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PInk Tape

You guys working on your Dean x Bray fanfic again, eh?

Not much else to talk about, honestly. It isn't like there was some amazing PPV
that I mostly slept through.

Plus saying that R Evolution was amazing is like saying the sky is blue or that Roman is winning the RR.


"Why won't you accept my friendship?!"

Now you wanna get nuts?
Fanfic-ish pic
Come on, let's get nuts!
This is the sort of thing that births Devianart ideas.
So much for Dean, Seth & Belee Triple Threat for the title at Mania.

Another lackluster PPV other than Ziggler and everything in Dean/Bray before the monitor.

I wonder when Seth's going to cash in? Good opportunity at the Rumble. With no Elimination Chamber that rules Fast Lane out. So Wrestlemania moment it is then.
Fuck WWE for discontinuing Elimination Chamber and not have Brock eliminate everyone one at a time and Cesaro lasting the longest and putting up the most fight.
Remember that tweet Nash made that tricked everyone into thinking he'd be on Raw but then later confirmed that he was gonna have sex with some chick instead? Undertaker could never pull that shit off.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'd make a WCW 2000 tier chart, but it's too depressing to think about. When Kronik and Vampiro are in the higher ranks, you've got a MAJOR problem.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm surprised Elimination Chamber stuck around because it has Bischoff's name all over it. It'll always be a 'Bischoff match' and WWE and him aren't on great terms anymore. I don't think. Only Elimination Chamber match I liked was the 'Goldberg kills everyone' chamber

Edit: Man, I forgot how bad Orton's face 'main event' run was.
Nash never suicide dove over the rope when he was 45 or all the other crazy ass bumps Taker has taken.

I want Taker back in a squash match at Mania since he won't fave Sting due to age/what they're doing with Trips


That was the worst PPV in a very long time along with possibly the shittest set of finishes that did fucking zero to make anyone look strong.

PInk Tape

"Now it was just down to Ziggler and Cena. Both wrestlers stared each other down before Cena attempted a clothesline on Ziggler. Ziggler ducked under it and grabbed Cena's legs, tossing him out of the ring before John could do anything."

"Oh my God!" Michael Cole screamed."Ziggler's done it! Ziggler is the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion!"
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