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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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You know what this show is missing? Focus. Something to anchor the show around. Something the major players can all be vying for. Like.. a championship belt! Yeah! They should make one of those or something.

Let's not act like the storytelling was any better with the belt. It's easy to point to that, but it has jack shit to do with the storytelling being terrible. That's on the guys (read: guy) running the place.
The idea that you needed Punk to point that out to you is incredible to me.
Pretty much. I mean sometimes they do it well. The shield rise and break up was good. Bryan constantly being screwed and then finally winning.

Both were well done until Bryan got injured, and until Bray randomly took Dean's focus off Seth despite the not being anything approaching a blow off match.
I like how when Brie was face, they wouldn't shut up with the Yes chants and the Bryan relation-- but wont acknowledge the main heels of the diva division are with the two top faces.
You know what this show is missing? Focus. Something to anchor the show around. Something the major players can all be vying for. Like.. a championship belt! Yeah! They should make one of those or something.

Hell, I'd settle for Gorilla Monsoon's "the winner gets a larger share of the purse" or "this win will move him up the rankings for an intercontinental title shot!"

Double hell, why not, in kayfabe, put out "earnings" and "rankings" on their app? They pus the damn thing so much, they can at least work it into the story. Something like "these two wrestlers are both vying to get into the top 10 earners/IC rankings. The winner will be in the top 10 and the loser will be on the outside looking in!"
Why doesn't Niki just use inertia when AJ flies at her.

Also, this is very disappointing. I wanted to see some petty carny burying.


I think the point that WWE will book AJ strongly to keep Punk happy so he doesn't come out with his story in a larger way actually makes a lot more sense than them burying her.


No joke if I was him I'd hand the belt over and ask out.

He is gonna ruin his image when he goes back to MMA from this shit.

lol, he on the Dec 15 Raw and all Brock cares about is who pays him the most amount of money.

When his contract is due all he is going to care about is who pays him the most.

Plus its Foley and his daughter.
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