almost every category.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Umaga is one of my favorite WWE guys of all time. But once he lost to Cena decisively, his gimmick floundered. He was never the same even with those great matches he had with Jeff Hardy. The same will happen to Rusev. The 'foreign monster' gimmick is such short term gain that it's boggling they would stick someone as talented as Rusev with it. Or he turned out more talented than they would have thought and they can't really go back on it.

That gimmick only worked when the monster could lose and then go to another territory to claim he was still undefeated then come back a year later to the original territory and likely everyone will have forgotten he ever lost in the first place. That's not the case when you see Rusev every single week on the same show wrestling the same people. He's fucked when he loses, and it's not his fault at all.
So instead of Dean thinking logically and put the monitor down to dirty deeds Bray onto the montior...this motherfucker runs like a idiot causing the monitor to "explode".




Yep. It's about time we stop blaming Cena for Bray's downfall and just come to the realization that his gimmick just sucks.

Disagree. The gimmick is fine, but requires better writing than "I want to make you evil!" (fails) "I want to make you evil!" (fails) "I want to make you more evil!" (fails because how exactly would this work?) It's a gimmick that needs a goal (and thus, solid writing) because the standard wrestling goal of "Be the best/champ/highest paid/most famous" doesn't apply to him.
Disagree. The gimmick is fine, but requires better writing than "I want to make you evil!" (fails) "I want to make you evil!" (fails) "I want to make you more evil!" (fails because how exactly would this work?) It's a gimmick that needs a goal (and thus, solid writing) because the standard wrestling goal of "Be the best/champ/highest paid/most famous" doesn't apply to him.
So you're saying it sucks?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's a bad sign when we can reasonably compare the WWE's next "chosen one" with Kevin Nash and Nash comes out ahead in almost every category.

Bigger? Check.

Sexier? Pretty close but Check.

Mic work? CHECK.

Finishing move? Check.

Wrestling Skills? Roman is better.

Theme? Roman has one, Big Daddy Cool had to earn his.


Bray's gimmick was killed the second Cena no-sold every promo. You can't be scary if no one is scared of you.

Add the fact that you never win decisively, and then take away his posse (for no real reason)...it's over. Bray just becomes a kinda weird guy who talks a lot and makes no sense.

It truly amazes me how much they completely screwed up what was poised to be a decent mid-card after Wrestlemania.

Where they messed up with the feud is not making Cena frightened enough...Bray through every tactic at him from using his fans against him, ruining his matches, and trying to make him turn heel..what Cena does....he talk about his past gimmick ala Husky Harris, makes a fool out of him, and treats him like a damn peon when he's suppose to be a force to the WWE. Also, he lost to Cena at Wrestlemania 30 which made no damn sense at all. It's like there's no storyline or rivalry with Cena...only burials, random pair ups, and unwanted matches that fans didn't ask for....

Looking at Cena's track record...the only guy besides Edge, Orton, and Batista that could bring Cena back down to a wrestling FEUD was CM Punk. The feud between them two felt magical because it was a modern day Batman *sighs* vs Joker type of setting.
Still amazes me that NXT is written by 1 guy with Dusty fixing any problems and then Triple H approving it is beating Vince and over 20 writers. If they wanted Bray to go over do the Austin vs Triple H 3 stages of hell finish and not a exploding tv one.

Too many cooks in the kitchen.
Actually, the more I turn it over in my head, as much as it annoyed me that Cena no-sold Bray's promos and such, honestly, Wyatt has the same problem. He's had all this bravado and belief in his character, but shouldn't HE be changed as well? He's succeeded in nothing that he's laid out in his motivations of confronting anyone so far. But instead, he's still just going on like he's some sort of force of nature.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Even in my full on Nashcember gimmick could not say Bret's best match is with Diesel. It's easily Diesel's best match.

Reign's single career hasn't been going long enough yet but even in his few months as a single's star his matches are still far better than almost all of Nash's singles matches. Because Nash also sucks as a single's guy. Especially as a face.


Bret Hart's best match was with Diesel.
Nobody's best match was with Roman Reigns.

A top contender was Orton/Reigns because Orton carried the sorry sap throughout the match. Let's go back to the shield/wyatts feud. Remember the match between Reigns/Bray and fans shitted all over it including wrestlegaf....well there you have it.

The problem with Reigns is that he's a tag team partner and a C plus player surrounded by blind teachers trying to get him into Harvard. Yet, he's better off in community college for the time being...


Umaga is one of my favorite WWE guys of all time. But once he lost to Cena decisively, his gimmick floundered. He was never the same even with those great matches he had with Jeff Hardy. The same will happen to Rusev. The 'foreign monster' gimmick is such short term gain that it's boggling they would stick someone as talented as Rusev with it. Or he turned out more talented than they would have thought and they can't really go back on it.

That gimmick only worked when the monster could lose and then go to another territory to claim he was still undefeated then come back a year later to the original territory and likely everyone will have forgotten he ever lost in the first place. That's not the case when you see Rusev every single week on the same show wrestling the same people. He's fucked when he loses, and it's not his fault at all.

The last time I saw the foreign monster gimmick work was Takeshi Morishima's reign as Ring of Honor Champion. He defended the belt 20 times before he was finally defeated, and it was an amazing monster heel run.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Even in my full on Nashcember gimmick could not say Bret's best match is with Diesel. It's easily Diesel's best match.

Reign's single career hasn't been going long enough yet but even in his few months as a single's star his matches are still far better than almost all of Nash's singles matches. Because Nash also sucks as a single's guy. Especially as a face.

You don't have to say it, Bret said it. Bret said his best match was with Diesel. Not Shawn, Not Owen, Not Bulldog, but Big Daddy Cool.


Even in my full on Nashcember gimmick could not say Bret's best match is with Diesel. It's easily Diesel's best match.

Reign's single career hasn't been going long enough yet but even in his few months as a single's star his matches are still far better than almost all of Nash's singles matches. Because Nash also sucks as a single's guy. Especially as a face.

So you mean to tell me his matches with hbk didn't blow reign's entire career away? or even his match with taker where he damn near killed taker?

I'm not much of a Nash mark, but his matches were tolerable to good. Even the shitty Mabel match was fun to watch in a nothing on tv type of way.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So you mean to tell me his matches with hbk didn't blow reign's entire career away? or even his match with taker where he damn near killed taker?

I'm not much of a Nash mark, but his matches were tolerable to good. Even the shitty Mabel match was fun to watch in a nothing on tv type of way.

I just recently watched most of 1995. His main events are really bad as a face and the only one worth a damn is against Bret at SS. A legit great match.

Nash is only good when in the ring with all time greats. When he's in there with Sid or even pretty decent hands like Bam Bam the matches suck and when he's in there with someone like Mabel they are downright dreadful.

Reign's singles match sample size is pretty small but what I meant by the in ring performer thing is that he's less limited than 1995 Diesel already. He's got more moves and is smoother in the ring. He's better than Vanilla Ice Jahn Cenar as well.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've never been more confused about what is 'the it factor' then with Roman Reigns. Good looking? Ok, you have tons of good looking guys. What else?
Brock Lesnar? Fucking huge. Has a weird baby face, but he's fucking huge and moves faster than anyone else his size

Batista? Ripped to shreds. Decent natural charisma, not a great wrestler

Goldberg? Goldberg looks like what you would get if you wanted to form the perfect wrestler. As far as I'm concerned Goldberg IS the look. You want to throw titles at him, and he got incredibly confident in his position quicker than any other guy thrown into a push that quickly

Kevin Nash? Big, good looking, charismatic, decent big man but not an amazing wrestling by any means but knew his role and knew how to play it in a match, intelligent

Rock? Big old dude, charismatic as hell, funny, handsome, so-so to good wrestler but can control a crowd so well it doesn't even matter

Stone Cold? Charismatic, looks cool, anti-establishment, big but not so big that he looks like a monster. Unique for the time period he came into. Guy that's so charismatic that he got over with the fans when he was just attacking faces with chairs

Hogan? Ripped to shreds, very tall, unique though odd look, charismatic, has complete control over a crowd in the 80s, not a great wrestler but that really didn't matter back then, really underrated old school heel

Cena? Charismatic, in great shape, probably the biggest workhorse in the history of pro wrestling, can at least have a decent match with the majority of wrestlers, willing to do whatever Vince asks of him

Again, I look at Roman Reigns and see guy with good looks, unimpressive build, unimpressive wrestling ability, and no charisma.


Actually, the more I turn it over in my head, as much as it annoyed me that Cena no-sold Bray's promos and such, honestly, Wyatt has the same problem. He's had all this bravado and belief in his character, but shouldn't HE be changed as well? He's succeeded in nothing that he's laid out in his motivations of confronting anyone so far. But instead, he's still just going on like he's some sort of force of nature.

True. Could be interesting if handled right. Then again, in the WWE, how many feuds end and then the loser changes in some way? Jericho never changes, Dean's losses jut prolong or put off his feud with Rollins, Swagger never suffers in his failures to Rusev, Cesaro might respond to taunts about his win-loss record but nothing changes there, Taker disappeared for a year like he does, Cena--pfft. One fucking day after Summerslam back to same old same old. Kane, maybe? He changed in the build to matches, though, not as a result of losing, unless his original loss to Bray Wyatt was what made Korp Kane.

Best example this year is Evolution. They lost two in a row and disbanded when Batister lost faith, but HHH got the Pyrrhic victory by breaking the Shield and pulling Rollins to his side. Authority, too. Broke as the result of SS/infighting with Orton-Rollin. I guess long term change requires a HHH touch.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
He's also a cult leader without a cult. Should have brought up the Ascension a few months ago or kept the Wyatts semi together for two extra months.

It's a big problem.
I actually will enjoy seeing Reigns whiff it at Mania. I mean, obviously I'd rather get a good show but I don't see any way that could happen.


I actually will enjoy seeing Reigns whiff it at Mania. I mean, obviously I'd rather get a good show but I don't see any way that could happen.

Brock can carry him to a decent match. It's everything that comes afterwards when they throw him in to a feud with Big Show you should worry about.
who knows? maybe something crazy happens and cena wins the title back at the rumble? cena then puts reigns over.

I just can't picture reigns working a WM brock lesnar program with paul heyman on the mic. guy will be shitting his pants out there. you can tell his push is really sudden and making him anxious as hell. he isn't sure what to do out there and you can tell he's scared.

Even if they put him over and vicne tells them to really make reigns look good, what do they do after mania? who does reigns work with does all his momentum come to a halt with the crowd turning on him with anti-cena type chants come WM32?


Any thoughts on who Roman's first post-Mania feud will be against? I'm trying to think of someone other than Rollins and failing. Perhaps they think Rusev will still have heat to go up against Roman after Cena ends his unbeaten streak at Mania but I doubt it.

I suppose the other option is Bray. Or turn Kane, Show, Henry heel for the umpteenth time.

Those all sound like terrible options. Better to just re-debut Cesaro and have him lose to Reigns in 3 straight PPVs to fill time.
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