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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Notice the impeccable timing. Punk podcast 1 comes out, Vince podcast (that was already planned a week before) releases after Punk podcast 1 runs its course, and Punk podcast 2 is planned for later this week.

The puzzle pieces fit. Anyone else in with me on #teamwork besides friend Heel?


Honestly I can understand where Vince is coming from with Cesaro - there IS a missing piece. Everything else is right there, but once Cesaro nails it down - truly nails it down, not just some indie shit of him dancing, and it fits his character perfect, he'll be a top dude.

Who would you say is on the Rumble win list?


Is it really crazy to put Cesaro on that list?


love on your sleeve
Not sure why people want to make it competition between podcasts. So weird...

The ambition stuff just sounds like a convenient excuse. How many guys have told stories about coming to Vince and/or creative with ideas only for those ideas to get tossed or used for other guys (i.e. Brodus Clay and the Hall of Pain)? Only so much you can shit on guys before they just say screw it and treat the job like a paycheck.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Colt's podcast wasn't an interview, brehs, it was Punk putting his side of what happened out there. Colt interjected every so often, but Punk was mostly just telling a linear story.

Both podcasts were great and together make the most interesting thing related to the WWE since Punk's "shoot" in 2011.

I can accept that, yeah. A little bit different ground for Punk vs McMahon's.
Oh, they will be doing glorious business in the future.
Ok nevermind I got it now. I had to go back and click on the icon for the show that already aired at 8pm and not the one scheduled for 11pm... because reasons...


That was rad. Expected a fluff piece but then Real Ass Stone Cold showed up. Loved that he just kept going in on asking if Vince really listens to the fans and what they want and Vince's reactions, and then Austin's face clearly not buying into a word Vince was saying. Hopefully that was more eye opening for Vince than fans. Austin was really hammering it in how out of touch Vince is and how the product is stale and boring.

Vince: I'm not out of touch.

Austin: What about Cesairo?

Vince: Idk, he's Swiss.

The shitting on the whole roster besides Cena, Shield, and Bray is bananas, especially when morale is the way it is right now. I mean openly shitting on them. I wonder how they're going to react. He basically said they're all pussies who won't fight back or try, so maybe that will motivate some dudes to go out and do what they think they need to do to get noticed.
I disagree, Bryan is able to cut promos and get the audience to pop at things he says. That right there makes him a promo guy, even if we argue about great talkers in the business at the end of the day if you get the audience to get behind you on the things you say, you're doing something right. Bryan had the YES gimmick as well, and Cesaro had the King of Swing gimmick but that's move-based rather than a catchphrase or something the audience could really connect with or relate to.

I'm with you but I don't think the promo thing is enough to hold Cesaro back. He clicked with the audience and then they just flubbed it. He sucks on the mic, but the booking didn't do him any favors.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Who would you say is on the Rumble win list?


Is it really crazy to put Cesaro on that list?

Nah, not at all, but I'd knock Ziggler off of there. He's a believable prospect for most, but I know damn well he ain't gettin that Ramble win. Same with Cener. It's honestly gonna be Reigns with a crazy Ambrose hope spot.


Bryan was never a promo guy (grant it, I'd say Cesaro is far worse) but still, he got over with his ring work.

Bryan isn't a Cena or Punk kind of promo guy. Bryan falls short with the Cena babyface shit. He also laughs too much at himself and the shit going on. He's like Jimmy Fallon. Bryan is good at being fucking PISSED or being a comedic goofball. His stuff before Anger Management was good, and everything during it and the Team Hell No run was very good.


Honestly I can understand where Vince is coming from with Cesaro - there IS a missing piece. Everything else is right there, but once Cesaro nails it down - truly nails it down, not just some indie shit of him dancing, and it fits his character perfect, he'll be a top dude.
It's the inconsistencies that bother people I think. Reigns and Ryback are missing pieces too, but they get the rocket strapped to their back while Cesaro jobs to Swagger on the pre-show. People just want to see talented guys get their due and be given a chance.
That was rad. Expected a fluff piece but then Real Ass Stone Cold showed up. Loved that he just kept going in on asking if Vince really listens to the fans and what they want and Vince's reactions, and then Austin's face clearly not buying into a word Vince was saying. Hopefully that was more eye opening for Vince than fans. Austin was really hammering it in how out of touch Vince is and how the product is stale and boring.

Vince: I'm not out of touch.

Austin: What about Cesairo?

Vince: Idk, he's Swiss.

The shitting on the whole roster besides Cena, Shield, and Bray is bananas, especially when morale is the way it is right now. I mean openly shitting on them. I wonder how they're going to react. He basically said they're all pussies who won't fight back or try, so maybe that will motivate some dudes to go out and do what they think they need to do to get noticed.

Where are they going to go? TNA?

It's the inconsistencies that bother people I think. Reigns and Ryback are missing pieces too, but they get the rocket strapped to their back while Cesaro jobs to Swagger on the pre-show. People just want to see talented guys get their due and be given a chance.

Ignoring the fact that Ryback's on your talented guys list, Reigns is a good looking guy who's a scion of a family Vince has been in business with since the 70's. Cesaro's an indy guy who used to run with guys like Punk and is a foreigner.
The shitting on the whole roster besides Cena, Shield, and Bray is bananas, especially when morale is the way it is right now. I mean openly shitting on them. I wonder how they're going to react. He basically said they're all pussies who won't fight back or try, so maybe that will motivate some dudes to go out and do what they think they need to do to get noticed.

Time to unionize, but better hurry. Like I said, that Punk podcast is already slipping into the past.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The shitting on the whole roster besides Cena, Shield, and Bray is bananas, especially when morale is the way it is right now. I mean openly shitting on them. I wonder how they're going to react. He basically said they're all pussies who won't fight back or try, so maybe that will motivate some dudes to go out and do what they think they need to do to get noticed.

The last SCSA podcast I heard was one with John Cena awhile back. They both talked about how this is true; the roster is too scared to reach for the top. I guess Vince might have put that in his ear.


The shitting on the whole roster besides Cena, Shield, and Bray is bananas, especially when morale is the way it is right now. I mean openly shitting on them. I wonder how they're going to react. He basically said they're all pussies who won't fight back or try, so maybe that will motivate some dudes to go out and do what they think they need to do to get noticed.

but then they'll just get punished anyway so who cares
Vince can't be blaming everything on the roster, what if they had said no to Cena's rap gimmick idea? All that ambition wouldn't have meant shit and he would've gotten released, sometimes you just screwed over.


Some guys don't need that shit. Goldberg was over like a motherfucker with no character and was the WCW World Champion without saying a goddamn word. He seriously had never spoken on the mic before he won the title and everybody and their mother were wearing Goldberg shirts.

Ahhhhhh... You must have forgotten the "Mr. Bill Goldberg" promo WCW Saturday Night.

Yes, there was a very brief period around the time when he was feuding with Mongo where he cut a promo saying that he wanted to be called Mr. Bill Goldberg. I think I'm one of five fans that remember this terrible moment.


Good stuff, hope they do this again sometime. I could have watched for another hour. Vince started to tow the company line towards the end, but it was entertaining to get a peak into Vince's mind and way of thinking. It is tough to argue he isnt a little out of touch with certain segments of fans, but I dont know who they could bring in that could do a lot better. I wish Shane would have stayed and taken over instead of Triple H and Stephanie. Shane reminded me a lot of Vince, he was willing to do anything to entertain the crowd. Triple H is good and works harder than almost anyone else, but it is a big drop off from Vince at his best and Triple H.

Guess it comes down to what Vince said, he is trying to please every segment from 2 year olds to guys at Vinces age. The saying holds true most the time, when you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one or something to that effect.



He was over as fuck. OVER AS FUCK.

They booked him to shit the very next night. Cesaro didn't/doesn't need to be a promo guy. He tells a story in the ring better than anyone else in WWE right now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ahhhhhh... You must have forgotten the "Mr. Bill Goldberg" promo WCW Saturday Night.

Yes, there was a very brief period around the time when he was feuding with Mongo where he cut a promo saying that he wanted to be called Mr. Bill Goldberg. I think I'm one of five fans that remember this terrible moment.

Goddamn I don't remember this and I feel bad for you that you do.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
To be honest it really felt like Stone Cold was trying to send a message to the roster telling them to, as he likes to put it, "Raise Some Hell." I think it's because he's cracked the code to Vince McMahon. If you want to get over in the business, fight, scratch and claw tooth and nail to get over, even if you look like a stubborn mule. Look at all of Vince's favorites: Shawn, Bret, Austin, HHH, Rock. Just saying.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Let it be known WrassleGAF is not the community for you if you're going to say something truly despicable and racist.


Where are they going to go? TNA?

Ignoring the fact that Ryback's on your talented guys list, Reigns is a good looking guy who's a scion of a family Vince has been in business with since the 70's. Cesaro's an indy guy who used to run with guys like Punk and is a foreigner.

Time to unionize, but better hurry. Like I said, that Punk podcast is already slipping into the past.

The last SCSA podcast I heard was one with John Cena awhile back. They both talked about how this is true; the roster is too scared to reach for the top. I guess Vince might have put that in his ear.

but then they'll just get punished anyway so who cares

He mentioned how he respected young Shane for leaving to go do something else. He respected adult Shane for leaving to go do something else. He was mad at Austin for blading at WM, but ultimately knew it was the right thing at the right time. He says the roster have a fear of failure which makes them hesitant to try. He says the roster doesn't have the ambition. He's telling them to step up, take charge, challenge him, and go for what they want.


I don't see Big Dave on there.

One thing I will say about Ziggler is that sometimes he oversells in early matches.

People love a comeback but he needs to look stronger.

Sometimes no selling makes you look like one tough mother fucker in the right spot

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
To be honest it really felt like Stone Cold was trying to send a message to the roster telling them to, as he likes to put it, "Raise Some Hell." I think it's because he's cracked the code to Vince McMahon. If you want to get over in the business, fight, scratch and claw tooth and nail to get over, even if you look like a stubborn mule. Look at all of Vince's favorites: Shawn, Bret, Austin, HHH, Rock. Just saying.

Could be. He could be purposely planting the seed in peoples' heads. Maybe this is Vince's idea of a motivational locker room speech!


He was over as fuck. OVER AS FUCK.

They booked him to shit the very next night. Cesaro didn't/doesn't need to be a promo guy. He tells a story in the ring better than anyone else in WWE right now.

And? Vince doesn't think ring work is enough. He needs personality and promos for him to believe you can be an actual star. Cesaro can be a big star in New Japan if he wants, but WWE has their standard and that's what it is. Unfortunate, but that's what it is.
Cesaro's swing got him over with crowds and they stopped it. Pairing him with Paul, who's the mouth for Brock was a terrible decision. Cesaro would just be standing in the ring while Heyman yelled random shit about himself and Brock...and this was before Cesaro's match. Just dumb. He's great in the ring, but there really is something about him that's just lacking in the personality dept.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Overselling did Mr. Perfect no favors. It isn't what ultimately led him to having a disappointing career but it didn't help any either. Probably led to some of his injuries and random wandering off.

He really could have been something in the New Generation if he had been healthy and active the whole time.


All the whining re: what Vince said about Cesaro...

Austin has said the same damn thing (minus the "he's Swiss lol?") on his podcast about Cesaro: highly talented but incomplete, lacking personality/charisma/"it", needs more than great ringwork.

Maybe, just maybe, they're right.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Funny thing about Cesaro is that he is hilarious as fuck in interviews. Big E too. Give both of them that script though and yeesh.
Cesaro has some great vignettes when he was US champ. dude is great on the JBL and coler. taking zeb and the real amercians music away was dumb. turing him heel was dumb.

they need to harness it

starp a rocket to him and make a damn star.
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