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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Did someone just realize he's a millennial?

I guess, if you want to use a really stretched and inaccurate way to describe millennial.

I'd say the 1990s should be the millennial cut off line. If you were old enough to hold a job before the new millennium even started I don't think you should be considered a millennial


Anyone hoping they would do an NXT match (just like they did before Takeover: 4FW) next week on RAW?

Imagine, a six-man tag between Zayn/Balor/Itami vs. Neville/Ascension.
Interesting that this vince interview seems to have left more questions than answers~

I just don't get why the writing team is so fuckin' bloated. Must be a lot of family friends of kevin dunn's or something.

((though it sounds like it may not be that hard, I had mentioned to a paralegal friend who works for the wwe that I was taking a new job in stamford and she immediately thought it was for the E~))

I think its silly that milennial has so many negative connotations to it. I probably "think like one" because I've moved jobs every year in search of a bigger paycheck. Its not entitlement, its the realization that once the bottom line of a company sinks I'll be cut so why bother pretending to have loyalty or aspirations of long-term employment? I ain't working for my good health~


Early 80's...so really, could be as early as 1980.

2014 - 1980 = 34.

I'm 34 years old, I hate these goddamn kids. No work ethic. I say this as management at my job. A lot of people don't like to admit it but the wave of parenting that told ever kid they're special and deserve special treatment makes the world a cold, hard place to people who have been coddled.

Self-loathing is a hell of a thing.


¡HarlequinPanic!;141291442 said:
Interesting that this vince interview seems to have left more questions than answers~

I just don't get why the writing team is so fuckin' bloated. Must be a lot of family friends of kevin dunn's or something.

((though it sounds like it may not be that hard, I had mentioned to a paralegal friend who works for the wwe that I was taking a new job in stamford and she immediately thought it was for the E~))

Vince addressed why the writing team is so bloated: When you put out as much weekly content as WWE does, it is too much for just a couple of people to handle.
Cesaro and Ziggler just need gimmick changes.

I would say they should turn heel but in modern WWE turning heel just means you get jobbed to Cena in a month so its imposable to gain any momentum.

Cesaro should have helped Zeb as him manager and more importantly kept the music!
Vince wants the roster to grab that brass ring huh?

You know what would really show him whats what.

A fucking union. The roster just got called out. So unionize and stick it back to Vince. That would send a message.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Rikishi's so thin. And why isn't he dancing with his uncle and his skull?

I don't know who this Rikishi you speak of is. I only know of Fatu who was in an amazing team before both completely vanished off the face of the earth. Certainly not having any mediocre wrestlers for children either.


So not worth it
2014 - 1980 = 34.

Vince's description is more of kids that were born in the 90s I think, at least that's my impression. I agree with him that there's a big issue in telling kids that "they're awesome" and "it's okay to be second to last, at least you tried" all the time. It's a rhetoric that is now part of every level of parenting, from schooling to the parents themselves and it's wrong, because it completely eliminates ambition.

No, being second to last isn't good, it means you utterly suck at it, so either find something you're actually good at and work on improving that or work on this to become better at it, either way is better than "oh well, at least you tried, champ" that is part of how people are educated now.

I'd absolutely hate myself if I didn't consider myself the best at my job, but I've had plenty of co-workers who were perfectly content with being middle of the road "I'll do just enough to earn my paycheck as long as I get to go home at 5" people, and they annoy me too.
I think the WWE have this standard these days that basically says 'If you can't get over with whatever crazy crap we give you, you suck.' Bryan sort of managed that, even though at times I think the crap they were giving him was meant to bury him.

Edge, naturally, was more than capable of getting any storyline over no matter how terrible, by throwing himself into it.

And I think it sort of makes them feel like they *do* know best. Because no one was predicting Edge and Vickie would ever be anything good, but Edge gave it a go and made it work.

But I think that says more about Edge (and eventually Vickie) than any hidden greatness of the storyline. Cesaro was getting over. They threw him a curveball and he dropped it, so they think he's not got 'it'. Even though what he was doing was working. He's great in the ring... not just technically, but in terms of reactions and story telling and all that stuff. He works the crowd really well as a heel too... but they don't ever let him win and they almost never let him speak.

He cut a good promo on the app on RAW this week. He's pretty good on the JBL/Cole thing from what people tell me (I do not need more of those two in my life). I've always thought he was good on Countdown. You can tell he loves the WWE and is still enthusiastic about it.

Remember that great Ben Wah promo that got him over? I sure as shit don't.

Heyman would always highlight people's strengths, and he knew you didn't need to be good at everything to get over. He certainly didn't change things for no real reason.

Hell, just the other week Cesaro got a huge pop when people thought he was joining team Cena.

Give the guy some wins. Give him some mic time. I think even as a heel he could start getting people back on board. Who doesn't honestly want to see the guy at or near the top of the card, given what he can do in long important matches?


Vince addressed why the writing team is so bloated: When you put out as much weekly content as WWE does, it is too much for just a couple of people to handle.

All of New Japan, everything all year, is booked and written by two people. Now, NJPW have nowhere near the amount of TV/PPV time as WWE and far less in the way of promo time (nor do they particularly script said promos).
But Gedo and Jado do all of it, and I would argue they do a pretty god damn good job. Their business is hot.

But Vince and 26 writers can't even do one single show a week that isn't a complete mess? They can't sit down and have basic plan for the next six months that they can consult when they say "what will happen on RAW this week (that is, in 20 minutes when it starts because we are on our 40th rewrite of RAW this week)"?

Twenty fucking six writers. And if you didn't insist on 100% scripting everything and everyone, maybe you wouldn't have so much bad writing to do.

How fast can a writer write 6 bullet points for a wrestler to cover in a 4-5 minute promo?
How fast can a writer write a 4-5 minute promo? Does he really know what every wrestler's character would say in all that 5 minutes?


love on your sleeve
I guess, if you want to use a really stretched and inaccurate way to describe millennial.

I'd say the 1990s should be the millennial cut off line. If you were old enough to hold a job before the new millennium even started I don't think you should be considered a millennial

By all means friend, consider yourself Gen X if it makes you happy. It's not as if there's a standard definition of what a generation is and when it begins and ends, only what's generally accepted.


Vince wants the roster to grab that brass ring huh?

You know what would really show him whats what.

A fucking union. The roster just got called out. So unionize and stick it back to Vince. That would send a message.
A union is more of a tangible brass ring than the imaginary ones Vince talks about.
And this brass ring talk... why do I think that Vince equates 'grabbing the brass ring' as getting mainstream popularity, rather than working your goddamn ass off and taking every opportunity you can take, because there's a bunch of guys doing just that.


Why do wrestling fans feel the need to immerse themselves in some batshit crazy meta-storyline where the WWE is the behind-the-scenes heel keeping the faces (their favorite wrestlers) down?

Is this meta-carny? Existentialist carnydom?
And this brass ring talk... why do I think that Vince equates 'grabbing the brass ring' as getting mainstream popularity, rather than working your goddamn ass off and taking every opportunity you can take, because there's a bunch of guys doing just that.

Maybe he means working your goddamn ass off outside of the ring too?


So not worth it
Why do wrestling fans feel the need to immerse themselves in some batshit crazy meta-storyline where the WWE is the behind-the-scenes heel keeping the faces (their favorite wrestlers) down?

Is this meta-carny? Existentialist carnydom?

The on-screen product is shit and we're suckers for drama.
So you guys are saying Cesaro should be in the main event because the fans popped big for him and chose him, right? Great, I agree completely.

Nope. I'm saying he should be in the main event because he puts on amazing wrestling matches, and the crowd were getting behind him before he was saddled with a storyline he wasn't able to make anything out of, and being jobbed out left right and center.

Who would you rather watch wrestle some other main event guy at the top of the card for 30 minutes? Cesaro or Swagger?
Why do wrestling fans feel the need to immerse themselves in some batshit crazy meta-storyline where the WWE is the behind-the-scenes heel keeping the faces (their favorite wrestlers) down?

Is this meta-carny? Existentialist carnydom?

We gotta make our own shit up for entertainment.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe he means working your goddamn ass off outside of the ring too?

"Do what Cena does? Ok, I'll put on good matches, work with him...but I dunno about this suit and tie stuff, that's not who I am."

You just fucked yourself pal.
Maybe he means working your goddamn ass off outside of the ring too?

Do you honestly think no one after Cena has done that? I mean, look at Tyson Kidd (who no, I'm not saying should be main eventing). Total Divas. NXT. RAW. Smackdown. I presume house shows. This guy is busting his ass 24 / 7 for them right now.

Maybe he's not good enough to carry the brass ring, but he's sure as hell trying to grab it.


Why do wrestling fans feel the need to immerse themselves in some batshit crazy meta-storyline where the WWE is the behind-the-scenes heel keeping the faces (their favorite wrestlers) down?

Is this meta-carny? Existentialist carnydom?
Oh that part's easy. When they waste so much of their lives watching a creatively bankrupt product that's clearly going nowhere, wrestling fans immerse themselves in meta bullshit like this to delude themselves that there's actually something of value and merit to hem and haw about to justify all of those hours they've pissed away.

It's not like any of the actual product matters so at least chattering away on the meta stuff on how it can improve or change or get better (even though it won't) helps to pass the time and make their considerable investment in their hobby seem "meaningful". That's exactly what we're all doing right now. (None of this shit matters.)


Do you honestly think no one after Cena has done that? I mean, look at Tyson Kidd (who no, I'm not saying should be main eventing). Total Divas. NXT. RAW. Smackdown. I presume house shows. This guy is busting his ass 24 / 7 for them right now.

Maybe he's not good enough to carry the brass ring, but he's sure as hell trying to grab it.

And he's getting far more screen time now than he did 6 months ago, let alone 12 months ago, let alone 24 months ago.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If getting a strong fan reaction means you should be in the main event, Jim Duggan would have been a 9 time WWF champion. It's more than that. And of course Cesaro can wrestle quality, lengthy matches, but how long would that be enough? Kurt Angle had a goofy charisma, Chris Benoit looked like he'd murder you(well), and Eddie Guerrero was super charismatic. They brought more than just 'I am a good wrestler.' that only gets you so far. At his current state, Cesaro could be at a Dean Malenko position at best. Except WWF doesn't do Dean Malenko/Arn Anderson type positions, so I don't think there's anywhere for Cesar to go, and I don't blame WWE at all for that.
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