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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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I..does no one remember before WM and during WM? He was getting super hot before they paired him with Heyman and gave him the ambulance theme. All Heyman did was talk about Lesnar and keeping him a heel was a mistake.

Like he doesn't have great mic skills I'll agree but he's incredible in the ring and that's not just straight up wrestling, his mannerisms and physical charisma is great too.

This isn't even including his NXT stuff with Zayn which I think is a pretty good example of how he should be handled.

Cesaro was basically the Brock of NXT. A demi-god who crushed people and was portrayed as the greatest dude in the world.

Really though, Triple H needs to sign Sekimoto and put him with Big E to form the new Fire and Ice





Either they double down and bust ass, or accelerate their own demise.

Vince burying the rest of the roster is GOOD for the roster. Giving them motivation to bust their ass, and telling them that just being there is not enough.

Dude...really? That's fucking awful, you just told everyone watching that everyone who isn't Cena isn't worth shit. For all the talk of "step up" we all know it's complete bullshit, WWE is so driven by politics that rubbing just one person the wrong way can mean the end of your career, getting over when they don't want you to means you'll be systematically destroyed because the machine isn't behind you. Vince allowing a culture where guys have to literally walk on eggshells backstage or they'll be punished while at the same time bitching that guys aren't stepping up is absurd.


Not at all. Orton was Vince's choice, not Cena. Cena was going nowhere, close to getting cut before he did the rap gimmick once and Stephanie told him to make it his gimmick all the time.

WWE also picked Diesel, not HBK. Again, HBK and Cena not being their original choice doesn't mean they didn't run with them after they changed their minds, because of course they did. But they were the "second choice" and the guy they were 100% certain was the guy was not the guy at all.

Ah okay, I can agree with that.

I guess my mindset was that HBK and Cena felt a lot more "pre-picked" by Vince than Austin did for example. I don't think Austin was even on Vince's main event radar until the Bret Hart feud happened.
I don't know why you guys are saying The New Day is jobbing, did you not see that spot where Big E pulled a handkerchief from inside his tights and wiped his face? That got over.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Haha. Let me guess, they think they're hot shit?

Not...really. By and large they feel rules don't apply to them. And that's painting a whole generation with a broad brush - which isn't fair, because there are tons of exceptions to it - depending on their parenting, of course. Their upbringing and how they see the world. Ironically everyone IS an individual and special and has their own thing.

I just say fuck millenials because it upsets millenials.


All of the sudden Cesaro hate in this thread is absurd. You know who else couldn't talk, Bret Hart or Goldberg. Cesaro is like a freak Bret Hart/Goldberg hybrid, amazing in the ring and strong as hell.

People can say that he doesn't have the same "in ring charisma" as those guys but it's impossible to when you are jobbing every week. Watch Zayn/Cesaro if you think he is lacking, he is booked like a killer and oozes charisma which would definitely translate if it were carried over to the main roster.


I'm 34 years old, I hate these goddamn kids. No work ethic. I say this as management at my job. A lot of people don't like to admit it but the wave of parenting that told ever kid they're special and deserve special treatment makes the world a cold, hard place to people who have been coddled.

You're 34....technically, you can be a Millennial.


I don't know why you guys are saying The New Day is jobbing, did you not see that spot where Big E pulled a handkerchief from inside his tights and wiped his face? That got over.

That crowd was so dead

All of the sudden Cesaro hate in this thread is absurd. You know who else couldn't talk, Bret Hart or Goldberg. Cesaro is like a freak Bret Hart/Goldberg hybrid, amazing in the ring and strong as hell.

People can say that he doesn't have the same "in ring charisma" as those guys but it's impossible to when you are jobbing every week. Watch Zayn/Cesaro if you think he is lacking, he is booked like a killer and oozes charisma which would definitely translate if it were carried over to the main roster.


Bret Hart wasn't Austin or the Rock but he could hold his own with a promo.

MC Safety

"World Wrestling Entertainment" hasn't existed for at least half a decade. There's nothing to rename. It's just WWE, Inc.

The only element of the brand that still has an identification with that awful, monstrous, filthy word "wrestling" is Wrestlemania.
Vince would rename it too if it wouldn't be such a disastrous business decision to do so.

The term sports entertainment came into being to avoid some very specific laws.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Several years ago Triple H also had an interview where he talked about how a lot of the guys 'don't want it.' And he said Sheamus was one that did. Which is funny two-fold, and it's especially funny coming from Triple H.

I mean look at a guy like Diesel. I'm gonna throw my boy under the bus for this one, but he's not a mark for himself, so he knows it's true. Diesel got pushed because he had an amazing look. He even said he was having a no-nothing match and Luger just came up to him and said 'they're putting the belt on you. they were ejaculating all over themselves about you in gorilla.' Now, 'the look' is something that gets unfair shit from the internet because in a company like the WWE it's a very important thing to have. Just because your built like Warlord isn't enough. Just because you wrestle like Bret Hart isn't enough. You need something that can be marketed because you're not actually competing for anything other than the office's approval. You need to look the best on the cereal box. But the point is, Diesel never 'went for the brass ring' he was handed it. Like so many others. What he did with it could be debated as good or bad depending on how you feel, but he was GIVEN the opportunity. He did not take it.

Now on the other end of the spectrum, you have Bret Hart. Bret Hart is someone who grabbed the brass ring. Bret is someone who got over by being something WWF really didn't have at the time. I'd say he even outworked guys like Perfect and it made fans dig this new guy with the bright colors and the wrestling moves. They wanted Bret to be a cowboy, and he said 'fuck it, I'm not being Cowboy Bret Hart.' That would be going for the brass ring. Would Bret have had the chances he had if Hulk was still there? Probably not as Hulk didn't like Bret. So it can still be disqualified even for an extreme case like Bret Hart.

And it's only gotten worse. WWE is so in-house now that everything is done at the top level. Do we really think Bryan would still be main eventing if he hadn't gotten injured? That Roman wouldn't have made it reign in that bitch regardless of reactions?

But I do wonder how many guys really don't even make the attempt. Maybe they see it as futile and worthless, but isn't that how Miz got his push? By constantly badgering for his chance? By coming up with idea after idea like a Shawn or a Bret did? He got married and probably doesn't care as much anymore about a push. But you look at a guy like Cesaro and say 'what the fuck do you have to lose? What are they gonna do if they don't like you pushing for a storyline, bury you? Like they haven't already?' It takes all kinds, but there will always be the chosen one (slapnut) and sometimes you're lucky like Bret and can get a shot when the chosen one is gone, but you still have to make that push for a spot. And part of it can be the way WWE develops talent now that I don't know if they realize it or not, but those new talents? They're not gonna push for that spot because that's not how WWE acts like it does it now. It talks in interviews one way, but it's very obvious that their mentality is 'we push who we want to push.' It'd take some convincing to change that mentality, but I just don't see any of the young guys even trying.

Now go ahead and post Zack Ryder and act like he could have ever been anything more than a comedy mid carder/curtain jerker.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dude...really? That's fucking awful, you just told everyone watching that everyone who isn't Cena isn't worth shit. For all the talk of "step up" we all know it's complete bullshit, WWE is so driven by politics that rubbing just one person the wrong way can mean the end of your career, getting over when they don't want you to means you'll be systematically destroyed because the machine isn't behind you. Vince allowing a culture where guys have to literally walk on eggshells backstage or they'll be punished while at the same time bitching that guys aren't stepping up is absurd.

For sure. Sometimes tough love is how you get THE CREAM OF THE CROP



Either they double down and bust ass, or accelerate their own demise.

Vince burying the rest of the roster is GOOD for the roster. Giving them motivation to bust their ass, and telling them that just being there is not enough.

Yeah, fuck that bullshit. The reason the roster is on eggshells and scared all the time is exactly because of Vince's policies and the way he says "grab the brass ring" but actually means "If I didn't pick you, you're going nowhere". If they're scared backstage, it's because they have something they're scared of. If they so much as cough out of turn they get punished.
There is nothing they can do in this climate.
What can a guy do to get himself over when he's scripted to a tee by a horde of shitty writers? When he can't ever showcase himself, how can he prove how good he is? One guy did get himself over by thinking outside the box (and using that social media Vince said they should use) and he got buried for it, for no reason.

Meltzer brought up that Summerslam panel, where Cesaro, Sheamus and Reigns were unscripted and just talking, and they were all miles better, especially Cesaro. Cesaro showed personality, charisma, wit, but when he gets to RAW all he gets to do is job and maybe get a couple of lines of incredibly scripted bad promos in a forced heel gimmick?
There is no fire to light, they have no freedom to do anything.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I'm 34 years old, I hate these goddamn kids. No work ethic. I say this as management at my job. A lot of people don't like to admit it but the wave of parenting that told ever kid they're special and deserve special treatment makes the world a cold, hard place to people who have been coddled.

You know a lot of sources use 1980 as the earliest "millennial" birthdate, right?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Let's face it.

In the WWE Universe, Punk was the last real nigga alive.

Whoa, whoa, let's not do this

Yeah, fuck that bullshit. The reason the roster is on eggshells and scared all the time is exactly because of Vince's policies and the way he says "grab the brass ring" but actually means "If I didn't pick you, you're going nowhere". If they're scared backstage, it's because they have something they're scared of.
There is nothing they can do in this climate.
What can a guy do to get himself over when he's scripted to a tee by a horde of shitty writers? When he can't ever showcase himself, how can he prove how good he is? One guy did get himself over by thinking outside the box (and using that social media Vince said they should use) and he got buried for it, for no reason.

Meltzer brought up that Summerslam panel, where Cesaro, Sheamus and Reigns were unscripted and just talking, and they were all miles better, especially Cesaro. Cesaro showed personality, charisma, wit, but when he gets to RAW all he gets to do is job and maybe get a couple of lines of incredibly scripted bad promos in a forced heel gimmick?
There is no fire to light, they have no freedom to do anything.

You sound like a millenial.

You know a lot of sources use 1980 as the earliest "millennial" birthdate, right?

They're goddamned wrong.


love on your sleeve
Either they double down and bust ass, or accelerate their own demise.

Vince burying the rest of the roster is GOOD for the roster. Giving them motivation to bust their ass, and telling them that just being there is not enough.

At a certain point, creative has to actually do their job and get behind these guys. I don't know how anyone sees the ambition line as anything but a way for Vince to absolve himself and creative for any blame.
I hated vince saying Cesaro lacks the IT factor. His fucking wrestling is his IT factor. He is super entertaining and powerful and always puts on a show. Just let him be himself. You have to give him the opportunity to do that instead of trying to make him a character you'd like.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The New Day tights look like a Cult to me. Is that the swerve? Something about the light blue with the little orange thing in the middle just screams 'cult that Xavier Woods tricked Kofi and Big E into joining'


So not worth it
I hated vince saying Cesaro lacks the IT factor. His fucking wrestling is his IT factor. He is super entertaining and powerful and always puts on a show. Just let him be himself. You have to give him the opportunity to do that instead of trying to make him a character you'd like.

Vince hates wrestling.


No one is real as fuck in this thread anymore. Y'all are just a bunch of millennials scared of getting banned.

The last one to truly reach for the brass ring was Ninja Scooter.


So not worth it
The New Day tights look like a Cult to me. Is that the swerve? Something about the light blue with the little orange thing in the middle just screams 'cult that Xavier Woods tricked Kofi and Big E into joining'

Why Otunga isn't in this stable is beyond me. Come on WWE.


Millennials: Millennium was a show that aired on Fox.

Fox also aired the last couple of SNMEs.

Those were at the very very start of the New Generation.

Milennials used to be called Generation Y

New Generationy

Vince hates the current roster because it reminds of how shitty the New Generation era was.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Bret Hart vs Fatu

I enjoyed this match a lot. I also like the Bret Hart 'ima put my title on the line against everyone' gimmick. The commentary is a torrid nightmare. I wish Perfect was commentating instead.
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