mightynine said:
Now THAT's some political debate.
ConfusingJazz said:A vote for Kerry is a vote for BOOBS!
Joe said:maybe i'm an easy sell but i really like what the dems are saying.
There are a lot of highly religious democrats, but they use their religious conviction differently than Republicans.Socreges said:Is the Democratic party fairly Christian or do they only espouse some religious conviction in order to attract voters strong in "faith"? I find that interesting.
jobber said:Edwards is great speaker. He's got them eating out the palm of his hand. He's good enough to be president in 8 years. If they lose, he should run in '08. Last time I voted for Nader, this time I'm voting for....MYSELF.
Yet he also seems to make corporate america shudder in fear... which can't be all bad.Loki said:He's a scheming trial lawyer-- his job is to be persuasive and silver-tongued. As for his prospective candidacy in 2008, well, God help us if a freaking trial lawyer is ever president of this country. Then again, many, many politicians are lawyers by trade, so I suppose the damage is already done.
Hitokage said:Yet he also seems to make corporate america shudder in fear... which can't be all bad.
Raoul Duke said:Nah, corporations are more loathesome than trial lawyers. And I'm an expert on loathing and loathsomeness. Trust me on this one, bubba.
Loki said:Perhaps, but not by much. And I prefer to do my own thinking, thank you. Bubba.
Raoul Duke said:
If corporations weren't so loathesome... then maybe trial lawyers wouldn't be so succesful, eh? Chicken or the egg, huh bubba?
Raoul Duke said:My point was made in jest. I have long held to the belief that when the Revolution comes, that "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". Of course, I don't suppose that you're trying to imply that we should just GET RID OF all the trial lawyers, are you? Since the current political climate has pretty much given corporations carte blanche to do whatever they want, trial lawyers are sadly NEEDED to curb the excesses of the the Enrons, Arthur Andersons and Neil Bushes of the world. These are people/companies that have ruined HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of lives, and that should under no circumstances go unpunished. If there were TRUE justice in the world, Kenneth Lay would be chained to Scott Peterson and they would be forced to march through America, pelted with offal and ridiculed by the populace.
Er... but now I have branched off my intended point. I guess what I was trying to say, is that if corporations/American law weren't so fucked, then trial lawyers wouldn't be able to pull the kind of loathesome shit that they do on a regular basis. But in all honesty, knowing what I do about Edwards and Cheney, if you were to ask me which I would rather have as veep, well there's no thought required. My answer is Edwards 1000 times out of 1000.
Do you have stats to back up the fact that Edwards specifically is responsible for junk science and frivilous cases.Loki said:And I know you're not going to argue that physicians are loathsome (particularly ones who were following proper protocol), because I have stats to back up the fact that the vast majority of such cases are frivolous
That case got thrown out, IIRC, but I do know that if they did pull the supersize, it was on their own*.DJ_Tet said:I thank my trial lawyer everytime I go to McD's and can't order a supersize.
DJ_Tet said:I thank my trial lawyer everytime I go to McD's and can't order a supersize.
Gruco said:Do you have stats to back up the fact that Edwards specifically is responsible for junk science and frivilous cases.
For six years now, Republicans have tried to minimize and demonize John Edwards as the worst kind of societal parasite: a personal-injury lawyer. North Carolina Sen. Lauch Faircloth ran anti-lawyer TV spots when Edwards ran against him in 1998. When Edwards began pondering a presidential campaign, then-White House spokesman Ari Fleischer was quoted as saying, "Bring on the ambulance chaser."
On a summer evening in 1993, David Lakey took his little girl swimming at a recreation center in Raleigh, N.C. Valerie Lakey was 5 years old, a good swimmer, and she and her friends liked to splash around in the children's wading pool that stayed open a little later than the big pool where they usually swam.
That's what Valerie was doing when a nearby mom heard her call out for help. Valerie was sitting on the bottom of the shallow pool, and the suction from the drain was holding her down. David Lakey raced to free his daughter but couldn't. Other parents jumped in the water to help, but they couldn't get Valerie loose. Valerie was scared, and she began to say that her stomach hurt.
Time passed, and somebody figured out how to turn off the pool's pump. The suction broke, and Valerie was released from its grip. But as David Lakey pulled his daughter from the water, blood and tissue filled the pool. Valerie's intestines had been sucked out.
David Lakey slumped to the ground on the side of the pool. He held his daughter on his chest, praying as they waited for an ambulance. Over and over, he told Valerie, "Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you. Daddy loves you."
Edwards represented Valerie in a lawsuit against the company that made the drain cover in that swimming pool. A jury awarded her $25 million, compensation for a life of intravenous feedings and colostomy bags.
maharg said:Is it just me or does Edwards look a little like John Ritter?
Loki said:He's a scheming trial lawyer-- his job is to be persuasive and silver-tongued. As for his prospective candidacy in 2008, well, God help us if a freaking trial lawyer is ever president of this country. Then again, many, many politicians are lawyers by trade, so I suppose the damage is already done.
DJ_Tet said:If trial lawyer is such an honorable profession, why is Edwards referred to as "Son of a mill worker?"
Politics. Being a trial lawyer isn't inherently bad, but definitely more people believe it is inherently bad than would believe the same about coming from common roots or some other happy thing.DJ_Tet said:If trial lawyer is such an honorable profession, why is Edwards referred to as "Son of a mill worker?"