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Dehumanizing Cross-up Leads to Philly College Student's Arrest

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Raw Story said:
A black junior college basketball player said he was briefly detained by two Philadelphia police officers he embarrassed during a pickup basketball game.

Samir Hill, a 5-foot-7 point guard at Allegany College of Maryland, was playing against some neighborhood kids when the officers approached, reported Complex.

The 21-year-old Hill said the officers joked that they didn’t look very good and “started talking trash” – so he challenged them to a game.

“We gave them ball first, (and) I was playing on the court two-on-two with my friend Josh — they almost scored on him,” Hill said, as his friend loudly protested in the background. “We get the ball, and everybody starts pulling out their cameras. The first cop, I crossed him and laid it up.”

A pair of short video clips posted on Vine, showing Hill beating the officers on crossover dribbles, went viral.

“He’s like, ‘I don’t play basketball, I play football,’” Hill said. “So he put his partner on me — the second one, the one I made fall. Everyone went crazy.”

Hill never learned the officers’ names, but he said they tried to arrest him two days later, after pro athletes — including former NFL star Chad Johnson — shared the video clips on social media.

“I think it was because of the video, but they said it was the people I was around,” Hill said. “I don’t think it was that though, because most of the kids I hang around are college kids. I think they just wanted to take me down to the district to show who I was.”

He said the officers took him to the police station saying they thought they saw him with contraband, but they eventually let him go without charge.

“They didn’t explain it to me,” Hill said. “They just took me in there, handcuffed me to a bench for an hour and a half. They were doing a search on the car. They searched the car for like an hour. They didn’t find nothing, and they let me go. The whole time they were telling me how they weren’t going to lock me up, that they were targeting my friend.”

He said the officers told him they would come back the next day in basketball gear for a rematch, but he said the pair never showed.

“I don’t want to play them any more, though,” Hill said. “There’s no point. I did what I had to do to them.”

Raw Story
EDIT - Complex - Has Instagram videos of the game and arrest

Could have been a cute interaction but of course somebody had to have their jimmies rustled. It may seem innocuous on the cops' end but something about it smacks of a "you're always gonna be on our radar no matter how big you get" type message to me.
whats beginning to bother me more and more about these stories is that cops are seemingly being paided to hustle and bother people, why search a car for an hour? that's two officers basically waving their dicks in the wind.


I thought all those petty thuggish violent cops you see in movies and TV-series were just fiction but the more I read about American cops the more that it seems to be the reality :/


Some people just shouldn't be in positions of power. Unfortunately, those are most often the same people who seek out those positions. Police accountability really shouldn't be a politically polarized issue. :/


my cake, fuck off
This could have been a feel good story of some cops playing a good-natured game of basketball with local residents, but they went and fucked it all up.


Crossed them so hard they detained him on phony 'suspicion' charges a few days later


So not only do they shit on kids verbally, they only want to play if they're getting paid, and they get so mad about losing they come back days later to harass dude? Jesus lord, police are the worst.


Crossed them so hard they detained him on phony 'suspicion' charges a few days later

Thats going to be my new taunt.

"Imma cross you out so badly, in then end you're going to have to detain me while searching my vehicle for illicit contraband on unrelated suspicions."


Edit; Also obligatory -

“I think it was because of the video, but they said it was the people I was around,” Hill said. “I don’t think it was that though, because most of the kids I hang around are college kids. I think they just wanted to take me down to the district to show who I was.”

He's been marked.


Why do I get the impression they arrested him so that they could gather DNA and other evidence to frame him in the future?


He obliterated that one cop. A rematch would've been a more reasonable reaction. I remember watching these a couple days back.


If the video ended up with the cops shaking hands with the kid and telling him good game, could of been a real positive story.....oh well.
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