klonere about to lose it with this stream
To be fair, I grinned too.
klonere about to lose it with this stream
I wonder why that is... hmmm...Its amazing how these streams show all of the performers as capable, interesting, plenty of personalty, and funny.
Yet none of that comes across on TV.
Oh my god I just looked at the youtube chat
my god
BAH GAWD or *sunglasses off* "My god"?
Tokyo Sports named their MVP for 2015;
Their MOTY pick was Okada vs Tenryu.
Going to post fan-mail to Becky and ask her to do the German accent whenever imbask is watching.
Going to post fan-mail to Becky and ask her to do the German accent whenever imbask is watching.
I was more entertained by Becky in those 5 minutes than I ever was with her on NXT and RAW, you know who's to blame
Is there an option on WWE's new "viewer survey" where we can tell them that we're far more entertained by the talent on UpUpDownDown when they're not filtered through the dinosaur known as "WWE Creative" (aka Creatively Bankrupt)?I was more entertained by Becky in those 5 minutes than I ever was with her on NXT and RAW, you know who's to blame
in the 90s, that stream would've ended in a shoot fight about 30 minutes ago, that's the difference. These people are too nice to be in such a carny business
Just saw the World Tag League finals card.
Surprised Liger vs. Tiger Mask isn't on it. Maybe they are saving that for the Dome, but more likely it'll be at the Korakuen Hall show the day after.
Dorada vs. Jay White in a singles match should be fun as hell. Dorada's been wasted in these multi-man tags and White is easily my favorite of the YLs so that should be awesome.
Kingdom vs. Addiction should be for the ROH tag titles, and if the Addiction wins it might set up a title defense.
Elgin and Ishii being against each other in the semi-final 8-man leads a lot of credence to my hope that they will face off for the NEVER title at the dome.
in the 90s, that stream would've ended in a shoot fight about 30 minutes ago, that's the difference. These people are too nice to be in such a carny business
So peeps and peepettes, what's the predictions for Raw tonight?
So peeps and peepettes, what's the predictions for Raw tonight?
We just had a Windjammers tourney interrupted by a run-in. Nothing on RAW could top that.So peeps and peepettes, what's the predictions for Raw tonight?
Becky Lynch had a crush on cartoon wolverine.
klonere about to start lifting heavy and growing some crazy sideburns
Klonere todayBrother I'm gonna get on the gas. No crazy sideburns though Becky said she hated Hugh Jackman.
So an angle on a nominally official video channel is what these changes Meltz was talking about huh
What's this about Changes to RAW..?
What's this about Changes to RAW..?
It was probably a combination of the fact that Tenryu, in spite of his terrible condition, gave it his all and probably tried harder than was sensible, while Okada managed to work so well around Tenryu's deficiencies - plus, I believe that Tenryu getting one last award puts him in the top 3 of most awarded Tokyo Sports award winners: 1. Kobashi (35), Jumbo (24), Tenryu & Misawa (22).
Also, Tokyo Sports generally go for the match that got the most attention that year, Nikkan Sports are usually better at picking matches for quality alone.
Oh good, it's kayfabe then. I thought someone had opened a door or dropped something on Breeze's head and genuinely knocked him out.
Some new from the Observer:
I wonder if Vince got the message when all those surveys came back saying how great NXT is compared to Raw.