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Also, did anyone get the Randy Savage blu-ray? How is it?

Going by the first 20 mins that the network shows, it looks like it should be neat.

But... the comment section on Amazon says too be weary.

It hurts me to write a review with a rating so low, but as a COLOSSAL Savage fan, I've waited a long time for a biography on his life and career. With that being said, it feels like there is so much missing from this release.

For example:

1. There is no mention of Savage's 1985 run against Hogan that really established him as a major player. In a period where Hogan was usually defending the belt every night against guys like King Kong Bundy, Kamala, Big John Studd, Don Muraco or Paul Orndorff, Savage was able to put Hogan in believable jeopardy as an undersized heel, and the fans bought it.

2. His career as Intercontinental Champion is glossed over even though his reign was more than a year long and is one of the greatest reigns ever. Savage headlined the WWF's B house shows for more than a year during this run which included sellouts in 1986 in places like Philadelphia and Chicago without Hogan even being on the card. So, as a main event heel Intercontinental Champion, Savage was a tremendous success at the box office, and this made him one of the logical choices to hold the WWF Championship when Hogan ultimately took time off. This was probably worth mentioning.

3. There is no reference to Savage's initial face turn and its significance. When Steamboat took time off and the Honkytonk Man was given the IC belt, Savage became a babyface in part because half of the crowds were cheering for him even when he was a heel, and partially because his heel run as IC champ drew so many fans to house shows that they trusted him in the headlining spot opposite the Honkytonk Man to continue drawing money. Again, there is no reference to this. Further, they made the statement in this bio that the Intercontinental Belt was always the belt for promising young talent, and this statement couldn't be more wrong. Initially, it was a belt for veteran, main-event caliber wrestlers who had the ability to headline house shows when the WWF/E champion was headlining elsewhere. Pedro Morales held the IC belt for more than 600 days in two reigns AFTER he held the WWF championship for more than 1,000 days, and he headlined shows against Don Muraco for YEARS. By the time Savage won it, at age 34, the average age of a IC belt holder the first time he wore it was something like 37 years old. So they allowed the present state of the diminished IC belt as a mid-card stepping stone to bleed into the content of the DVD. Savage was stamped as a main eventer after his run with Hogan, and at that time the IC belt cemented his status as a headliner.

4. They don't even mention his run as "Macho King" or his association with Sensational Sherri. Back then, the King's crown was won in the ring like a normal championship and not won in a tournament (e.g., Harley Race to Haku to Duggan to Savage). For all intents and purposes, it was the WWF's version of the Word Television Championship. In essence, Savage was a mid-card champion as the "King of the WWF" for 19 months and none of this is mentioned. During this run, Savage, Sherri, Dusty and Sapphire had the first mixed tag team match in WWF history, and they did it at Wrestlemania 6. And, Savage defended the crown against all the top babyfaces other than Hogan and the Warrior, including Roddy Piper, Dusty Rhodes, Jim Duggan and Jake Roberts. Again, that was probably worth mentioning.

5. Savage's rivalries with George Steele, Jim Duggan, The Honkytonk Man, Dusty Rhodes, The Ultimate Warrior, Jake Roberts and Ric Flair aren't even mentioned. How they can completely overlook his career vs. career match with the Warrior is mind boggling.

6. The Mega Powers vs. Mega Bucks feud isn't mentioned. Nor do they mention the attempt to create another version of the Mega Powers with Savage and the Warrior paired as the "Ultimate Maniacs" prior to the Warrior's suspension just before a major Pay Per View against Ric Flair and Razor Ramon, and how this resulted in Mr. Perfect's face turn as Warrior's replacement, and the dissolution of another potential super team.

7. Again, the feud with Flair that resulted in Savage's Wrestlemania 8 title win isn't even mentioned. Everything about the booking of this match was controversial, not least of which was the fact that it replaced the Flair vs. Hogan dream match that was previously announced as the main event for Wrestlemania 8. The WWF teased a Savage-Elizabeth-Flair love triangle to raise interest in the match, Savage won the match one year after losing a career-ending match to the Warrior at the previous Wrestlmania, Flair kissed Elizabeth after the match, and it touched off an extended brawl and beatdown sequence that was HIGHLY irregular for WWF pay per views at the time. Of course, they don't show or mention any of this. In watching this DVD, you would almost think Savage's in-ring career in the WWF/E ended at Wrestlemania 5.

8. In WCW, Savage's run with Ric Flair revitalized his career, and it isn't even mentioned. Nor do they mention the awkwardness of working with Elizabeth in his corner on multiple occasions in WCW despite the fact they were already divorced. While they do mention how Savage was offended by WWE's comical references to his divorce during the Huckster/Nacho Man skits, they don't mention that Elizabeth turned against him to side with Flair in WCW while ostensibly spending Savage's alimony money from the divorce to treat Flair and the Horsemen. No mention of how the divorce was turned into a WCW angle is ever mentioned, nor how that affected Savage.

9. Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H and Shawn Michaels do NOT contribute any interviews to this DVD. Given how much Savage's relationship with Vince is mentioned, given that they mention Savage left the WWF/E because Vince rejected his proposal to work a two-year program with Shawn Michaels, and given how he insulted Triple H and Stephanie on his website and this is mentioned as being problematic toward facilitating Savage's return to the WWE, you would think that at least ONE of these individuals would have contributed an interview to the DVD.

10. While the Hogan-Savage rivalry is played up throughout the biography, no mention of the fact that Savage NEVER got a pinball win against Hogan in any setting is ever mentioned. The Hogan-Savage rivalry, on paper, is the most one-sided rivalry in professional wrestling history. When Austin finally allowed the Rock to score a clean pinfall on him at Wrestlemania 19, it was his way of paying back the Rock on his way out the door for making him. Similarly, Dusty and Flair both had their share of victories over one another. Savage NEVER beat Hogan cleanly despite about 15 years of working with him on and off and dragging some of his best matches out of him. Some mention of the unfair, one-sided nature of this feud should have been mentioned aside from simply saying "Hogan was number one and Savage was number 1A."

Sadly, I think this is a case where the WWE Network actually interfered with the product. It feels like material on Savage's career may have been withheld from this product so that they can produce more specials for the Network, like for the "Rivalries" series. I get it, but it results in DVD releases like this coming off as incomplete.

The reason this gets three stars from me is because of the in-depth attention to his upbringing, his baseball career and his family life. However, so many of the 90 minutes are dedicated to Savage's obsession over Elizabeth and their respective unhappiness that the overall feel of the DVD actually comes across as being a little somber. An additional 20 to 30 minutes that fleshed out details of his in-ring career would have been vastly appreciated. Seriously, when you consider how WWE has done significantly lengthier DVDs on Triple H, CM Punk, Edge, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, The Rock, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, John Cena and PAUL HEYMAN (two hours), let alone how their last Austin release was two-and-a-half hours long, I don't think I'm asking for too much by requesting more than 90 minutes out of their Savage bio. It's truly, truly disappointing.



So I'm pretty sure you guys are aware of the misogynistic activities in arab countries. I'm not going to defend that, and this thread is NOT about that. But this 90 year old picture recently surfaced the web, and it struck really hard.


This is a bedouin woman dancing in front of men from her tribe with a sword. There are no sexual themes to be explored from either sex, no oppression or superiority, she knows who she is, and they know who they are, and they both respect and admire each other. She is female, and they are male, but their hearts are one.

I'm well aware there is not a lot discuss, but I just wanted to share.

I'm a guy BTW.

PROGRESS was a lot of fun, crazy main event. Havoc debuted the new title belt to replace the nazi staff he burnt,
still had it at the end of the show as well, unfortunately
. Great match between Marty & Noam Dar, plus the retirement match between Singh & Stixx was pretty awesome. Hell, the whole show was good, but what else is new.

AJ Styles almost killed somebody again with the Styles Clash

Shouldn't have tried it on Kojima, he's rather on the heavy side these days.


Meltzer says WWE went into WM2000 with having A McMahon In Every Corner booked as the main event before they even picked the wrestlers who would be in said main event.
Hey fellas

Having not followed wrestling since the nWo stunt in the '90s, I have become oddly intrigued by it again after this CM Punk ordeal. This weekend I watched Punk's documentary, did some reading into the organization, and watched the past few Wrestlemanias.

I'm considering subscribing to the WWE Network for December to check it out, but catching up on the relevant/current stories as well as the history from the past almost twenty years I've skipped out on seems insanely overwhelming.

How easy would it be for me to jump in to the current stuff, at least? Do they broadcast live matches on WWE Network, or do they just add the archives at a later date? How many matches are there each month, and how many of those matches aren't pointless filler?

Punk seemed like a cool character from his documentary, but no one from the current roster seems to have an immediate appeal for me (which obviously that could change since I'm very out of the loop). Last year's Wrestlemania was Cena v. Rock, though? Are Cena, Rock, HHH, and that dude from the YESYESYES.gif just recycled all the time?


I'm considering subscribing to the WWE Network for December to check it out, but catching up on the relevant/current stories as well as the history from the past almost twenty years I've skipped out on seems insanely overwhelming.

1. don't
2. There's not much you missed.
Do they broadcast live matches on WWE Network, or do they just add the archives at a later date? How many matches are there each month, and how many of those matches aren't pointless filler?

They don't put Raw up on the Network for months apparently. PPV's stream and are on demand on the Network though which is great because Raw isn't worth watching, better off reading impressions in here!

Each week has Raw, Smackdown, Main Event and NXT. NXT is well regarded and is only an hour so it's much easier to digest.

Monday Night Wars on the Network is great but not sure what they will start doing once that finishes up. This week will have a live Stone Cold interview with Vince which could be fantastic.
Is it... not a good deal or something? It's $10 for every current WWE thing, plus the entire back catalogue of WWE material right? Is current WWE just bad and not worth getting into? Even if WWE isn't good at the moment, I can spare ten dollars to have a month's worth of entertainment by revisiting some of the matches I remember watching as a kid.

I'm an oreo cookie BTW.

They don't put Raw up on the Network for months apparently. PPV's stream and are on demand on the Network though which is great because Raw isn't worth watching, better off reading impressions in here!

Each week has Raw, Smackdown, Main Event and NXT. NXT is well regarded and is only an hour so it's much easier to digest.

Monday Night Wars on the Network is great but not sure what they will start doing once that finishes up. This week will have a live Stone Cold interview with Vince which could be fantastic.

I don't even know the difference between Raw, Pay-per-View events, Smackdown, Main Event and NXT, so not having Raw in the rotation would mean nothing to me.

Do they have any "recap" type episodes to catch new viewers up on the current plots?
$10 with no contract to watch the old episodes is a great deal, tons of specials up there too (like the Punk one). If you don't like it you can cancel before the month is up!

I don't even know the difference between Raw, Pay-per-View events, Smackdown, Main Event and NXT, so not having Raw in the rotation would mean nothing to me.

Do they have any "recap" type episodes to catch new viewers up on the current plots?

Hulu Plus has a shortened version of Raw which people seem to like, I think it's cut down to 1.5 hours from 3. Not on the Network though, Hulu Plus only.

PPV's should have a promo up on the Network in the few days leading up to it which will lay out most of the plot leading up to the PPV matches.


Hey fellas

Having not followed wrestling since the nWo stunt in the '90s, I have become oddly intrigued by it again after this CM Punk ordeal. This weekend I watched Punk's documentary, did some reading into the organization, and watched the past few Wrestlemanias.

I'm considering subscribing to the WWE Network for December to check it out, but catching up on the relevant/current stories as well as the history from the past almost twenty years I've skipped out on seems insanely overwhelming.

How easy would it be for me to jump in to the current stuff, at least? Do they broadcast live matches on WWE Network, or do they just add the archives at a later date? How many matches are there each month, and how many of those matches aren't pointless filler?

Punk seemed like a cool character from his documentary, but no one from the current roster seems to have an immediate appeal for me (which obviously that could change since I'm very out of the loop). Last year's Wrestlemania was Cena v. Rock, though? Are Cena, Rock, HHH, and that dude from the YESYESYES.gif just recycled all the time?

Raws and Smackdown are updated 30 days from airing, so they have all episodes up to about this date last month. I wouldn't recommend watching all them, though. TV shows have been mostly dog shit since just after Wrestlemania. They air The Main Event on Tuesdays and NXT on Thursdays.


Hey fellas

Having not followed wrestling since the nWo stunt in the '90s, I have become oddly intrigued by it again after this CM Punk ordeal. This weekend I watched Punk's documentary, did some reading into the organization, and watched the past few Wrestlemanias.

I'm considering subscribing to the WWE Network for December to check it out, but catching up on the relevant/current stories as well as the history from the past almost twenty years I've skipped out on seems insanely overwhelming.

How easy would it be for me to jump in to the current stuff, at least? Do they broadcast live matches on WWE Network, or do they just add the archives at a later date? How many matches are there each month, and how many of those matches aren't pointless filler?

Punk seemed like a cool character from his documentary, but no one from the current roster seems to have an immediate appeal for me (which obviously that could change since I'm very out of the loop). Last year's Wrestlemania was Cena v. Rock, though? Are Cena, Rock, HHH, and that dude from the YESYESYES.gif just recycled all the time?

On the network they have Raws and Smackdowns up to a month ago that are recent for this year. So your missing the whole month of November for Raw and Smackdown for the current stuff. So you can watch all the Raws and Smackdown from 2012-2013 as well.

As for Rock and Cena that was Wrestlemania 28 and 29. This years Wrestlemania was the Yes Yes guy Daniel Bryan.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
Is it... not a good deal or something? It's $10 for every current WWE thing, plus the entire back catalogue of WWE material right? Is current WWE just bad and not worth getting into? Even if WWE isn't good at the moment, I can spare ten dollars to have a month's worth of entertainment by revisiting some of the matches I remember watching as a kid.

I'm an oreo cookie BTW.

It's a good deal even if you only watch the live PPVs, really.

The product is at a bit of a low right now with the roster being so thin and title on a part timer that hasn't been around for a couple months, but it's been alright this year. The only really bad PPVs were the Rumble and Battleground.
I'm going to keep my sub running as I'm stinking rich. I don't have any happiness though, and if it wasn't for my wife I'd probably be completely disposable. I'm starting to wonder if I'm suffering from the curse of the white man apathy induced depression.


I'm going to keep my sub running as I'm stinking rich. I don't have any happiness though, and if it wasn't for my wife I'd probably be completely disposable. I'm starting to wonder if I'm suffering from the curse of the white man apathy induced depression.

I think what you have is United-but-no-longer-a-Kingdom-pathy
It sounds like I'll definitely at least get enough value out of it for this month then - I'll just binge on the classic matches I want to watch, check out a few of the newer matches, and if the current stuff isn't grabbing me I'll cancel it.

Thanks for the info!
I know what will make you feel better. You need more WWE programming in your life!

The closet I get to watching WWE Programming at the moment is deleting it from the planner on a Tuesday and Saturday morning. I watch the PPVs as they're on the Network. I'm not enjoying it, but then I'm not enjoying a lot of stuff lately.
I've had flu the last 2 weeks, and I think I've recovered from it, but I still feel fatigued and all that. I know this isn't the place to discuss, but if I'm honest... outside of people I work with and my wife, this the only other social interaction I have - the internet and online gaming. Yes, I'm that person.

I think what you have is United-but-no-longer-a-Kingdom-pathy

I relate more to the Irish and Scottish than I do with people down south. Southerner's conceptions of the North or so outdated it may as well by the fucking Game of the Thrones.
I relate more to the Irish and Scottish than I do with people down south. Southerner's conceptions of the North or so outdated it may as well by the fucking Game of the Thrones.

While Northerners seem to think that everyone in the home counties lives in the lap of luxury, with Westminster bowing and scraping to see to our every need. Doubly so for Londoners.


Only way its interesting is if Cena or Reigns doesn't win.

I'd be really happy with WWE in 2015 if Bray Wyatt won the Rumble... I do think that Reigns has it in the bag, unfortunately.

And Reigns isn't even all that bad. I just think that Rollins and Ambrose catch the 'entertaining' bug more often than Reigns does.
I'm hoping there's a reason to get back into it come Rumble but going by this community it does not look good.

I saw Bryan's interview segment with Renee and the online thing with Cole this past week and it's weird how they're addressing his return.
Rumble will be fun as always but it sucks that we've known who the winner was going to be since like August. I want to be legitshook.com'd by the winner of the Rumble. Or hell even excited by the winner. Dave disappointed me last year (not his fault) and Roman will this year (not his fault, dude isn't ready and no one in the office sees it).

I'm an alien btw
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