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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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To creative Roman is literally a fucking pretty face stapled on to terrible body that they can cover with a bullet proof vest. They don't give a shit if he can't work a match, or talk. All they give a shit about right now is protecting that beautiful face of his. That's why you'll never see ugly as sin guys like Sami, Neville, Owens, or Daniel Bryan get a chance.

I wouldn't surprised if Brie gets booked into a romantic angle with Roman eventually, because Vince can't believe that "ghost faced motherfucker can get a piece of ass like Brie Bella".

Vince fucking HATES ugly people. If he could, he would put a blue dot over 70% of the current roster right now.



You can't see me, jack!


He said he doesn't listen to critics, which is super smart if you want to put out a product that people actually want to watch.

I think it's more that Vince tries to actively go against what critics say and tries to continue doing the things critics criticize him for in a Vince like attempt to "keep doing it until it works/they like it".


How was TLC(s)? Everything you hoped for? That Cena table spot looks dumb, how does Cena managed to look contrived when doing the simplest of shit?

Huh, I forgot all about that. I think there weren't enough people willing to nominate matches, iirc. I wanted to do 3 matches a week, so we'd need at least 12 people for a month's worth.

brother, you know I would be all for it.


since i'm too lazy to read back - what was GAF's reaction to Roman Reign's botching his promo?

Everyone thought the whole promo sucked.

I watched it today after reading that and it's bad. The botch isn't even the worst, it's more that it just seemed forced as hell. It's obvious he is just spewing fed lines.


Everyone thought the whole promo sucked.

I watched it today after reading that and it's bad. The botch isn't even the worst, it's more that it just seemed forced as hell. It's obvious he is just spewing fed lines.

My friends and I were laughing during it. First after he stumbled through whatever word it was he caught on, and then the awkward "oh shit I forgot my line" silence.

It was "Man, one bad little promo won't stop his so far HoF-worthy career. Next Rock for sure".

How do you think it was?

I know Vince wont see it but I really hope that promo will be enough for someone to speak up and say "this guy isn't ready".

If they're going to put the brakes on Roman they're getting close to that point of no return right now.


I don't even want to watch the Rumble. There is nothing on main line WWE that interests me at all. The main roster's way of showing how fired up they are after NXT was to put on the second worst PPV of the year. Any dudes on the main roster I like are either doing dumb shit (Bray, Dean, Seth) or nothing at all (Cesaro, Harper, Rusev). I don't even know if I want to reup around WM. This is some dire shit. Canceling seems like a better idea every day.



and I loved the hell out of wrestlemania 30m but them Full Sail boys outdid a 4 hour ppv in 1 hour and 57 minutes.

how bad is it when one of the best WM of all time IMO gets compared to a tuesday night developmental PPV? (rightfully so)

Vince needs to go
I don't even want to watch the Rumble. There is nothing on main line WWE that interests me at all. The main roster's way of showing how fired up they are after NXT was to put on the second worst PPV of the year. Any dudes on the main roster I like are either doing dumb shit (Bray, Dean, Seth) or nothing at all (Cesaro, Harper, Rusev). I don't even know if I want to reup around WM. This is some dire shit. Canceling seems like a better idea every day.
B-but your reviews!


I don't even want to watch the Rumble. There is nothing on main line WWE that interests me at all. The main roster's way of showing how fired up they are after NXT was to put on the second worst PPV of the year. Any dudes on the main roster I like are either doing dumb shit (Bray, Dean, Seth) or nothing at all (Cesaro, Harper, Rusev). I don't even know if I want to reup around WM. This is some dire shit. Canceling seems like a better idea every day.

What? You don't want to see a NXT guy come out to no reaction and get buried?


I don't even want to watch the Rumble. There is nothing on main line WWE that interests me at all. The main roster's way of showing how fired up they are after NXT was to put on the second worst PPV of the year. Any dudes on the main roster I like are either doing dumb shit (Bray, Dean, Seth) or nothing at all (Cesaro, Harper, Rusev). I don't even know if I want to reup around WM. This is some dire shit. Canceling seems like a better idea every day.

And the actual Rumble itself it likely to be only won by one of 2 people in Reigns or Cena. If anyone else manages to win it, they'll lose the shot before WM or not have been built up well enough to headline a WM.


how bad is it when one of the best WM of all time IMO gets compared to a tuesday night developmental PPV? (rightfully so)

Vince needs to go

4 reasons why the NXT show was better

  • All of the Talent was either new or hadn't been booked int the ground. There were no Big Shows or Kanes on the roster.
  • Commentary team cared about the product more.
  • No Shaky Cam and no Dunn dragging down the product. On the TLC match alone he missed key angles of huge bumps.
  • There was a completion to stories and things were allowed to breath. Right now all WWE cares about is protecting guys for Mania.


4 reasons why the NXT show was better

  • All of the Talent was either new or hadn't been booked int the ground. There were no Big Shows or Kanes on the roster.
  • Commentary team cared about the product more.
  • No Shaky Cam and no Dunn dragging down the product. On the TLC match alone he missed key angles of huge bumps.
  • There was a completion to stories and things were allowed to breath. Right now all WWE cares about is protecting guys for Mania.

Zayn-Neville storyline vs Bryan-Authority storyline? honest question
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