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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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There are like three levels of bullshit people seem to use when calling out Vince

1) He is straight up lying
2) He is using company lines and I'm gonna call him out on it even though those lines are what is best for business
3) I don't agree with his philosophy, fuck his favorite wrasstlers

No doubt it's 3. Is he out of touch? Yeah probably. Doesn't make him a liar though.


Lucha Undergrond Viewership numbers:

Episode #5 that aired Wednesday, November 26 on El Rey Network drew approximately 5,000 viewers, down from 17,000 two weeks prior and 16,000 viewers the week before.

The premiere episode drew about 8,000 viewers on October 28.

- Episode #4 that aired in Spanish on UniMas on Saturday, November 22 drew approximately 166,000 viewers, down from 170,000 viewers two weeks prior and 192,000 viewers the week before.

The premiere episode drew about 186,000 viewers on November 1.

Ouch on the El Ray Numbers and at Unimas numbers have slipped as well.


That is...so bad. Wow.

Already turning on us hum?

It seems this angle is dying before even starting.

Here are the steps

  1. Buy steroids
  2. Drink Protein shakes
  3. Skip leg day. You are gonna tear your quads anyway
  4. Buy some porn with Chyna and masturbate to her. Make sure she is on muscle growth hormones.
  5. Marry your Bosses daughter
  6. Take the place of your bosses son
  7. Book yourself for all of the belts
  8. Steal Batista's movies



Sounds like we really shouldn't get too invested in it. I doubt it will stick around with numbers like this.

There is going to be a second season that starts taping next month so unless the people putting up the money for cut the funding its going to happen. Plus it will have Del Rio so that will help.


Answer this question, but try to be honest unlike Vince:

He's taller, the body build is pretty much the same, better wrestler and worker, better talker (doesn't take much, even Bryan is in comparison).

Why is Ambrose taking a backseat to Reigns?

I don't know, I'm not Vince. I can say things like there may be other factors at play that we can't see unless we go backstage, but really it just boils down to Vince just liking Reigns better than Ambrose right now. Thing is his likes/dislikes, like many people's, probably can't be broken down in terms of a simple checklist. Whatever weird ass criteria Vince has for selecting a star to push was just met by Reigns. Best not to try and nail down what it is he is looking for, especially when he can lose focus on a wrestler at a drop of a hat.
Is there a summary of what he said?

I don't remember everything, but there was:
the blaming the millenials bit which they laughed and went on a great rant about,
how hypocritical it is to say nobody tries when they do try and get punished for it,
the "Cena was the last to really reach for the brass" bit which was complete bullshit that ignored Bryan and Punk's efforts at least,
and the bit where Vince said Shane was doing great work in his new job in Japan (his job is in China)
I don't know, I'm not Vince. I can say things like there may be other factors at play that we can't see unless we go backstage, but really it just boils down to Vince just liking Reigns better than Ambrose right now. Thing is his likes/dislikes, like many people's, probably can't be broken down in terms of a simple checklist. Whatever weird ass criteria Vince has for selecting a star to push was just met by Reigns. Best not to try and nail down what it is he is looking for, especially when he can lose focus on a wrestler at a drop of a hat.

Just say it's the look. Christ. Vince McMahon has a proven track record of pushing people that have a certain look about them. Big bodybuilder types with pretty faces.


I don't remember everything, but there was:
the blaming the millenials bit which they laughed and went on a great rant about,
how hypocritical it is to say nobody tries when they do try and get punished for it,
the "Cena was the last to really reach for the brass" bit which was complete bullshit that ignored Bryan and Punk's efforts at least,
and the bit where Vince said Shane was doing great work in his new job in Japan (his job is in China)


I don't know if him not knowing Shane is in China is just because he is bitter or because he is racist and thinks it's the same thing.


Lucha Undergrond Viewership numbers:

Ouch on the El Ray Numbers and at Unimas numbers have slipped as well.

This is disappointing to read. What else was on TV last Wednesday? Basketball or something?

I'm gonna do my best to continue spreading the word on Lucha Underground. I feel like wrestling fans are always asking for something new, different, interesting, and exciting, and now that it's here not enough are acknowledging it.:(

Daily Motion. I guess. I mean if you're going to be a god damn poor, I guess you might as well use the poor man's Youtube to watch your illegally pirated infotainment.

Thanks for posting this, by the way. It's much different when you listen to it, rather than seeing it written. There's a bunch of great stuff here. There are a lot of things to disagree on, but Vince is such a straight shooter, whenever Austin went in, Vince just shot back just as fast, pretty calm about it too. Love the story of when Linda was running for senate that he'd hang out with the bartender.


Here are the steps

  1. Buy steroids
  2. Drink Protein shakes
  3. Skip leg day. You are gonna tear your quads anyway
  4. Buy some porn with Chyna and masturbate to her. Make sure she is on muscle growth hormones.
  5. Marry your Bosses daughter
  6. Take the place of your bosses son
  7. Book yourself for all of the belts
  8. Steal Batista's movies



Punk podcast pretty entertaining. Basically WWE is a shitty company, not really surprised about anything there. And Punk buys into his own hype too much. Sounds like Angle back in the day.

TLC card looks decent. Why a chairs match though? This is such a terrible gimmick. The first match ever between Brotista and the "45 year old" managed to be bad when those two previously had five great matches.

Superstar of the Year 2014.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
lol Vinny Mac talking about a story needs to be built in order to get people to care about a match

but they can't even build a 5 minute story for all the random ass matches they put on the shows
Punk podcast pretty entertaining. Basically WWE is a shitty company, not really surprised about anything there. And Punk buys into his own hype too much. Sounds like Angle back in the day.

TLC card looks decent. Why a chairs match though? This is such a terrible gimmick. The first match ever between Brotista and the "45 year old" managed to be bad when those two previously had five great matches.

I never got that. Do you get DQ'd if you use something else other than a chair?



NeoGAF's smiling token!
"Your roster is afraid of pissing the wrong guy off"
"Then don't piss people off, by the way they're unambitious millenials"


Punk tried to beat the system his own way and he lost. Straight up.

He can win the war though as long as he isn't stupid and wastes all his money. Seems frugal enough, we'll see.
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